Interface Collapsible

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Container, Container.Hierarchical, Container.Ordered, Serializable

    public interface Collapsible
    extends Container.Hierarchical, Container.Ordered
    Container needed by large lazy loading hierarchies displayed e.g. in TreeTable.

    Container of this type gets notified when a subtree is opened/closed in a component displaying its content. This allows container to lazy load subtrees and release memory when a sub-tree is no longer displayed.

    Methods from Container.Ordered (and from if implemented) are expected to work as in "preorder" of the currently visible hierarchy. This means for example that the return value of size method changes when subtree is collapsed/expanded. In other words items in collapsed sub trees should be "ignored" by container when the container is accessed with methods introduced in Container.Ordered or . From the accessors point of view, items in collapsed subtrees don't exist.

    • Method Detail

      • setCollapsed

        void setCollapsed​(Object itemId,
                          boolean collapsed)

        Collapsing the Item indicated by itemId hides all children, and their respective children, from the Container.

        If called on a leaf Item, this method does nothing.

        itemId - the identifier of the collapsed Item
        collapsed - true if you want to collapse the children below this Item. false if you want to uncollapse the children.
      • isCollapsed

        boolean isCollapsed​(Object itemId)

        Checks whether the Item, identified by itemId is collapsed or not.

        If an Item is "collapsed" its children are not included in methods used to list Items in this container.

        itemId - The Item's identifier that is to be checked.
        true iff the Item identified by itemId is currently collapsed, otherwise false.