Package com.vaadin.ui

Class Window

    • Constructor Detail

      • Window

        public Window()
        Creates a new, empty window
      • Window

        public Window​(String caption)
        Creates a new, empty window with a given title.
        caption - the title of the window.
      • Window

        public Window​(String caption,
                      Component content)
        Creates a new, empty window with the given content and title.
        caption - the title of the window.
        content - the contents of the window
    • Method Detail

      • paintContent

        public void paintContent​(PaintTarget target)
                          throws PaintException
        Description copied from interface: LegacyComponent

        Paints the Paintable into a UIDL stream. This method creates the UIDL sequence describing it and outputs it to the given UIDL stream.

        It is called when the contents of the component should be painted in response to the component first being shown or having been altered so that its visual representation is changed.

        Specified by:
        paintContent in interface LegacyComponent
        paintContent in class Panel
        target - the target UIDL stream where the component should paint itself to.
        PaintException - if the paint operation failed.
      • setParent

        public void setParent​(HasComponents parent)
        Description copied from interface: Component
        Sets the parent connector of the component.

        This method automatically calls Component.attach() if the component becomes attached to the session, regardless of whether it was attached previously. Conversely, if the component currently is attached to the session, ClientConnector.detach() is called for the connector before attaching it to a new parent.

        This method is rarely called directly. ComponentContainer.addComponent(Component) or a HasComponents specific method is normally used for adding components to a parent and the used method will call this method implicitly.

        Specified by:
        setParent in interface Component
        setParent in class AbstractComponent
        parent - the parent connector
      • changeVariables

        public void changeVariables​(Object source,
                                    Map<String,​Object> variables)
        Description copied from class: Panel
        Called when one or more variables handled by the implementing class are changed.
        Specified by:
        changeVariables in interface VariableOwner
        changeVariables in class Panel
        source - the Source of the variable change. This is the origin of the event. For example in Web Adapter this is the request.
        variables - the Mapping from variable names to new variable values.
        See Also:
        VariableOwner.changeVariables(Object, Map)
      • close

        public void close()
        Method that handles window closing (from UI).

        By default, windows are removed from their respective UIs and thus visually closed on browser-side.

        To react to a window being closed (after it is closed), register a Window.CloseListener.

      • getPositionX

        public int getPositionX()
        Gets the distance of Window left border in pixels from left border of the containing (main window) when the window is in WindowMode.NORMAL.
        the Distance of Window left border in pixels from left border of the containing (main window).or -1 if unspecified
      • setPosition

        public void setPosition​(int x,
                                int y)
        Sets the position of the window on the screen using setPositionX(int) and setPositionY(int)
        x - The new x coordinate for the window
        y - The new y coordinate for the window
      • setPositionX

        public void setPositionX​(int positionX)
        Sets the distance of Window left border in pixels from left border of the containing (main window). Has effect only if in WindowMode.NORMAL mode.
        positionX - the Distance of Window left border in pixels from left border of the containing (main window). or -1 if unspecified.
      • getPositionY

        public int getPositionY()
        Gets the distance of Window top border in pixels from top border of the containing (main window) when the window is in WindowMode.NORMAL state, or when next set to that state.
        Distance of Window top border in pixels from top border of the containing (main window). or -1 if unspecified
      • setPositionY

        public void setPositionY​(int positionY)
        Sets the distance of Window top border in pixels from top border of the containing (main window). Has effect only if in WindowMode.NORMAL mode.
        positionY - the Distance of Window top border in pixels from top border of the containing (main window). or -1 if unspecified
      • addCloseListener

        public void addCloseListener​(Window.CloseListener listener)
        Adds a CloseListener to the window. For a window the CloseListener is fired when the user closes it (clicks on the close button). For a browser level window the CloseListener is fired when the browser level window is closed. Note that closing a browser level window does not mean it will be destroyed. Also note that Opera does not send events like all other browsers and therefore the close listener might not be called if Opera is used.

