Class Validator.InvalidValueException

    • Constructor Detail

      • InvalidValueException

        public InvalidValueException​(String message)
        Constructs a new InvalidValueException with the specified message.
        message - The detail message of the problem.
      • InvalidValueException

        public InvalidValueException​(String message,
                                     Validator.InvalidValueException... causes)
        Constructs a new InvalidValueException with a set of causing validation exceptions. The causing validation exceptions are included when the exception is painted to the client.
        message - The detail message of the problem.
        causes - One or more InvalidValueExceptions that caused this exception.
    • Method Detail

      • isInvisible

        public boolean isInvisible()
        Check if the error message should be hidden. An empty (null or "") message is invisible unless it contains nested exceptions that are visible.
        true if the error message should be hidden, false otherwise
      • getHtmlMessage

        public String getHtmlMessage()
        Returns the message of the error in HTML. Note that this API may change in future versions.
      • getCauses

        public Validator.InvalidValueException[] getCauses()
        Returns the InvalidValueExceptions that caused this exception.
        An array containing the InvalidValueExceptions that caused this exception. Returns an empty array if this exception was not caused by other exceptions.