Package com.vaadin.ui

Class Window.CloseShortcut

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Action.Listener, Serializable
    Enclosing class:

    public static class Window.CloseShortcut
    extends ShortcutListener
    A ShortcutListener specifically made to define a keyboard shortcut that closes the window.
      // within the window using helper
      window.setCloseShortcut(KeyCode.ESCAPE, null);
      // or globally
      getUI().addAction(new Window.CloseShortcut(window, KeyCode.ESCAPE));
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • window

        protected Window window
    • Constructor Detail

      • CloseShortcut

        public CloseShortcut​(Window window,
                             String shorthandCaption)
        Creates a keyboard shortcut for closing the given window using the shorthand notation defined in ShortcutAction.
        window - to be closed when the shortcut is invoked
        shorthandCaption - the caption with shortcut keycode and modifiers indicated
      • CloseShortcut

        public CloseShortcut​(Window window,
                             int keyCode,
                             int... modifiers)
        Creates a keyboard shortcut for closing the given window using the given ShortcutAction.KeyCode and ShortcutAction.ModifierKeys.
        window - to be closed when the shortcut is invoked
        keyCode - KeyCode to react to
        modifiers - optional modifiers for shortcut
      • CloseShortcut

        public CloseShortcut​(Window window,
                             int keyCode)
        Creates a keyboard shortcut for closing the given window using the given ShortcutAction.KeyCode.
        window - to be closed when the shortcut is invoked
        keyCode - KeyCode to react to