        Since Vaadin 6.5, removing windows using #removeWindow(Window) does fire the CloseListener.

        listener - the CloseListener to add.
      • removeCloseListener

        public void removeCloseListener​(Window.CloseListener listener)
        Removes the CloseListener from the window.

        For more information on CloseListeners see Window.CloseListener.

        listener - the CloseListener to remove.
      • fireClose

        protected void fireClose()
      • addWindowModeChangeListener

        public void addWindowModeChangeListener​(Window.WindowModeChangeListener listener)
        Adds a WindowModeChangeListener to the window. The WindowModeChangeEvent is fired when the user changed the display state by clicking the maximize/restore button or by double clicking on the window header. The event is also fired if the state is changed using setWindowMode(WindowMode).
        listener - the WindowModeChangeListener to add.
      • removeWindowModeChangeListener

        public void removeWindowModeChangeListener​(Window.WindowModeChangeListener listener)
        Removes the WindowModeChangeListener from the window.
        listener - the WindowModeChangeListener to remove.
      • fireWindowWindowModeChange

        protected void fireWindowWindowModeChange()
      • addResizeListener

        public void addResizeListener​(Window.ResizeListener listener)
        Add a resize listener.
        listener -
      • removeResizeListener

        public void removeResizeListener​(Window.ResizeListener listener)
        Remove a resize listener.
        listener -
      • fireResize

        protected void fireResize()
        Fire the resize event.
      • bringToFront

        public void bringToFront()
        If there are currently several windows visible, calling this method makes this window topmost.

        This method can only be called if this window connected a UI. Else an illegal state exception is thrown. Also if there are modal windows and this window is not modal, and illegal state exception is thrown.

      • setModal

        public void setModal​(boolean modal)
        Sets window modality. When a modal window is open, components outside that window cannot be accessed.

        Keyboard navigation is restricted by blocking the tab key at the top and bottom of the window by activating the tab stop function internally.

        modal - true if modality is to be turned on
      • isModal

        public boolean isModal()
        true if this window is modal.
      • setResizable

        public void setResizable​(boolean resizable)
        Sets window resizable.
        resizable - true if resizability is to be turned on
      • isResizable

        public boolean isResizable()
        true if window is resizable by the end-user, otherwise false.
      • isResizeLazy

        public boolean isResizeLazy()
        true if a delay is used before recalculating sizes, false if sizes are recalculated immediately.
      • setResizeLazy

        public void setResizeLazy​(boolean resizeLazy)
        Should resize operations be lazy, i.e. should there be a delay before layout sizes are recalculated. Speeds up resize operations in slow UIs with the penalty of slightly decreased usability. Note, some browser send false resize events for the browser window and are therefore always lazy.
        resizeLazy - true to use a delay before recalculating sizes, false to calculate immediately.
      • center

        public void center()
        Sets this window to be centered relative to its parent window. Affects windows only. If the window is resized as a result of the size of its content changing, it will keep itself centered as long as its position is not explicitly changed programmatically or by the user.

        NOTE: This method has several issues as currently implemented. Please refer to for details.

      • isClosable

        public boolean isClosable()
        Returns the closable status of the window. If a window is closable, it typically shows an X in the upper right corner. Clicking on the X sends a close event to the server. Setting closable to false will remove the X from the window and prevent the user from closing the window. Note! For historical reasons readonly controls the closability of the window and therefore readonly and closable affect each other. Setting readonly to true will set closable to false and vice versa.

        true if the window can be closed by the user.
      • setClosable

        public void setClosable​(boolean closable)
        Sets the closable status for the window. If a window is closable it typically shows an X in the upper right corner. Clicking on the X sends a close event to the server. Setting closable to false will remove the X from the window and prevent the user from closing the window. Note! For historical reasons readonly controls the closability of the window and therefore readonly and closable affect each other. Setting readonly to true will set closable to false and vice versa.

        closable - determines if the window can be closed by the user.
      • isDraggable

        public boolean isDraggable()
        Indicates whether a window can be dragged or not. By default a window is draggable.

        draggable - true if the window can be dragged by the user
      • setDraggable

        public void setDraggable​(boolean draggable)
        Enables or disables that a window can be dragged (moved) by the user. By default a window is draggable.

