Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractCompositeField<C extends Component,S extends AbstractCompositeField<C,S,T>,T>
An abstract field class that is backed by a composite component.
static class |
AbstractField.ComponentValueChangeEvent<C extends Component,V>
Value change event fired by components.
interface |
BlurNotifier<T extends Component>
Mixin interface to handle blur events on components.
static class |
BlurNotifier.BlurEvent<C extends Component>
Represents the DOM event "blur".
class |
ClickEvent<C extends Component>
Event fired when a component is clicked.
interface |
ClickNotifier<T extends Component>
Mixin interface for components that support adding click listeners to the
their root elements.
class |
ComponentEvent<T extends Component>
An event whose source is a
Component . |
class |
Composite<T extends Component>
A composite encapsulates a
Component tree to allow creation of new
components by composing existing components. |
interface |
Focusable<T extends Component>
Represents a component that can gain and lose focus.
interface |
FocusNotifier<T extends Component>
Mixin interface to handle focus events on components.
static class |
FocusNotifier.FocusEvent<C extends Component>
Represents the DOM event "focus".
interface |
HasOrderedComponents<T extends Component>
A component which the children components are ordered, so the index of each
child matters for the layout.
class |
WebComponentExporter<C extends Component>
Exports a
Component as a web component. |
interface |
WebComponentExporterFactory<C extends Component>
Exports a
Component as a web component. |
static class |
WebComponentExporterFactory.DefaultWebComponentExporterFactory<C extends Component>
Default factory implementation which uses an exporter class to
instantiate it using its default constructor.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractCompositeField<C extends Component,S extends AbstractCompositeField<C,S,T>,T>
An abstract field class that is backed by a composite component.
class |
AbstractField<C extends AbstractField<C,T>,T>
An abstract implementation of a field, or a
Component allowing user
input. |
class |
AbstractSinglePropertyField<C extends AbstractField<C,T>,T>
Abstract field that is based on a single element property.
class |
Composite<T extends Component>
A composite encapsulates a
Component tree to allow creation of new
components by composing existing components. |
class |
A component which encapsulates a given HTML fragment with a single root
class |
Base class for a
Component that represents a single built-in HTML
element. |
class |
Base class for a
Component that represents a single built-in HTML
element that can contain child components or text. |
class |
A component which encapsulates the given text in a text node.
class |
The topmost component in any component hierarchy.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T extends Component> |
ComponentUtil.componentFromElement(Element element,
Class<T> componentType,
boolean mapComponent)
Creates a new component instance using the given element, maps the
component to the element and optionally maps the element to the component
mapComponent is true ). |
<T extends Component> |
WebComponentExporter.WebComponentConfigurationFactory.create(WebComponentExporter<T> exporter)
Creates a
WebComponentConfiguration for the provided
WebComponentExporter instances. |
static <T extends Component> |
ComponentUtil.fireEvent(T component,
ComponentEvent<? extends T> componentEvent)
Dispatches the event to all listeners registered for the event type.
static <T extends Component> |
Component.from(Element element,
Class<T> componentType)
Creates a new component instance using the given element.
<T,C extends Component & HasUrlParameter<T>> |
UI.navigate(Class<? extends C> navigationTarget,
T parameter)
Updates this UI to show the view corresponding to the given navigation
target with the specified parameter.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Component |
Gets the drag source of an active HTML5 drag event.
default Component |
HasOrderedComponents.getComponentAt(int index)
Returns the component at the given position.
default Component |
Gets the component in the helper slot of this field.
static Component |
ComponentUtil.getInnermostComponent(Composite<?> composite)
Returns the innermost component from a
Composite chain, i.e. |
static Component |
ComponentUtil.getInnermostComponent(Element element)
Gets the innermost mapped component for the element.
Component |
Component which controls when the shortcut is active and when it
is not. |
Component |
Component which owns the shortcut.
Component |
This component has now multiple owners so this method has
been replaced by #getOwners().
Component[] |
Component s which own the shortcuts key event listeners. |
static Component |
ComponentUtil.getParentUsingComposite(Composite<?> composite,
Component component)
Gets the parent of the given component, which is inside the given
Component |
Component which listened for the shortcut.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Optional<Component> |
ComponentUtil.findParentComponent(Element element)
Finds the first component by traversing upwards in the element hierarchy,
starting from the given element.
Stream<Component> |
Gets the child components of this component.
Stream<Component> |
Gets the child components of this composite.
Stream<Component> |
Gets the child components of this component.
Optional<Component> |
Gets the parent component of this component.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
UI.add(Component... components)
Adds the given components to the UI.
default void |
HasComponents.add(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component.
default void |
HasComponents.addComponentAsFirst(Component component)
Adds the given component as the first child of this component.
default void |
HasComponents.addComponentAtIndex(int index,
Component component)
Adds the given component as child of this component at the specific
static <T extends ComponentEvent<?>> |
ComponentUtil.addListener(Component component,
Class<T> eventType,
ComponentEventListener<T> listener)
Adds a listener for an event of the given type to the
component . |
static <T extends ComponentEvent<?>> |
ComponentUtil.addListener(Component component,
Class<T> eventType,
ComponentEventListener<T> listener,
Consumer<DomListenerRegistration> domListenerConsumer)
Adds a listener for an event of the given type to the
component ,
and customizes the corresponding DOM event listener with the given
consumer. |
static ShortcutRegistration |
Shortcuts.addShortcutListener(Component lifecycleOwner,
Command command,
Key key,
KeyModifier... keyModifiers)
Invoke a
Command when the shortcut is invoked. |
static ShortcutRegistration |
Shortcuts.addShortcutListener(Component lifecycleOwner,
ShortcutEventListener listener,
Key key,
KeyModifier... keyModifiers)
Invoke a
ShortcutEventListener when the shortcut is invoked. |
StateTree.ExecutionRegistration |
UI.beforeClientResponse(Component component,
SerializableConsumer<ExecutionContext> execution)
Registers a task to be executed before the response is sent to the
ShortcutRegistration |
ShortcutRegistration.bindLifecycleTo(Component component)
Binds the shortcut's life cycle to that of the given
Component . |
static <T> T |
ComponentUtil.getData(Component component,
Class<T> type)
Gets a data instance with the given type, or
null if there
is no such instance. |
static Object |
ComponentUtil.getData(Component component,
String key)
Gets a data instance with the given key, or
null if no data
has been set for that key. |
static Component |
ComponentUtil.getParentUsingComposite(Composite<?> composite,
Component component)
Gets the parent of the given component, which is inside the given
default int |
HasOrderedComponents.indexOf(Component component)
Returns the index of the given component.
static boolean |
ComponentUtil.isCompositeContent(Composite<?> composite,
Component component)
Checks if the given component is inside a
Composite chain, i.e. |
ShortcutRegistration |
ShortcutRegistration.listenOn(Component... listenOnComponents)
Fluently define the components to listen for shortcuts on.
