Package com.vaadin.ui

Class AbstractSplitPanel

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractSplitPanel

        public AbstractSplitPanel()
    • Method Detail

      • setFirstComponent

        public void setFirstComponent​(Component c)
        Sets the first component of this split panel. Depending on the direction the first component is shown at the top or to the left.
        c - The component to use as first component
      • setSecondComponent

        public void setSecondComponent​(Component c)
        Sets the second component of this split panel. Depending on the direction the second component is shown at the bottom or to the right.
        c - The component to use as second component
      • getFirstComponent

        public Component getFirstComponent()
        Gets the first component of this split panel. Depending on the direction this is either the component shown at the top or to the left.
        the first component of this split panel
      • getSecondComponent

        public Component getSecondComponent()
        Gets the second component of this split panel. Depending on the direction this is either the component shown at the top or to the left.
        the second component of this split panel
      • iterator

        public Iterator<Component> iterator()
        Description copied from interface: HasComponents
        Gets an iterator to the collection of contained components. Using this iterator it is possible to step through all components contained in this container.
        the component iterator.
      • getComponentCount

        public int getComponentCount()
        Gets the number of contained components. Consistent with the iterator returned by AbstractComponentContainer.getComponentIterator().
        the number of contained components (zero, one or two)
      • replaceComponent

        public void replaceComponent​(Component oldComponent,
                                     Component newComponent)
        Description copied from interface: ComponentContainer
        Replaces the component in the container with another one without changing position.

        This method replaces component with another one is such way that the new component overtakes the position of the old component. If the old component is not in the container, the new component is added to the container. If the both component are already in the container, their positions are swapped. Component attach and detach events should be taken care as with add and remove.

        oldComponent - the old component that will be replaced.
        newComponent - the new component to be replaced.
      • setSplitPosition

        public void setSplitPosition​(float pos)
        Moves the position of the splitter.
        pos - the new size of the first region in the unit that was last used (default is percentage). Fractions are only allowed when unit is percentage.
      • setSplitPosition

        public void setSplitPosition​(float pos,
                                     boolean reverse)
        Moves the position of the splitter.
        pos - the new size of the region in the unit that was last used (default is percentage). Fractions are only allowed when unit is percentage.
        reverse - if set to true the split splitter position is measured by the second region else it is measured by the first region
      • setSplitPosition

        public void setSplitPosition​(float pos,
                                     Sizeable.Unit unit)
        Moves the position of the splitter with given position and unit.
        pos - the new size of the first region. Fractions are only allowed when unit is percentage.
        unit - the unit (from Sizeable) in which the size is given.
      • setSplitPosition

        public void setSplitPosition​(float pos,
                                     Sizeable.Unit unit,
                                     boolean reverse)
        Moves the position of the splitter with given position and unit.
        pos - the new size of the first region. Fractions are only allowed when unit is percentage.
        unit - the unit (from Sizeable) in which the size is given.
        reverse - if set to true the split splitter position is measured by the second region else it is measured by the first region
      • getSplitPosition

        public float getSplitPosition()
        Returns the current position of the splitter, in getSplitPositionUnit() units.
        position of the splitter
      • isSplitPositionReversed

        public boolean isSplitPositionReversed()
        Is the split position reversed. By default the split position is measured by the first region, but if split position is reversed the measuring is done by the second region instead.
        true if reversed, false otherwise.
        See Also:
        setSplitPosition(float, boolean)
      • setMinSplitPosition

        public void setMinSplitPosition​(float pos,
                                        Sizeable.Unit unit)
        Sets the minimum split position to the given position and unit. If the split position is reversed, maximum and minimum are also reversed.
        pos - the minimum position of the split
        unit - the unit (from Sizeable) in which the size is given. Allowed units are UNITS_PERCENTAGE and UNITS_PIXELS
      • getMinSplitPosition

        public float getMinSplitPosition()
        Returns the current minimum position of the splitter, in getMinSplitPositionUnit() units.
        the minimum position of the splitter
      • getMinSplitPositionUnit

        public Sizeable.Unit getMinSplitPositionUnit()
        Returns the unit of the minimum position of the splitter.
        the unit of the minimum position of the splitter
      • setMaxSplitPosition

        public void setMaxSplitPosition​(float pos,
                                        Sizeable.Unit unit)
        Sets the maximum split position to the given position and unit. If the split position is reversed, maximum and minimum are also reversed.
        pos - the maximum position of the split
        unit - the unit (from Sizeable) in which the size is given. Allowed units are UNITS_PERCENTAGE and UNITS_PIXELS
      • getMaxSplitPosition

        public float getMaxSplitPosition()
        Returns the current maximum position of the splitter, in getMaxSplitPositionUnit() units.
        the maximum position of the splitter
      • getMaxSplitPositionUnit

        public Sizeable.Unit getMaxSplitPositionUnit()
        Returns the unit of the maximum position of the splitter
        the unit of the maximum position of the splitter
      • setLocked

        public void setLocked​(boolean locked)
        Lock the SplitPanels position, disabling the user from dragging the split handle.
        locked - Set true if locked, false otherwise.
      • isLocked

        public boolean isLocked()
        Is the SplitPanel handle locked (user not allowed to change split position by dragging).
        true if locked, false otherwise.
      • getState

        protected AbstractSplitPanelState getState()
        Description copied from class: AbstractComponent
        Returns the shared state bean with information to be sent from the server to the client. Subclasses should override this method and set any relevant fields of the state returned by super.getState().
        getState in class AbstractComponent
        updated component shared state
      • readDesign

        public void readDesign​(org.jsoup.nodes.Element design,
                               DesignContext designContext)
        Description copied from interface: Component
        Reads the component state from the given design.

        The component is responsible not only for updating its own state but also for ensuring that its children update their state based on the design.

        It is assumed that the component is in its default state when this method is called. Reading should only take into consideration attributes specified in the design and not reset any unspecified attributes to their defaults.

        This method must not modify the design.

        Specified by:
        readDesign in interface Component
        readDesign in class AbstractComponent
        design - The element to obtain the state from
        designContext - The DesignContext instance used for parsing the design
      • writeDesign

        public void writeDesign​(org.jsoup.nodes.Element design,
                                DesignContext designContext)
        Description copied from interface: Component
        Writes the component state to the given design.

        The component is responsible not only for writing its own state but also for ensuring that its children write their state to the design.

        This method must not modify the component state.

        Specified by:
        writeDesign in interface Component
        writeDesign in class AbstractComponent
        design - The element to write the component state to. Any previous attributes or child nodes are not cleared.
        designContext - The DesignContext instance used for writing the design