        draggable - true if the window can be dragged by the user
      • getWindowMode

        public WindowMode getWindowMode()
        Gets the current mode of the window.
        the mode of the window.
        See Also:
      • setWindowMode

        public void setWindowMode​(WindowMode windowMode)
        Sets the mode for the window
        windowMode - The new mode
        See Also:
      • addCloseShortcut

        public void addCloseShortcut​(int keyCode,
                                     int... modifiers)
        Adds a close shortcut - pressing this key while holding down all (if any) modifiers specified while this Window is in focus will close the Window.
        keyCode - the keycode for invoking the shortcut
        modifiers - the (optional) modifiers for invoking the shortcut. Can be set to null to be explicit about not having modifiers.
      • removeCloseShortcut

        public void removeCloseShortcut​(int keyCode,
                                        int... modifiers)
        Removes a close shortcut previously added with addCloseShortcut(int, int...).
        keyCode - the keycode for invoking the shortcut
        modifiers - the (optional) modifiers for invoking the shortcut. Can be set to null to be explicit about not having modifiers.
      • removeAllCloseShortcuts

        public void removeAllCloseShortcuts()
        Removes all close shortcuts. This includes the default ESCAPE shortcut. It is up to the user to add back any and all keyboard close shortcuts they may require. For more fine-grained control over shortcuts, use removeCloseShortcut(int, int...).
      • hasCloseShortcut

        public boolean hasCloseShortcut​(int keyCode,
                                        int... modifiers)
        Checks if a close window shortcut key has already been registered.
        keyCode - the keycode for invoking the shortcut
        modifiers - the (optional) modifiers for invoking the shortcut. Can be set to null to be explicit about not having modifiers.
        true, if an exactly matching shortcut has been registered.
      • getCloseShortcuts

        public Collection<Window.CloseShortcut> getCloseShortcuts()
        Returns an unmodifiable collection of Window.CloseShortcut objects currently registered with this Window. This method is provided mainly so that users can implement their own serialization routines. To check if a certain combination of keys has been registered as a close shortcut, use the hasCloseShortcut(int, int...) method instead.
        an unmodifiable Collection of CloseShortcut objects.
      • getState

        protected WindowState getState()
        Description copied from class: AbstractComponent
        Returns the shared state bean with information to be sent from the server to the client. Subclasses should override this method and set any relevant fields of the state returned by super.getState().
        getState in class Panel
        updated component shared state
      • getState

        protected WindowState getState​(boolean markAsDirty)
        Description copied from class: AbstractClientConnector
        Returns the shared state for this connector.
        getState in class Panel
        markAsDirty - true if the connector should automatically be marked dirty, false otherwise
        The shared state for this connector. Never null.
        See Also:
      • setAssistiveDescription

        public void setAssistiveDescription​(Component... components)
        Allows to specify which components contain the description for the window. Text contained in these components will be read by assistive devices when it is opened.
        components - the components to use as description
      • getAssistiveDescription

        public Component[] getAssistiveDescription()
        Gets the components that are used as assistive description. Text contained in these components will be read by assistive devices when the window is opened.
        array of previously set components
      • setAssistivePrefix

        public void setAssistivePrefix​(String prefix)
        Sets the accessibility prefix for the window caption. This prefix is read to assistive device users before the window caption, but not visible on the page.
        prefix - String that is placed before the window caption
      • getAssistivePrefix

        public String getAssistivePrefix()
        Gets the accessibility prefix for the window caption. This prefix is read to assistive device users before the window caption, but not visible on the page.
        The accessibility prefix
      • setAssistivePostfix

        public void setAssistivePostfix​(String assistivePostfix)
        Sets the accessibility postfix for the window caption. This postfix is read to assistive device users after the window caption, but not visible on the page.
        prefix - String that is placed after the window caption
      • getAssistivePostfix

        public String getAssistivePostfix()
        Gets the accessibility postfix for the window caption. This postfix is read to assistive device users after the window caption, but not visible on the page.
        The accessibility postfix
      • setAssistiveRole

