Buffered |
Defines the interface to commit and discard changes to an object, supporting
BufferedValidatable |
This interface defines the combination of Validatable and
Buffered interfaces.
Collapsible |
Container needed by large lazy loading hierarchies displayed e.g.
Container |
A specialized set of identified Items.
Container.Editor |
Interface implemented by the editor classes supporting editing the
Container.Filter |
Filter interface for container filtering.
Container.Filterable |
Interface that is implemented by containers which allow reducing their
visible contents based on a set of filters.
Container.Hierarchical |
Interface for Container classes whose Items can be arranged
Container.Indexed |
Interface for Container classes whose Item s can be accessed by
their position in the container.
Container.Indexed.ItemAddEvent |
An Event object specifying information about the added
Container.Indexed.ItemRemoveEvent |
An Event object specifying information about the removed
Container.ItemSetChangeEvent |
An Event object specifying the Container whose Item set has
changed (items added, removed or reordered).
Container.ItemSetChangeListener |
Container Item set change listener interface.
Container.ItemSetChangeNotifier |
The interface for adding and removing ItemSetChangeEvent
Container.Ordered |
Interface for Container classes whose Item s can be traversed in
Container.PropertySetChangeEvent |
An Event object specifying the Container whose Property set
has changed.
Container.PropertySetChangeListener |
The listener interface for receiving PropertySetChangeEvent
Container.PropertySetChangeNotifier |
The interface for adding and removing PropertySetChangeEvent
Container.SimpleFilterable |
Interface that is implemented by containers which allow reducing their
visible contents based on a set of filters.
Container.Sortable |
Interface for Container classes whose Item s can be sorted.
Container.Viewer |
Interface implemented by viewer classes capable of using a Container as a
data source.
Item |
Provides a mechanism for handling a set of Properties, each associated to a
locally unique non-null identifier.
Item.Editor |
Interface implemented by the Editor classes capable of
editing the Item.
Item.PropertySetChangeEvent |
An Event object specifying the Item whose contents has been
changed through the Property interface.
Item.PropertySetChangeListener |
The listener interface for receiving PropertySetChangeEvent
Item.PropertySetChangeNotifier |
The interface for adding and removing PropertySetChangeEvent
Item.Viewer |
Interface implemented by viewer classes capable of using an Item as a
data source.
Property<T> |
The Property is a simple data object that contains one typed
Property.Editor |
Interface implemented by the editor classes capable of editing the
Property.ReadOnlyStatusChangeEvent |
An Event object specifying the Property whose read-only
status has been changed.
Property.ReadOnlyStatusChangeListener |
The listener interface for receiving
ReadOnlyStatusChangeEvent objects.
Property.ReadOnlyStatusChangeNotifier |
The interface for adding and removing
ReadOnlyStatusChangeEvent listeners.
Property.Transactional<T> |
A Property that is capable of handle a transaction that can end in commit
or rollback.
Property.ValueChangeEvent |
An Event object specifying the Property whose value has been
Property.ValueChangeListener |
The listener interface for receiving
ValueChangeEvent objects.
Property.ValueChangeNotifier |
The interface for adding and removing ValueChangeEvent
Property.Viewer |
Interface implemented by the viewer classes capable of using a Property
as a data source.
Validatable |
Interface for validatable objects.
Validator |
Interface that implements a method for validating if an Object is
valid or not.