ShortcutRegistration |
ShortcutRegistration.listenOn(Component listenOnComponent)
Fluently define the component to listen for shortcuts on.
static void |
ComponentUtil.onComponentAttach(Component component,
boolean initialAttach)
Handles triggering the
method and firing the AttachEvent for the given component when it
has been attached to a UI. |
static void |
ComponentUtil.onComponentDetach(Component component)
Handles triggering the
method and firing the DetachEvent for the given component right
before it is detached from a UI. |
default void |
HasComponents.remove(Component... components)
Removes the given child components from this component.
default void |
HasOrderedComponents.replace(Component oldComponent,
Component newComponent)
Replaces the component in the container with another one without changing
static <T> void |
ComponentUtil.setData(Component component,
Class<T> type,
T value)
Stores an instance of a specific type for the given component.
static void |
ComponentUtil.setData(Component component,
String key,
Object value)
Stores a arbitrary value for the given component.
protected static void |
Component.setElement(Component component,
Element element)
Initializes the root element of a component.
default void |
HasHelper.setHelperComponent(Component component)
Adds the given component into helper slot of component, replacing any
existing helper component.
static Registration |
Shortcuts.setShortcutListenOnElement(String elementLocatorJs,
Component listenOnComponent)
Setup an element, that is only accessible on the browser (not server
side), to listen for shortcut events on and delegate to the given
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ComponentUtil.findComponents(Element element,
Consumer<Component> componentConsumer)
static ComponentMetaData.DependencyInfo |
ComponentUtil.getDependencies(VaadinService service,
Class<? extends Component> componentClass)
Gets the dependencies for the given class, defined using annotations (
HtmlImport , JavaScript , StyleSheet and
Uses ). |
static Collection<ComponentMetaData.SynchronizedPropertyInfo> |
ComponentUtil.getSynchronizedProperties(Class<? extends Component> componentClass)
Gets the synchronized property infos of the properties that are defined
declaratively for the given class with their RPC update mode.
static Stream<String> |
ComponentUtil.getSynchronizedPropertyEvents(Class<? extends Component> componentClass)
Gets the name of the synchronized property event defined declaratively
for the given class.
void |
UI.navigate(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Updates this UI to show the view corresponding to the given navigation
void |
UI.navigate(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
RouteParameters parameters)
Updates this UI to show the view corresponding to the given navigation
target with the specified parameters.
Constructor and Description |
AttachEvent(Component source,
boolean initialAttach)
Creates a new attach event with the given component as source.
ClickEvent(Component source)
Creates a new server-side click event with no additional information.
ClickEvent(Component source,
boolean fromClient,
int screenX,
int screenY,
int clientX,
int clientY,
int clickCount,
int button,
boolean ctrlKey,
boolean shiftKey,
boolean altKey,
boolean metaKey)
Creates a new click event.
ComponentEventBus(Component component)
Creates an event bus for the given component.
CompositionEndEvent(Component source)
Creates a new server-side composition event with no additional
CompositionEndEvent(Component source,
boolean fromClient,
String data,
String locale)
Creates a new composition event.
CompositionStartEvent(Component source)
Creates a new server-side composition event with no additional
CompositionStartEvent(Component source,
boolean fromClient,
String data,
String locale)
Creates a new composition event.
CompositionUpdateEvent(Component source)
Creates a new server-side composition event with no additional
CompositionUpdateEvent(Component source,
boolean fromClient,
String data,
String locale)
Creates a new composition event.
DetachEvent(Component source)
Creates a new detach event with the given component as source.
HtmlContainer(Component... components)
Creates a component with the given child components.
HtmlContainer(String tagName,
Component... components)
Creates a new component with the given contents and a new element with
the given tag name.
InputEvent(Component source,
boolean fromClient)
Creates a new input event.
KeyDownEvent(Component source,
boolean fromClient,
String key,
String code,
int location,
boolean ctrlKey,
boolean shiftKey,
boolean altKey,
boolean metaKey,
boolean repeat,
boolean composing)
Creates a new keyboard event.
KeyDownEvent(Component source,
String key)
Creates a new server-side keyboard event with no additional information.
KeyDownEvent(Component source,
String key,
String code)
Creates a new server-side keyboard event with no additional information.
KeyPressEvent(Component source,
boolean fromClient,
String key,
String code,
int location,
boolean ctrlKey,
boolean shiftKey,
boolean altKey,
boolean metaKey,
boolean repeat,
boolean composing)
Creates a new keyboard event.
KeyPressEvent(Component source,
String key)
Creates a new server-side keyboard event with no additional information.
KeyPressEvent(Component source,
String key,
String code)
Creates a new server-side keyboard event with no additional information.
KeyUpEvent(Component source,
boolean fromClient,
String key,
String code,
int location,
boolean ctrlKey,
boolean shiftKey,
boolean altKey,
boolean metaKey,
boolean repeat,
boolean composing)
Creates a new keyboard event.
KeyUpEvent(Component source,
String key)
Creates a new server-side keyboard event with no additional information.
KeyUpEvent(Component source,
String key,
String code)
Creates a new server-side keyboard event with no additional information.
ShortcutEvent(Component source,
Component lifecycleOwner,
Key key,
Set<KeyModifier> keyModifiers)
Creates a new
ShortcutEvent . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Accordion is a a vertically stacked set of expandable panels.
class |
An accordion panel which could be opened or closed.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AccordionPanel |
Accordion.add(String summary,
Component content)
Adds a panel created from the given title and content.
void |
Accordion.remove(Component content)
Removes a panel based on the content
Constructor and Description |
AccordionPanel(Component summary,
Component content)
Creates a panel with the provided summary component and content.
AccordionPanel(String summary,
Component content)
Creates a panel with the provided summary text and content.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component for the
<vaadin-app-layout> element. |
class |
Server-side component for the
<vaadin-drawer-toggle> element. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Component |
AppLayout.getContent() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AppLayout.addToDrawer(Component... components)
Adds the components to the drawer slot of this AppLayout.
void |
AppLayout.addToNavbar(boolean touchOptimized,
Component... components)
Adds the components to the navbar slot of this AppLayout.
void |
AppLayout.addToNavbar(Component... components)
Adds the components to the navbar slot of this AppLayout.
void |
AppLayout.remove(Component... components)
Removes the child components from the parent.
void |
AppLayout.setContent(Component content)
Sets the displayed content.
void |
DrawerToggle.setIcon(Component icon) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-avatar element. |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-avatar-group element. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Vaadin Board allows creating responsive layouts in an easy way.
class |
Row class to define rows used in a
Board instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Row.add(Component... components)
Adds the given component(s) to the row.
void |
Row.add(Component component,
int cols)
Adds the given component to the row using the given number of columns.
Row |
Board.addRow(Component... components)
Creates a new row and adds the given components to the row.
int |
Row.getComponentSpan(Component component)
Gets the number of columns the given component spans.
void |
Row.setComponentSpan(Component component,
int columns)
Sets the number of columns the given component spans.
Constructor and Description |
Row(Component... components)
Creates an new row with the given components.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
FunctionCaller.callOnceOnClientReponse(Component component,
String function)
An internal helper for executing a JS function only once after other
updates have been done.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-button element. |
class |
GeneratedVaadinButton<R extends GeneratedVaadinButton<R>>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Component |
Gets the component that is defined as the icon of this button.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinButton.addToPrefix(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinButton.addToSuffix(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinButton.remove(Component... components)
Removes the given child components from this component.
void |
Button.setIcon(Component icon)
Sets the given component as the icon of this button.
Constructor and Description |
Button(Component icon)
Creates a button with an icon inside.
Button(Component icon,
ComponentEventListener<ClickEvent<Button>> clickListener)
Creates a button with an icon and a listener for click events.
