Package com.vaadin.ui
Class Audio
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class Audio extends AbstractMedia
The Audio component translates into an HTML5 <audio> element and as such is only supported in browsers that support HTML5 media markup. Browsers that do not support HTML5 display the text or HTML set by callingAbstractMedia.setAltText(String)
. A flash-player fallback can be implemented by setting HTML content allowed (AbstractMedia.setHtmlContentAllowed(boolean)
and callingAbstractMedia.setAltText(String)
with the flash player markup. An example of flash fallback can be found at the Mozilla Developer Network. Multiple sources can be specified. Which of the sources is used is selected by the browser depending on which file formats it supports. See wikipedia for a table of formats supported by different browsers.- Since:
- 6.7.0
- Author:
- Vaadin Ltd
- See Also:
- Serialized Form
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.vaadin.server.ClientConnector
ClientConnector.AttachEvent, ClientConnector.AttachListener, ClientConnector.ConnectorErrorEvent, ClientConnector.DetachEvent, ClientConnector.DetachListener
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.vaadin.ui.Component
Component.ErrorEvent, Component.Event, Component.Focusable, Component.Listener
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.vaadin.server.Sizeable
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent
Fields inherited from interface com.vaadin.server.Sizeable
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description protected AudioState
Returns the shared state bean with information to be sent from the server to the client.-
Methods inherited from class com.vaadin.ui.AbstractMedia
addSource, getAltText, getCustomAttributes, getPreload, getSources, getState, handleConnectorRequest, isAutoplay, isHtmlContentAllowed, isLoop, isMuted, isShowControls, pause, play, readDesign, setAltText, setAutoplay, setHtmlContentAllowed, setLoop, setMuted, setPreload, setShowControls, setSource, setSources, writeDesign
Methods inherited from class com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent
addContextClickListener, addListener, addShortcutListener, addStyleName, attach, beforeClientResponse, detach, findAncestor, fireComponentErrorEvent, fireComponentEvent, focus, getActionManager, getCaption, getComponentError, getData, getDebugId, getDescription, getErrorMessage, getExplicitImmediateValue, getHeight, getHeightUnits, getIcon, getId, getLocale, getParent, getPrimaryStyleName, getStyleName, getWidth, getWidthUnits, isCaptionAsHtml, isConnectorEnabled, isEnabled, isImmediate, isOrHasAncestor, isReadOnly, isResponsive, isVisible, removeContextClickListener, removeListener, removeShortcutListener, removeStyleName, setCaption, setCaptionAsHtml, setComponentError, setData, setDebugId, setDescription, setEnabled, setHeight, setHeight, setHeightUndefined, setIcon, setId, setImmediate, setLocale, setParent, setPrimaryStyleName, setReadOnly, setResponsive, setSizeFull, setSizeUndefined, setStyleName, setStyleName, setVisible, setWidth, setWidth, setWidthUndefined
Methods inherited from class com.vaadin.server.AbstractClientConnector
addAttachListener, addDetachListener, addExtension, addListener, addListener, addListener, addMethodInvocationToQueue, createState, encodeState, equals, fireEvent, getAllChildrenIterable, getConnectorId, getErrorHandler, getExtensions, getListeners, getResource, getRpcManager, getRpcProxy, getSession, getStateType, getUI, hashCode, hasListeners, isAttached, isThis, markAsDirty, markAsDirtyRecursive, registerRpc, registerRpc, removeAttachListener, removeDetachListener, removeExtension, removeListener, removeListener, removeListener, removeListener, requestRepaint, requestRepaintAll, retrievePendingRpcCalls, setErrorHandler, setResource
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.vaadin.server.ClientConnector
addAttachListener, addDetachListener, encodeState, getErrorHandler, getExtensions, getRpcManager, getStateType, isAttached, markAsDirty, markAsDirtyRecursive, removeAttachListener, removeDetachListener, removeExtension, requestRepaint, requestRepaintAll, retrievePendingRpcCalls, setErrorHandler
Methods inherited from interface com.vaadin.shared.Connector
Method Detail
protected AudioState getState()
Description copied from class:AbstractComponent
Returns the shared state bean with information to be sent from the server to the client. Subclasses should override this method and set any relevant fields of the state returned by super.getState().- Overrides:
in classAbstractMedia
- Returns:
- updated component shared state