Package com.vaadin.ui

Class Grid.AbstractSelectionModel

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractSelectionModel

        public AbstractSelectionModel()
    • Method Detail

      • isSelected

        public boolean isSelected​(Object itemId)
        Description copied from interface: Grid.SelectionModel
        Checks whether an item is selected or not.
        Specified by:
        isSelected in interface Grid.SelectionModel
        itemId - the item id to check for
        true iff the item is selected
      • setGrid

        public void setGrid​(Grid grid)
        Description copied from interface: Grid.SelectionModel
        Injects the current Grid instance into the SelectionModel. This method should usually call the extend method of AbstractExtension.

        Note: This method should not be called manually.

        Specified by:
        setGrid in interface Grid.SelectionModel
        grid - the Grid in which the SelectionModel currently is, or null when a selection model is being detached from a Grid.
      • checkItemIdExists

        protected void checkItemIdExists​(Object itemId)
                                  throws IllegalArgumentException
        Sanity check for existence of item id.
        itemId - item id to be selected / deselected
        IllegalArgumentException - if item Id doesn't exist in the container of Grid
      • checkItemIdsExist

        protected void checkItemIdsExist​(Collection<?> itemIds)
                                  throws IllegalArgumentException
        Sanity check for existence of item ids in given collection.
        itemIds - item id collection to be selected / deselected
        IllegalArgumentException - if at least one item id doesn't exist in the container of Grid
      • generateData

        public void generateData​(Object itemId,
                                 Item item,
                                 JsonObject rowData)
        Description copied from interface: DataGenerator
        Adds data to row object for given item and item id being sent to client.
        Specified by:
        generateData in interface DataGenerator
        itemId - item id of item
        item - item being sent to client
        rowData - row object being sent to client
      • destroyData

        public void destroyData​(Object itemId)
        Description copied from interface: DataGenerator
        Informs the DataGenerator that an item id has been dropped and is no longer needed. This method should clean up any unneeded stored data related to the item.
        Specified by:
        destroyData in interface DataGenerator
        itemId - removed item id
      • getItemId

        protected Object getItemId​(String rowKey)
        Description copied from class: Grid.AbstractGridExtension
        Gets the item id for a row key.

        A key is used to identify a particular row on both a server and a client. This method can be used to get the item id for the row key that the client has sent.

        getItemId in class Grid.AbstractGridExtension
        rowKey - the row key for which to retrieve an item id
        the item id corresponding to key