Button(String text,
Component icon)
Creates a button with a text and an icon inside.
Button(String text,
Component icon,
ComponentEventListener<ClickEvent<Button>> clickListener)
Create a button with a text, an icon and a listener for click events.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Chart |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-checkbox element. |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-checkbox-group element. |
class |
GeneratedVaadinCheckbox<R extends GeneratedVaadinCheckbox<R,T>,T>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
GeneratedVaadinCheckboxGroup<R extends GeneratedVaadinCheckboxGroup<R,T>,T>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-combo-box webcomponent. |
class |
GeneratedVaadinComboBox<R extends GeneratedVaadinComboBox<R,T>,T>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinComboBox.addToPrefix(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinComboBox.remove(Component... components)
Removes the given child components from this component.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component for the
<vaadin-confirm-dialog> element. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ConfirmDialog.setCancelButton(Component component)
Sets custom cancel button
void |
ConfirmDialog.setConfirmButton(Component component)
Sets custom confirm button
void |
ConfirmDialog.setHeader(Component component)
Sets confirmation dialog custom header element
void |
ConfirmDialog.setRejectButton(Component component)
Sets custom Reject button
void |
ConfirmDialog.setText(Component component)
Sets custom confirmation message element
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
MenuManager<C extends Component,I extends MenuItemBase<?,I,S>,S extends SubMenuBase<?,I,S>>
Common management logic for context menus and sub menus.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component for
<vaadin-context-menu> . |
class |
ContextMenuBase<C extends ContextMenuBase<C,I,S>,I extends MenuItemBase<C,I,S>,S extends SubMenuBase<C,I,S>>
Base functionality for server-side components based on
<vaadin-context-menu> . |
class |
GeneratedVaadinContextMenu<R extends GeneratedVaadinContextMenu<R>>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
Item component used inside
ContextMenu and SubMenu . |
class |
MenuItemBase<C extends ContextMenuBase<C,I,S>,I extends MenuItemBase<C,I,S>,S extends SubMenuBase<C,I,S>>
Base class for item component used inside
ContextMenu s. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Component |
Gets the target component of this context menu, or
null if it
doesn't have a target. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Stream<Component> |
Gets the child components of this sub menu.
Stream<Component> |
Gets all (sub)menu children.
Stream<Component> |
Gets the child components of this component.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SubMenuBase.add(Component... components)
Adds the given components into the sub menu overlay.
void |
MenuManager.add(Component... components)
Adds components to the (sub)menu.
void |
ContextMenuBase.add(Component... components)
Adds the given components into the context menu overlay.
void |
SubMenuBase.addComponentAtIndex(int index,
Component component)
Adds the given component into the sub menu overlay at the given index.
void |
MenuManager.addComponentAtIndex(int index,
Component component)
Inserts component to the (sub)menu using the
index . |
void |
ContextMenuBase.addComponentAtIndex(int index,
Component component)
Adds the given component into this context menu at the given index.
I |
SubMenuBase.addItem(Component component)
Adds a new item component with the given component to the sub menu
I |
MenuManager.addItem(Component component)
Adds a component as a menu item.
I |
ContextMenuBase.addItem(Component component)
Adds a new item component with the given component to the context menu
I |
MenuManager.addItem(Component component,
ComponentEventListener<ClickEvent<I>> clickListener)
Adds a component as a menu item with a click listener.
MenuItem |
SubMenu.addItem(Component component,
ComponentEventListener<ClickEvent<MenuItem>> clickListener) |
MenuItem |
HasMenuItems.addItem(Component component,
ComponentEventListener<ClickEvent<MenuItem>> clickListener)
Adds a new item component with the given component and click listener to
the context menu overlay.
MenuItem |
ContextMenu.addItem(Component component,
ComponentEventListener<ClickEvent<MenuItem>> clickListener) |
void |
SubMenuBase.remove(Component... components)
Removes the given components from the sub menu overlay.
void |
MenuManager.remove(Component... components)
Removes components to the (sub)menu.
void |
ContextMenuBase.remove(Component... components) |
void |
ContextMenuBase.setTarget(Component target)
Sets the target component for this context menu.
Constructor and Description |
ContextMenu(Component target)
Creates an empty context menu with the given target component.
MenuItemsArrayGenerator(Component menu) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-cookie-consent element,
used for showing a cookie consent banner the first time a user visits the
application, until the banner is dismissed. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A component for performing CRUD
operations on a data backend (e.g entities from a database).
class |
A simple grid implementation for Crud that allows searching and sorting
backed by a data provider.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Component |
Returns the user interface of an editor.
Component |
This method should not be used outside.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Crud.setToolbar(Component... components)
Sets the content of the toolbar.
Constructor and Description |
BinderCrudEditor(Binder<E> binder,
Component view)
Initializes a BinderCrudEditor with the given binder and form view
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
HasValue whose UI content can be constructed by the user, enabling
the creation of e.g. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
CustomField.add(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component.
protected void |
CustomField.remove(Component... components)
Removes the given child components from this component.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component that encapsulates the functionality of the
vaadin-date-picker webcomponent. |
class |
GeneratedVaadinDatePicker<R extends GeneratedVaadinDatePicker<R,T>,T>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinDatePicker.addToPrefix(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinDatePicker.remove(Component... components)
Removes the given child components from this component.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component that encapsulates the functionality of the
vaadin-date-time-picker web component. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Details |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Component |
Returns summary component which was set via
Details.setSummary(Component) or Details.setSummaryText(String) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Stream<Component> |
Returns the content components which were added via
Details.setContent(Component) or via Details.addContent(Component...) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Details.addContent(Component... components)
Adds components to the content section
void |
Details.setContent(Component content)
Sets the component content
void |
Details.setSummary(Component summary)
Sets the component summary
Constructor and Description |
Details(Component summary,
Component content)
Initializes a new Details using the provided summary and content.
Details(String summary,
Component content)
Initializes a new Details using the provided summary and content.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component for the
<vaadin-dialog> element. |
class |
GeneratedVaadinDialog<R extends GeneratedVaadinDialog<R>>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Stream<Component> |
Dialog.getChildren() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Dialog.add(Component... components)
Adds the given components into this dialog.
void |
Dialog.addComponentAtIndex(int index,
Component component)
Adds the given component into this dialog at the given index.
void |
Dialog.remove(Component... components) |
Constructor and Description |
Dialog(Component... components)
Creates a dialog with given components inside.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
DragEndEvent<T extends Component>
HTML5 drag end event, fired when the user stops dragging a drag source either
by dropping on top of a valid drop target or by canceling to drop.
interface |
DragSource<T extends Component>
Mixin interface that provides basic drag source API for any component.
class |
DragStartEvent<T extends Component>
HTML5 drag start event, fired when the user starts dragging a drag source.
class |
DropEvent<T extends Component>
Server side drop event.
interface |
DropTarget<T extends Component>
Mixin interface that provides basic drop target API for any component.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T extends Component> |
DropTarget.configure(T component)
Gives access to the generic drop target API for the given component.
static <T extends Component> |
DragSource.configure(T component)
Gives access to the generic drag source API for the given component.
static <T extends Component> |
DropTarget.configure(T component,
boolean active)
Gives access to the generic drop target API for the given component and
either activates or deactivates the drop target.
