Package com.vaadin.ui

Class LoginForm

    • Constructor Detail

      • LoginForm

        public LoginForm()
    • Method Detail

      • createUsernameField

        protected TextField createUsernameField()
        Customize the user name field. Only for overriding, do not call.
        the user name field
      • setUsernameCaption

        public void setUsernameCaption​(String cap)
        Set the caption of the user name field. Note that the caption can only be set with this method before the login form has been initialized (attached).

        As an alternative to calling this method, the method createUsernameField() can be overridden.

        cap - new caption
      • createPasswordField

        protected PasswordField createPasswordField()
        Customize the password field. Only for overriding, do not call.
        the password field
      • setPasswordCaption

        public void setPasswordCaption​(String cap)
        Set the caption of the password field. Note that the caption can only be set with this method before the login form has been initialized (attached).

        As an alternative to calling this method, the method createPasswordField() can be overridden.

        cap - new caption
      • createLoginButton

        protected Button createLoginButton()
        Customize the login button. Only for overriding, do not call.
        the login button
      • setLoginButtonCaption

        public void setLoginButtonCaption​(String cap)
        Set the caption of the login button. Note that the caption can only be set with this method before the login form has been initialized (attached).

        As an alternative to calling this method, the method createLoginButton() can be overridden.

        cap - new caption
      • getState

        protected LoginFormState getState()
        Description copied from class: AbstractComponent
        Returns the shared state bean with information to be sent from the server to the client. Subclasses should override this method and set any relevant fields of the state returned by super.getState().
        getState in class AbstractComponent
        updated component shared state
      • attach

        public void attach()
        Description copied from interface: ClientConnector
        Notifies the connector that it is connected to a VaadinSession (and therefore also to a UI).

        The caller of this method is #setParent(ClientConnector) if the parent is itself already attached to the session. If not, the parent will call the ClientConnector.attach() for all its children when it is attached to the session. This method is always called before the connector's data is sent to the client-side for the first time.

        The attachment logic is implemented in AbstractClientConnector.

        Specified by:
        attach in interface ClientConnector
        Specified by:
        attach in interface Component
        attach in class AbstractComponent
      • createContent

        protected Component createContent​(TextField userNameField,
                                          PasswordField passwordField,
                                          Button loginButton)
        Create the content for the login form with the supplied user name field, password field and the login button. You cannot use any other text fields or buttons for this purpose. To replace these components with your own implementations, override createUsernameField(), createPasswordField() and createLoginButton(). If you only want to change the default captions, override #getUsernameFieldCaption(), #getPasswordFieldCaption() and getLoginButtonCaption(). You do not have to use the login button in your layout.
        userNameField - the user name text field
        passwordField - the password field
        loginButton - the login button
        content component
      • addLoginListener

        public void addLoginListener​(LoginForm.LoginListener listener)
        Adds LoginListener to handle login logic
        listener -
      • removeLoginListener

        public void removeLoginListener​(LoginForm.LoginListener listener)
        Removes LoginListener
        listener -