        public void setAssistiveRole​(WindowRole role)
        Sets the WAI-ARIA role the window. This role defines how an assistive device handles a window. Available roles are alertdialog and dialog (@see Roles Model). The default role is dialog.
        role - WAI-ARIA role to set for the window
      • getAssistiveRole

        public WindowRole getAssistiveRole()
        Gets the WAI-ARIA role the window. This role defines how an assistive device handles a window. Available roles are alertdialog and dialog (@see Roles Model).
        WAI-ARIA role set for the window
      • setTabStopEnabled

        public void setTabStopEnabled​(boolean tabStop)
        Set if it should be prevented to set the focus to a component outside a non-modal window with the tab key.

        This is meant to help users of assistive devices to not leaving the window unintentionally.

        For modal windows, this function is activated automatically, while preserving the stored value of tabStop.

        tabStop - true to keep the focus inside the window when reaching the top or bottom, false (default) to allow leaving the window
      • isTabStopEnabled

        public boolean isTabStopEnabled()
        Get if it is prevented to leave a window with the tab key.
        true when the focus is limited to inside the window, false when focus can leave the window
      • setTabStopTopAssistiveText

        public void setTabStopTopAssistiveText​(String topMessage)
        Sets the message that is provided to users of assistive devices when the user reaches the top of the window when leaving a window with the tab key is prevented.

        This message is not visible on the screen.

        topMessage - String provided when the user navigates with Shift-Tab keys to the top of the window
      • setTabStopBottomAssistiveText

        public void setTabStopBottomAssistiveText​(String bottomMessage)
        Sets the message that is provided to users of assistive devices when the user reaches the bottom of the window when leaving a window with the tab key is prevented.

        This message is not visible on the screen.

        bottomMessage - String provided when the user navigates with the Tab key to the bottom of the window
      • getTabStopTopAssistiveText

        public String getTabStopTopAssistiveText()
        Gets the message that is provided to users of assistive devices when the user reaches the top of the window when leaving a window with the tab key is prevented.
        the top message
      • getTabStopBottomAssistiveText

        public String getTabStopBottomAssistiveText()
        Gets the message that is provided to users of assistive devices when the user reaches the bottom of the window when leaving a window with the tab key is prevented.
        the bottom message
      • readDesign

        public void readDesign​(org.jsoup.nodes.Element design,
                               DesignContext context)
        Description copied from interface: Component
        Reads the component state from the given design.

        The component is responsible not only for updating its own state but also for ensuring that its children update their state based on the design.

        It is assumed that the component is in its default state when this method is called. Reading should only take into consideration attributes specified in the design and not reset any unspecified attributes to their defaults.

        This method must not modify the design.

        Specified by:
        readDesign in interface Component
        readDesign in class Panel
        design - The element to obtain the state from
        context - The DesignContext instance used for parsing the design
      • readDesignChildren

        protected void readDesignChildren​( children,
                                          DesignContext context)
        Reads the content and possible assistive descriptions from the list of child elements of a design. If an element has an :assistive-description attribute, adds the parsed component to the list of components used as the assistive description of this Window. Otherwise, sets the component as the content of this Window. If there are multiple non-description elements, throws a DesignException.
        readDesignChildren in class AbstractSingleComponentContainer
        children - child elements in a design
        context - the DesignContext instance used to parse the design
        DesignException - if there are multiple non-description child elements
        DesignException - if a child element could not be parsed as a Component
        See Also:
        AbstractSingleComponentContainer.setContent(Component), setAssistiveDescription(Component...)
      • writeDesign

        public void writeDesign​(org.jsoup.nodes.Element design,
                                DesignContext context)
        Description copied from interface: Component
        Writes the component state to the given design.

        The component is responsible not only for writing its own state but also for ensuring that its children write their state to the design.

        This method must not modify the component state.

        Specified by:
        writeDesign in interface Component
        writeDesign in class Panel
        design - The element to write the component state to. Any previous attributes or child nodes are not cleared.
        context - The DesignContext instance used for writing the design