static <T extends Component> |
DragSource.configure(T component,
boolean draggable)
Gives access to the generic drag source API for the given component and
applies the given draggable status to it.
static <T extends Component> |
DropTarget.create(T component)
Makes the given component a drop target and gives access to the generic
drop target API for the component.
static <T extends Component> |
DragSource.create(T component)
Makes the given component draggable and gives access to the generic drag
source API for the component.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Optional<Component> |
Returns the drag source component if the drag originated from a component
in the same UI as the drop target component, or an empty optional.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T extends Component> |
DndUtil.updateDragSourceActivation(DragSource<T> dragSource)
Triggers drag source activation method in JS connector once when the
component has been attached.
static <T extends Component> |
DndUtil.updateDropTargetActivation(DropTarget<T> dropTarget)
Triggers drop target activation method in JS connector once when the
component has been attached.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
DndUtil.addDndConnectorWhenComponentAttached(Component component)
Includes the dnd connector when the component is attached to a UI.
static void |
DndUtil.addMobileDndPolyfillIfNeeded(Component component)
Adds the mobile dnd polyfills when a iOS device is used.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component for the
<vaadin-form-layout> element. |
static class |
Server-side component for the
<vaadin-form-item> element. |
class |
GeneratedVaadinFormItem<R extends GeneratedVaadinFormItem<R>>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
GeneratedVaadinFormLayout<R extends GeneratedVaadinFormLayout<R>>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
FormLayout.add(Component component,
int colspan)
Adds a component with the desired colspan.
FormLayout.FormItem |
FormLayout.addFormItem(Component field,
Component label)
Convenience method for creating and adding a new FormItem to this layout
that wraps the given field with a component as its label.
FormLayout.FormItem |
FormLayout.addFormItem(Component field,
String label)
Convenience method for creating and adding a new FormItem to this layout
that wraps the given field with a label.
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinFormItem.addToLabel(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
int |
FormLayout.getColspan(Component component)
Gets the colspan of the given component.
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinFormItem.remove(Component... components)
Removes the given child components from this component.
void |
FormLayout.FormItem.remove(Component... components) |
void |
FormLayout.setColspan(Component component,
int colspan)
Sets the colspan of the given component's element.
Constructor and Description |
FormItem(Component... components)
Constructs a FormItem with the given initial components to wrap.
FormLayout(Component... components)
Constructs a FormLayout with the given initial components.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component for the
<vaadin-grid> element. |
static class |
Server-side component for the
<vaadin-grid-column> element. |
class |
Server side implementation for the flow specific grid selection column.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<V extends Component> |
Grid.addComponentColumn(ValueProvider<T,V> componentProvider)
Adds a new column that shows components.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Component |
Gets the editor component that is used for this column.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
HeaderRow.HeaderCell.setComponent(Component component) |
void |
FooterRow.FooterCell.setComponent(Component component) |
Grid.Column<T> |
Grid.Column.setEditorComponent(Component editorComponent)
Sets a component to use for editing values of this column in the
editor row.
Grid.Column<T> |
Grid.Column.setFooter(Component footerComponent)
Sets a footer component to the column.
Grid.Column<T> |
Grid.Column.setHeader(Component headerComponent)
Sets a header component to the column.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Grid.Column<T> |
Grid.Column.setEditorComponent(SerializableFunction<T,? extends Component> componentCallback)
Sets a function that returns the editor component to be used for an
specific item in the editor row.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component for
<vaadin-context-menu> to be used with
Grid . |
class |
Item component used inside
GridContextMenu and GridSubMenu . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GridMenuItem<T> |
GridSubMenu.addItem(Component component,
ComponentEventListener<GridContextMenu.GridContextMenuItemClickEvent<T>> clickListener) |
GridMenuItem<T> |
GridContextMenu.addItem(Component component,
ComponentEventListener<GridContextMenu.GridContextMenuItemClickEvent<T>> clickListener) |
void |
GridContextMenu.setTarget(Component target)
Sets the target component for this context menu.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
EditorRenderer.setComponentFunction(SerializableFunction<T,? extends Component> componentFunction)
Sets the function that creates components to be used as editors for the
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
GridPro<E> |
static class |
Server-side component for the
<vaadin-grid-edit-column> element. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Component representing an
<a> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<article> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<aside> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<dl> element. |
static class |
Component representing a
<dd> element. |
static class |
Component representing a
<dt> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<div> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<em> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<footer> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<h1> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<h2> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<h3> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<h4> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<h5> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<h6> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<header> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<hr> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<iframe> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<img> element. |
class |
Component representing an
<input> element. |
class |
Component for a
<label> element, which represents a
caption for an item in a user interface. |
class |
Component representing a
<li> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<main> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<button> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<details> element. |
static class |
Component representing a
<summary> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<nav> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<ol> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<p> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<pre> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<section> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<span> element. |
class |
Component representing a
<ul> element. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Component |
Returns the details content which was set via
NativeDetails.setContent(Component) . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
NativeDetails.setContent(Component content)
Sets the details content and removes the previously set content.
void |
Label.setFor(Component forComponent)
Sets the component that this label describes.
void |
NativeDetails.setSummary(Component... summaryContent)
Sets the components of the summary.
Constructor and Description |
Anchor(String href,
Component... components)
Creates an anchor component with the given href and components as
children of this component.
Article(Component... components)
Creates a new article with the given child components.
Aside(Component... components)
Creates a new aside with the given child components.
Description(Component... components)
Creates a new description with the given child components.
Div(Component... components)
Creates a new div with the given child components.
Emphasis(Component... components)
Creates a new emphasis with the given child components.
Footer(Component... components)
Creates a new footer with the given child components.
H1(Component... components)
Creates a new heading with the given child components.
H2(Component... components)
Creates a new heading with the given child components.
H3(Component... components)
Creates a new heading with the given child components.
H4(Component... components)
Creates a new heading with the given child components.
H5(Component... components)
Creates a new heading with the given child components.
H6(Component... components)
Creates a new heading with the given child components.
Header(Component... components)
Creates a new header with the given child components.
ListItem(Component... components)
Creates a new list item with the given child components.
Main(Component... components)
Creates a new main with the given child components.
NativeDetails(Component summaryContent)
Creates a new details with the given content of the summary.
NativeDetails(Component summaryContent,
Component content)
Creates a new details using the provided summary content and content.
NativeDetails(String summary,
Component content)
Creates a new details using the provided summary and content.
Nav(Component... components)
Creates a new nav with the given child components.
Paragraph(Component... components)
Creates a new paragraph with the given child components.
Pre(Component... components)
Creates a new preformatted text block with the given child components.
Section(Component... components)
Creates a new section with the given child components.
Span(Component... components)
Creates a new span with the given child components.
Term(Component... components)
Creates a new term with the given child components.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Component for displaying an icon from the
Vaadin Icons collection.
class |
Server side component for
iron-icon element
to display an icon.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractFieldSupport<C extends Component & HasValue<AbstractField.ComponentValueChangeEvent<C,T>,T>,T>
Encapsulates all the logic required for a typical field implementation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Component |
Gets the drag source of an active HTML5 drag event.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
UIInternals.setActiveDragSourceComponent(Component activeDragSourceComponent)
Sets the drag source of an active HTML5 drag event.
void |
UIInternals.showRouteTarget(Location viewLocation,
String path,
Component target,
List<RouterLayout> layouts)
Shows a route target in the related UI.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
UIInternals.addComponentDependencies(Class<? extends Component> componentClass)
Adds the dependencies defined using
StyleSheet ,
JavaScript or HtmlImport on the given Component class. |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractAttachDetachEvent(Component source)
Creates a new event with the given component as source.
