Interface Container

    • Method Detail

      • getItem

        Item getItem​(Object itemId)
        Gets the Item with the given Item ID from the Container. If the Container does not contain the requested Item, null is returned.

        Containers should not return Items that are filtered out.

        itemId - ID of the Item to retrieve
        the Item with the given ID or null if the Item is not found in the Container
      • getContainerPropertyIds

        Collection<?> getContainerPropertyIds()
        Gets the ID's of all Properties stored in the Container. The ID's cannot be modified through the returned collection.
        unmodifiable collection of Property IDs
      • getItemIds

        Collection<?> getItemIds()
        Gets the ID's of all visible (after filtering and sorting) Items stored in the Container. The ID's cannot be modified through the returned collection.

        If the container is Container.Ordered, the collection returned by this method should follow that order. If the container is Container.Sortable, the items should be in the sorted order.

        Calling this method for large lazy containers can be an expensive operation and should be avoided when practical.

        unmodifiable collection of Item IDs
      • getContainerProperty

        Property getContainerProperty​(Object itemId,
                                      Object propertyId)
        Gets the Property identified by the given itemId and propertyId from the Container. If the Container does not contain the item or it is filtered out, or the Container does not have the Property, null is returned.
        itemId - ID of the visible Item which contains the Property
        propertyId - ID of the Property to retrieve
        Property with the given ID or null
      • getType

        Class<?> getType​(Object propertyId)
        Gets the data type of all Properties identified by the given Property ID.
        propertyId - ID identifying the Properties
        data type of the Properties
      • size

        int size()
        Gets the number of visible Items in the Container.

        Filtering can hide items so that they will not be visible through the container API.

        number of Items in the Container
      • containsId

        boolean containsId​(Object itemId)
        Tests if the Container contains the specified Item.

        Filtering can hide items so that they will not be visible through the container API, and this method should respect visibility of items (i.e. only indicate visible items as being in the container) if feasible for the container.

        itemId - ID the of Item to be tested
        boolean indicating if the Container holds the specified Item
      • addItem

        Item addItem​(Object itemId)
              throws UnsupportedOperationException
        Creates a new Item with the given ID in the Container.

        The new Item is returned, and it is ready to have its Properties modified. Returns null if the operation fails or the Container already contains a Item with the given ID.

        This functionality is optional.

        itemId - ID of the Item to be created
        Created new Item, or null in case of a failure
        UnsupportedOperationException - if adding an item with an explicit item ID is not supported by the container
      • addItem

        Object addItem()
                throws UnsupportedOperationException
        Creates a new Item into the Container, and assign it an automatic ID.

        The new ID is returned, or null if the operation fails. After a successful call you can use the getItemmethod to fetch the Item.

        This functionality is optional.

        ID of the newly created Item, or null in case of a failure
        UnsupportedOperationException - if adding an item without an explicit item ID is not supported by the container
      • removeItem

        boolean removeItem​(Object itemId)
                    throws UnsupportedOperationException
        Removes the Item identified by ItemId from the Container.

        Containers that support filtering should also allow removing an item that is currently filtered out.

        This functionality is optional.

        itemId - ID of the Item to remove
        true if the operation succeeded, false if not
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the container does not support removing individual items
      • addContainerProperty

        boolean addContainerProperty​(Object propertyId,
                                     Class<?> type,
                                     Object defaultValue)
                              throws UnsupportedOperationException
        Adds a new Property to all Items in the Container. The Property ID, data type and default value of the new Property are given as parameters.

        This functionality is optional.

        propertyId - ID of the Property
        type - Data type of the new Property
        defaultValue - The value all created Properties are initialized to
        true if the operation succeeded, false if not
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the container does not support explicitly adding container properties
      • removeContainerProperty

        boolean removeContainerProperty​(Object propertyId)
                                 throws UnsupportedOperationException
        Removes a Property specified by the given Property ID from the Container. Note that the Property will be removed from all Items in the Container.

        This functionality is optional.

        propertyId - ID of the Property to remove
        true if the operation succeeded, false if not
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the container does not support removing container properties
      • removeAllItems

        boolean removeAllItems()
                        throws UnsupportedOperationException
        Removes all Items from the Container.

        Note that Property ID and type information is preserved. This functionality is optional.

        true if the operation succeeded, false if not
        UnsupportedOperationException - if the container does not support removing all items