Class NumberRenderer

    • Constructor Detail

      • NumberRenderer

        public NumberRenderer()
        Creates a new number renderer.

        The renderer is configured to render with the number's natural string representation in the default locale.

      • NumberRenderer

        public NumberRenderer​(NumberFormat numberFormat)
        Creates a new number renderer.

        The renderer is configured to render the number as defined with the given number format.

        numberFormat - the number format with which to display numbers
        IllegalArgumentException - if numberFormat is null
      • NumberRenderer

        public NumberRenderer​(NumberFormat numberFormat,
                              String nullRepresentation)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a new number renderer.

        The renderer is configured to render the number as defined with the given number format.

        numberFormat - the number format with which to display numbers
        nullRepresentation - the textual representation of null value
        IllegalArgumentException - if numberFormat is null
      • NumberRenderer

        public NumberRenderer​(Locale locale)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a new number renderer.

        The renderer is configured to render with the number's natural string representation in the given locale.

        locale - the locale in which to display numbers
        IllegalArgumentException - if locale is null
      • NumberRenderer

        public NumberRenderer​(String formatString,
                              Locale locale)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a new number renderer.

        The renderer is configured to render with the number's natural string representation in the given locale.

        formatString - the format string with which to format the number
        locale - the locale in which to display numbers
        IllegalArgumentException - if locale is null
      • NumberRenderer

        public NumberRenderer​(String formatString)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a new number renderer.

        The renderer is configured to render with the given format string in the default locale.

        formatString - the format string with which to format the number
        IllegalArgumentException - if formatString is null
        See Also:
        Format String Syntax
      • NumberRenderer

        public NumberRenderer​(String formatString,
                              Locale locale,
                              String nullRepresentation)
        Creates a new number renderer.

        The renderer is configured to render with the given format string in the given locale.

        formatString - the format string with which to format the number
        locale - the locale in which to present numbers
        IllegalArgumentException - if either argument is null
        See Also:
        Format String Syntax