CompositionEvent(Component source)
Creates a new server-side composition event with no additional
CompositionEvent(Component source,
boolean fromClient,
String data,
String locale)
Creates a new composition event.
KeyboardEvent(Component source,
boolean fromClient,
String key,
String code,
int location,
boolean ctrlKey,
boolean shiftKey,
boolean altKey,
boolean metaKey,
boolean repeat,
boolean composing)
Creates a new keyboard event.
KeyboardEvent(Component source,
String key)
Creates a new server-side keyboard event with no additional information.
KeyboardEvent(Component source,
String key,
String code)
Creates a new server-side keyboard event with no additional information.
Constructor and Description |
ComponentMetaData(Class<? extends Component> componentClass)
Scans the given component class and creates a new instance based on found
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Component that encapsulates the functionality of the
webcomponent. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-list-box element. |
class |
ListBoxBase<C extends ListBoxBase<C,ITEM,VALUE>,ITEM,VALUE>
Base class for the
ListBox and MultiSelectListBox . |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-list-box element with
multi-selection. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ComponentRenderer<? extends Component,ITEM> |
Returns the item component renderer.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ListBoxBase.setRenderer(ComponentRenderer<? extends Component,ITEM> itemRenderer)
Sets the item renderer for this ListBox.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Component which renders a LitElement template.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Stream<Component> |
Gets the child components of this component.
Constructor and Description |
InjectableLitElementInitializer(Element element,
Class<? extends Component> templateClass)
Creates an initializer for the
element . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Abstract component for the
<vaadin-login-overlay> and
<vaadin-login-form> components. |
class |
Server-side component for the
<vaadin-login-form> component. |
class |
Server-side component for the
<vaadin-login-overlay> component. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Component |
Returns custom title component which was set via
LoginOverlay.setTitle(Component) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
LoginOverlay.setTitle(Component title)
Sets the application title,
null to remove any previous
title and to display title set via LoginOverlay.setTitle(String) . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-menu-bar element. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Stream<Component> |
Gets the child components of this menu bar.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MenuItem |
MenuBar.addItem(Component component)
Creates a new
MenuItem component and adds it to the root level of
this menu bar. |
MenuItem |
MenuBar.addItem(Component component,
ComponentEventListener<ClickEvent<MenuItem>> clickListener)
Creates a new
MenuItem component with the provided click listener
and adds it to the root level of this menu bar. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-message-input element. |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-message-list element. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
GeneratedVaadinNotification<R extends GeneratedVaadinNotification<R>>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-notification element. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Stream<Component> |
Notification.getChildren() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Notification.add(Component... components)
Adds the given components into this notification.
void |
Notification.addComponentAtIndex(int index,
Component component)
Adds the given component into this notification at the given index.
void |
Notification.remove(Component... components)
Remove the given components from this notification.
Constructor and Description |
Notification(Component... components)
Creates a notification with given components inside.
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
FlexComponent<C extends Component>
A component which implements Flexbox.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A layout component that implements Flexbox.
class |
HorizontalLayout is a component container, which shows the subcomponents in
the order of their addition (horizontally).
class |
Scroller is a component container which enables scrolling overflowing
class |
VerticalLayout is a component container, which shows the subcomponents in the
order of their addition (vertically).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Component |
Gets the content of this scroller.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
VerticalLayout.addAndExpand(Component... components)
Adds the given components to this layout and sets them as expanded.
void |
HorizontalLayout.addAndExpand(Component... components)
Adds the given components to this layout and sets them as expanded.
default void |
FlexComponent.expand(Component... componentsToExpand)
Expands the given components.
FlexComponent.Alignment |
VerticalLayout.getHorizontalComponentAlignment(Component component)
Gets the individual horizontal alignment of a given component.
FlexComponent.Alignment |
HorizontalLayout.getVerticalComponentAlignment(Component component)
Gets the individual vertical alignment of a given component.
default void |
FlexComponent.replace(Component oldComponent,
Component newComponent) |
void |
Scroller.setContent(Component content)
Sets the content of this scroller.
void |
VerticalLayout.setHorizontalComponentAlignment(FlexComponent.Alignment alignment,
Component... componentsToAlign)
Sets a horizontal alignment for individual components inside the layout.
void |
HorizontalLayout.setVerticalComponentAlignment(FlexComponent.Alignment alignment,
Component... componentsToAlign)
Sets a vertical alignment for individual components inside the layout.
Constructor and Description |
FlexLayout(Component... children)
Convenience constructor to create a layout with the children already
inside it.
HorizontalLayout(Component... children)
Convenience constructor to create a layout with the children already
inside it.
Scroller(Component content)
Convenience constructor to create a scroller with the given content.
Scroller(Component content,
Scroller.ScrollDirection scrollDirection)
Convenience constructor to create a scroller with the given content and
scroll direction.
VerticalLayout(Component... children)
Convenience constructor to create a layout with the children already
inside it.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractTemplate<M extends TemplateModel> |
class |
PolymerTemplate<M extends TemplateModel>
Component for an HTML element declared as a polymer component.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Stream<Component> |
Gets the child components of this component.
static Optional<Class<? extends Component>> |
TemplateInitializer.getUsesClass(Class<? extends PolymerTemplate<?>> templateType,
String tagName)
Looks for a component class with the given tag name among the classes
used by the given polymer template class.
Constructor and Description |
IdMapper(Component template)
Creates a mapper for the given template.
Constructor and Description |
InjectablePolymerElementInitializer(Element element,
Class<? extends Component> templateClass)
Creates an initializer for the
element . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
GeneratedVaadinProgressBar<R extends GeneratedVaadinProgressBar<R>>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-progress-bar element. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
GeneratedVaadinRadioButton<R extends GeneratedVaadinRadioButton<R>>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup<R extends GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup<R,T>,T>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
A single select component using radio buttons as options.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ComponentRenderer<? extends Component,T> |
Returns the item component renderer.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RadioButtonGroup.setRenderer(ComponentRenderer<? extends Component,T> renderer)
Sets the item renderer for this radio button group.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
GeneratedVaadinRichTextEditor<R extends GeneratedVaadinRichTextEditor<R,T>,T>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
Server-side component for the
<vaadin-rich-text-editor> component. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A customizable drop-down select component similar to a native browser select.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Stream<Component> |
Select.getChildren() |
ComponentRenderer<? extends Component,T> |
Returns the item component renderer.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Select.add(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component.
void |
Select.addComponentAsFirst(Component component)
Adds the given component as the first child of this component.
void |
Select.addComponentAtIndex(int index,
Component component)
Adds the given component as child of this component at the specific
void |
Select.addComponents(T afterItem,
Component... components) |
void |
Select.addToPrefix(Component... components) |
void |
Select.prependComponents(T beforeItem,
Component... components) |
void |
Select.remove(Component... components)
Removes the given child components from this component.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Select.setRenderer(ComponentRenderer<? extends Component,T> renderer)
Sets the item renderer for this select group.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
GeneratedVaadinSelect<R extends GeneratedVaadinSelect<R,T>,T>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinSelect.addToPrefix(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinSelect.remove(Component... components)
Removes the given child components from this component.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <C extends Component & HasValidation> |
ClientValidationUtil.preventWebComponentFromModifyingInvalidState(C component) |
Constructor and Description |
ClientValidatedEvent(Component source,
boolean fromClient)
Creates a new event using the given source.
