Package com.vaadin.ui

Class ColorPickerArea

    • Constructor Detail

      • ColorPickerArea

        public ColorPickerArea()
        Instantiates a new color picker.
      • ColorPickerArea

        public ColorPickerArea​(String popupCaption)
        Instantiates a new color picker.
        popupCaption - caption of the color select popup
      • ColorPickerArea

        public ColorPickerArea​(String popupCaption,
                               Color initialColor)
        Instantiates a new color picker.
        popupCaption - caption of the color select popup
        initialColor - the initial color
    • Method Detail

      • beforeClientResponse

        public void beforeClientResponse​(boolean initial)
        Description copied from interface: ClientConnector
        Called before the shared state and RPC invocations are sent to the client. Gives the connector an opportunity to set computed/dynamic state values or to invoke last minute RPC methods depending on other component features.
        Specified by:
        beforeClientResponse in interface ClientConnector
        beforeClientResponse in class AbstractComponent
        initial - true if the client-side connector will be created and initialized after this method has been invoked. false if there is already an initialized client-side connector.