ClientValidatedEvent(Component source,
boolean fromClient,
boolean valid)
Creates a new event using the given source.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
GeneratedVaadinSplitLayout<R extends GeneratedVaadinSplitLayout<R>>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
SplitLayout is a component based on the vaadin-split-layout
Polymer element implementing a split layout for two content elements with a
draggable splitter between them. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Component |
Get the component currently set to the primary split.
Component |
Get the component currently set to the secondary split.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SplitLayout.addToPrimary(Component... components)
Sets the given components to the primary split of this layout, i.e.
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinSplitLayout.addToPrimary(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
void |
SplitLayout.addToSecondary(Component... components)
Sets the given components to the secondary split of this layout, i.e.
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinSplitLayout.addToSecondary(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
void |
SplitLayout.remove(Component... components) |
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinSplitLayout.remove(Component... components)
Removes the given child components from this component.
Constructor and Description |
SplitLayout(Component primaryComponent,
Component secondaryComponent)
Constructs a VaadinSplitLayout with the given initial components to set
to the primary and secondary splits.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
GeneratedVaadinTab<R extends GeneratedVaadinTab<R>>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
GeneratedVaadinTabs<R extends GeneratedVaadinTabs<R>>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-tab element. |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-tabs element. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Tabs.add(Component... components) |
void |
Tabs.addComponentAtIndex(int index,
Component component)
Adds the given component as child of this component at the specific
void |
Tabs.remove(Component... components)
Removes the given child components from this component.
void |
Tabs.replace(Component oldComponent,
Component newComponent)
Replaces the component in the container with another one without changing
Constructor and Description |
Tab(Component... components)
Constructs a new object with child components.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractNumberField<C extends AbstractNumberField<C,T>,T extends Number>
Abstract base class for components based on
element and its subclasses. |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-big-decimal-field element. |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-email-field element. |
class |
GeneratedVaadinEmailField<R extends GeneratedVaadinEmailField<R,T>,T>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
GeneratedVaadinNumberField<R extends GeneratedVaadinNumberField<R,T>,T>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
GeneratedVaadinPasswordField<R extends GeneratedVaadinPasswordField<R,T>,T>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
GeneratedVaadinTextArea<R extends GeneratedVaadinTextArea<R,T>,T>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
GeneratedVaadinTextField<R extends GeneratedVaadinTextField<R,T>,T>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-integer-field element. |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-number-field element. |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-password-field element. |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-text-area element. |
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-text-field element. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Component |
Gets the component in the prefix slot of this field.
default Component |
Gets the component in the suffix slot of this field.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinTextField.addToInput(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinTextField.addToPrefix(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinTextArea.addToPrefix(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinTextField.addToSuffix(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinTextArea.addToSuffix(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinTextArea.addToTextarea(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinTextField.remove(Component... components)
Removes the given child components from this component.
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinTextArea.remove(Component... components)
Removes the given child components from this component.
default void |
HasPrefixAndSuffix.setPrefixComponent(Component component)
Adds the given component into this field before the content, replacing
any existing prefix component.
default void |
HasPrefixAndSuffix.setSuffixComponent(Component component)
Adds the given component into this field after the content, replacing any
existing suffix component.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
GeneratedVaadinTimePicker<R extends GeneratedVaadinTimePicker<R,T>,T>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
An input component for selecting time of day, based on
vaadin-time-picker web component. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
CollapseEvent<T,C extends Component> |
class |
ExpandEvent<T,C extends Component> |
class |
HierarchyColumnComponentRenderer<COMPONENT extends Component,SOURCE>
Renders components as hierarchy column for tree grid.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A grid component for displaying hierarchical tabular data.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<V extends Component> |
TreeGrid.addComponentHierarchyColumn(ValueProvider<T,V> componentProvider)
Adds a new Hierarchy column that shows components.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
GeneratedVaadinUpload<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
GeneratedVaadinUploadFile<R extends GeneratedVaadinUploadFile<R>>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
class |
Server-side component for the
vaadin-upload element. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Component |
Get the component set as the drop label, if any.
Component |
Get the component set as the drop label icon, if any.
Component |
Get the component set as the upload button for the upload, if any.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.addToAddButton(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.addToDropLabel(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.addToDropLabelIcon(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.addToFileList(Component... components)
Adds the given components as children of this component at the slot
protected void |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.remove(Component... components)
Removes the given child components from this component.
void |
Upload.setDropLabel(Component dropLabel)
Set the component to show as a message to the user to drop files in the
upload component.
void |
Upload.setDropLabelIcon(Component dropLabelIcon)
Set the component to show as the drop label icon.
void |
Upload.setUploadButton(Component uploadButton)
Set the component as the actionable button inside the upload component,
that opens the dialog for choosing the files to be upload.
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
PropertyConfiguration<C extends Component,P extends Serializable>
Offers a fluent API for configuring the properties of embedded web components
produced by
WebComponentExporter . |
class |
WebComponent<C extends Component>
Acts as a proxy to the web component root onto which the exporter
Component is added. |
interface |
WebComponentConfiguration<C extends Component>
Result of defining an embeddable web component using
WebComponentExporter . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Custom UI for use with WebComponents served from the server.
class |
Wrapper component for a web component that exposes
methods that the client-side components expect to be available. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T,C extends Component & HasUrlParameter<T>> |
WebComponentUI.navigate(Class<? extends C> navigationTarget,
T parameter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
WebComponentUI.navigate(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Optional<Component> |
Returns an
Optional for the Component related to value
conversion. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default void |
HasItemsAndComponents.addComponents(T afterItem,
Component... components)
Adds the components after the given item.
default void |
HasItemsAndComponents.prependComponents(T beforeItem,
Component... components)
Adds the components before the given item.
Constructor and Description |
ValueContext(Component component)
Constructor for
ValueContext . |
ValueContext(Component component,
HasValue<?,?> hasValue)
Constructor for
ValueContext . |
ValueContext(Component component,
HasValue<?,?> hasValue,
Locale locale)
Constructor for
ValueContext . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
SortEvent<T extends Component,S extends SortOrder<?>>
Event describing a change in sorting of a
DataProvider . |
static interface |
SortEvent.SortNotifier<T extends Component,S extends SortOrder<?>>
The interface for adding and removing listeners for
SortEvents . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Component |
ComponentDataGenerator.createComponent(T item) |
protected abstract Component |
AbstractComponentDataGenerator.createComponent(T item)
Creates a new component based on the provided item.
protected Component |
AbstractComponentDataGenerator.getRenderedComponent(String itemKey) |
protected Component |
ComponentDataGenerator.updateComponent(Component currentComponent,
T item) |
protected Component |
AbstractComponentDataGenerator.updateComponent(Component currentComponent,
T item)
Updates an existing component after the item has been updated.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ComponentRenderer<? extends Component,T> |
ComponentDataGenerator.getComponentRenderer() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
AbstractComponentDataGenerator.registerRenderedComponent(String itemKey,
Component component)
Appends the component to the container and registers it for future use
during the lifecycle of the generator.
protected Component |
ComponentDataGenerator.updateComponent(Component currentComponent,
T item) |
protected Component |
AbstractComponentDataGenerator.updateComponent(Component currentComponent,
T item)
Updates an existing component after the item has been updated.
Constructor and Description |
ComponentDataGenerator(ComponentRenderer<? extends Component,T> componentRenderer,
ValueProvider<T,String> keyMapper)
Creates a new generator.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ComponentRenderer<COMPONENT extends Component,SOURCE>
Base class for all renderers that support arbitrary
Component s. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Component |
TextRenderer.createComponent(ITEM item) |
Component |
IconRenderer.createComponent(ITEM item) |
Component |
NativeButtonRenderer.createComponent(SOURCE item) |
Component |
BasicRenderer.createComponent(SOURCE item) |
Component |
ComponentRenderer.updateComponent(Component currentComponent,
SOURCE item)
Called when the item is updated.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Component |
ComponentRenderer.updateComponent(Component currentComponent,
SOURCE item)
Called when the item is updated.
Constructor and Description |
ComponentRenderer(SerializableFunction<SOURCE,COMPONENT> componentFunction,
SerializableBiFunction<Component,SOURCE,Component> componentUpdateFunction)
ComponentRenderer(SerializableFunction<SOURCE,COMPONENT> componentFunction,
SerializableBiFunction<Component,SOURCE,Component> componentUpdateFunction)
IconRenderer(SerializableFunction<ITEM,? extends Component> iconGenerator)
Creates a new renderer instance using the default
ItemLabelGenerator : String::valueOf and the provided
iconGenerator . |
IconRenderer(SerializableFunction<ITEM,? extends Component> iconGenerator,
ItemLabelGenerator<ITEM> itemLabelGenerator)
Creates a new renderer instance using the provided
and itemLabelGenerator . |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
MultiSelect<C extends Component,T>
Multi selection component which allows to select and deselect multiple items.
class |
MultiSelectionEvent<C extends Component,T>
Fired when the selection changes in a listing component that supports
multiple item selection.
interface |
MultiSelectionListener<C extends Component,T>
A listener for listening for selection changes from a multiselection
interface |
SelectionEvent<C extends Component,T>
A selection event that unifies the way to access to selection event for multi
selection and single selection components (in case when only one selected
item is required).
interface |
SelectionListener<C extends Component,T>
A listener for
SelectionEvent . |
interface |
SelectionModel<C extends Component,T>
Models the selection logic of a
Listing component. |
static interface |
SelectionModel.Multi<C extends Component,T>
A selection model in which multiple items can be selected at the same
static interface |
SelectionModel.Single<C extends Component,T>
A selection model in which at most one item can be selected at a time.
interface |
SingleSelect<C extends Component,T>
Single selection component whose selection is treated as a value.
class |
SingleSelectionEvent<C extends Component,T>
Fired when the selection changes in a listing component.
interface |
SingleSelectionListener<C extends Component,T>
A listener for listening to selection changes on a single selection
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T extends Component> |
Instantiator.createComponent(Class<T> componentClass)
Creates an instance of a component by its
componentClass . |
<T extends Component> |
DefaultInstantiator.createComponent(Class<T> componentClass) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T extends Component> |<T> componentType)
Creates a new component instance using this element.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Optional<Component> |
Gets the component this element has been mapped to, if any.
default Optional<Component> |
ElementStateProvider.getComponent(StateNode node)
Gets the component this element is mapped to.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ElementUtil.setComponent(Element element,
Component component)
Defines a mapping between this element and the given
Component . |
default void |
ElementStateProvider.setComponent(StateNode node,
Component component)
Defines a mapping between the element and the given component.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<CssImport> |
AnnotationReader.getCssImportAnnotations(Class<? extends Component> componentClass)
static List<HtmlImport> |
AnnotationReader.getHtmlImportAnnotations(Class<? extends Component> componentClass)
Finds all
HtmlImport annotations on the given Component
class, its super classes and implemented interfaces. |
static List<JavaScript> |
AnnotationReader.getJavaScriptAnnotations(Class<? extends Component> componentClass)
Finds all
JavaScript annotations on the given Component
class, its super classes and implemented interfaces. |
static List<JsModule> |
AnnotationReader.getJsModuleAnnotations(Class<? extends Component> componentClass)
static List<StyleSheet> |
AnnotationReader.getStyleSheetAnnotations(Class<? extends Component> componentClass)
Finds all
StyleSheet annotations on the given Component
class, its super classes and implemented interfaces. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Optional<Component> |
Gets the component this node has been mapped to, if any.
static Optional<Component> |
ComponentMapping.getComponent(StateNode node)
Gets the component mapped to the given state node.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ComponentMapping.setComponent(Component component)
Assigns the given component to this node.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This is a basic default error view shown on exceptions during navigation.
class |
This is a basic default error view shown on routing exceptions.
class |
A link that handles navigation internally using
Router instead of
loading a new page in the browser. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T,C extends Component & HasUrlParameter<T>> |
Router.getUrl(Class<? extends C> navigationTarget,
List<T> parameters)
Url handling is moved to
RouteConfiguration.getUrl(Class, List) |
<T,C extends Component & HasUrlParameter<T>> |
RouteConfiguration.getUrl(Class<? extends C> navigationTarget,
List<T> parameters)
Get the url string for given navigation target with the parameters in the
<T,C extends Component & HasUrlParameter<T>> |
Router.getUrl(Class<? extends C> navigationTarget,
T parameter)
Url handling is moved to
RouteConfiguration.getUrl(Class, Object) |
<T,C extends Component & HasUrlParameter<T>> |
RouteConfiguration.getUrl(Class<? extends C> navigationTarget,
T parameter)
Get the url string for given navigation target with the parameter in the
<T,C extends Component & HasUrlParameter<T>> |
RouterLink.setRoute(Class<? extends C> navigationTarget,
T parameter)
Set the navigation target for this link.
<T,C extends Component & HasUrlParameter<T>> |
RouterLink.setRoute(Router router,
Class<? extends C> navigationTarget,
T parameter)
Set the navigation target for this link.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Class<? extends Component>> |
Get every single navigation targets of all added routes in this change.
Class<? extends Component> |
BeforeEvent.getForwardTargetRouteParameters() instead. |
Class<? extends Component> |
Route navigation target. |
Class<? extends Component> |
Gets the navigation target of this state.
List<Class<? extends Component>> |
Get every single navigation targets of all removed routes in this change.
Class<? extends Component> |
Get the route target type for rerouting.
Optional<Class<? extends Component>> |
RouteConfiguration.getRoute(String path)
Gets the registered route class for a given path.
Optional<Class<? extends Component>> |
RouteConfiguration.getRoute(String path,
List<String> segments)
Gets the optional navigation target class for a given Location matching
with path segments.
Class<? extends Component> |
BeforeEvent.getRerouteTargetType() instead. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BeforeEvent.forwardTo(Class<? extends Component> forwardTargetComponent)
Forward the navigation to show the given component instead of the
component that is currently about to be displayed.
void |
BeforeEvent.forwardTo(Class<? extends Component> forwardTargetComponent,
RouteParameters parameters)
Forward the navigation to show the given component instead of the
component that is currently about to be displayed.
Optional<String> |
RouteConfiguration.getTemplate(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Gets the route template for the given target.
String |
Router.getUrl(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Url handling is moved to
RouteConfiguration.getUrl(Class) |
String |
RouteConfiguration.getUrl(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Get the registered url string for given navigation target.
String |
RouteConfiguration.getUrl(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
RouteParameters parameters)
Gets the url which navigates to given navigationTarget using given
String |
Router.getUrlBase(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Url base handling is moved to
RouteConfiguration.getUrlBase(Class) |
Optional<String> |
RouteConfiguration.getUrlBase(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Return the url base without any route parameters.
boolean |
RoutesChangedEvent.isRouteAdded(Class<? extends Component> clazz)
Determines if a given route navigation target was added for this change.
boolean |
RouteConfiguration.isRouteRegistered(Class<? extends Component> route)
Check if the route is available as a registered target.
boolean |
RoutesChangedEvent.isRouteRemoved(Class<? extends Component> clazz)
Determines if a given route navigation target was removed for this
void |
RouteConfiguration.removeRoute(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Remove the given navigation target route registration.
void |
RouteConfiguration.removeRoute(String path,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Remove only the specified navigationTarget from the path and not other
targets if they exist for the same path.
void |
BeforeEvent.rerouteTo(Class<? extends Component> routeTargetType)
Reroutes the navigation to show the given component instead of the
component that is currently about to be displayed.
void |
BeforeEvent.rerouteTo(Class<? extends Component> routeTargetType,
RouteParameters parameters)
Reroutes the navigation to show the given component instead of the
component that is currently about to be displayed.
void |
RouteConfiguration.setAnnotatedRoute(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Giving a navigation target here will handle the
Route annotation
to get the path and also register any RouteAlias that may be on
the class. |
void |
NavigationState.setNavigationTarget(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Sets the navigation target of this state.
void |
RouteConfiguration.setParentAnnotatedRoute(String path,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Register a navigation target on the specified path.
void |
RouterLink.setRoute(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Set the navigation target for this link.
void |
RouterLink.setRoute(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
RouteParameters parameters)
Set the navigation target for this link.
void |
RouterLink.setRoute(Router router,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Set the navigation target for this link.
void |
RouterLink.setRoute(Router router,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
RouteParameters parameters)
Set the navigation target for this link.
void |
RouteConfiguration.setRoute(String path,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Register a navigation target with specified path and with no parent
void |
RouteConfiguration.setRoute(String path,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
Class<? extends RouterLayout>... parentChain)
Register a navigation target with specified path and given parent layout
void |
RouteConfiguration.setRoute(String path,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> parentChain)
Register a navigation target with specified path and given parent layout
NavigationStateBuilder |
NavigationStateBuilder.withTarget(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Assigns the given navigation target to the navigation state being built.
NavigationStateBuilder |
NavigationStateBuilder.withTarget(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
List<String> parameters)
NavigationStateBuilder |
NavigationStateBuilder.withTarget(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
RouteParameters parameters)
Assigns the given navigation target with the given url parameter to the
navigation state being built.
Constructor and Description |
RouteAliasData(List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> parentLayouts,
String template,
List<Class<?>> parameters,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
AliasData constructor.
RouteAliasData(List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> parentLayouts,
String template,
Map<String,RouteParameterData> parameters,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
AliasData constructor.
RouteBaseData(List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> parentLayouts,
String template,
List<Class<?>> parameters,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
RouteBaseData constructor.
RouteBaseData(List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> parentLayouts,
String template,
Map<String,RouteParameterData> parameters,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
RouteBaseData constructor.
RouteData(List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> parentLayouts,
String template,
List<Class<?>> parameters,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
List<RouteAliasData> routeAliases)
RouteData constructor.
RouteData(List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> parentLayouts,
String template,
Map<String,RouteParameterData> parameters,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
List<RouteAliasData> routeAliases)
RouteData constructor.
RouterLink(Router router,
String text,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Creates a new router link for the given navigation target using the given
RouterLink(Router router,
String text,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
RouteParameters parameters)
Creates a new router link for the given navigation target using the given
text and parameters.
RouterLink(String text,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Creates a new router link for the given navigation target using the given
RouterLink(String text,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
RouteParameters parameters)
Creates a new router link for the given navigation target using the given
text and parameters.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Map<Class<? extends Component>,com.vaadin.flow.router.internal.RouteModel> |
ConfiguredRoutes.copyTargetRouteModels(boolean mutable)
Make a copy of the target and route models mapping.
Class<? extends Component> |
ConfiguredRoutes.getExceptionHandlerByClass(Class<?> exceptionClass)
Get a exception handler by exception class.
Map<Class<? extends Exception>,Class<? extends Component>> |
Get all registered exception handlers as a exception-to-handler map.
Map<Class<? extends Exception>,Class<? extends Component>> |
Override so that the getters use the correct exception targets map for
Class<? extends Component> |
Gets the navigation target type.
Optional<Class<? extends Component>> |
AbstractRouteRegistry.getNavigationTarget(String url) |
Optional<Class<? extends Component>> |
AbstractRouteRegistry.getNavigationTarget(String url,
List<String> segments) |
Optional<Class<? extends Component>> |
ConfiguredRoutes.getRoute(String url,
List<String> segments)
Get the route class matching the given path and path segments.
Class<? extends Component> |
Get the component route target.
Optional<Class<? extends Component>> |
ConfiguredRoutes.getTarget(String url)
Get the target class matching the given url.
Map<Class<? extends Component>,String> |
Get all registered target routes for this configuration mapping the main
Map<Class<? extends Component>,String> |
Override so that the getters use the correct target routes map for data.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
NavigationStateRenderer.notifyNavigationTarget(Component componentInstance,
NavigationEvent navigationEvent,
BeforeEnterEvent beforeEnterEvent,
LocationChangeEvent locationChangeEvent) |
protected void |
ErrorStateRenderer.notifyNavigationTarget(Component componentInstance,
NavigationEvent navigationEvent,
BeforeEnterEvent beforeEnterEvent,
LocationChangeEvent locationChangeEvent) |
protected abstract void |
AbstractNavigationStateRenderer.notifyNavigationTarget(Component componentInstance,
NavigationEvent navigationEvent,
BeforeEnterEvent beforeEnterEvent,
LocationChangeEvent locationChangeEvent)
Notify the navigation target about the status of the navigation.
static void |
RouterUtil.updatePageTitle(NavigationEvent navigationEvent,
Component routeTarget)
Updates the page title according to the currently visible component.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
AbstractRouteRegistry.addErrorTarget(Class<? extends Component> target,
Map<Class<? extends Exception>,Class<? extends Component>> exceptionTargetsMap)
Add the given error target to the exceptionTargetMap.
protected void |
AbstractRouteRegistry.addErrorTarget(Class<? extends Component> target,
Map<Class<? extends Exception>,Class<? extends Component>> exceptionTargetsMap)
Add the given error target to the exceptionTargetMap.
static void |
RouterUtil.checkForDuplicates(Class<? extends Component> routeTargetType,
Collection<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> routeLayoutTypes)
Checks that the same component type is not used in multiple parts of a
route chain.
static void |
HasUrlParameterFormat.checkMandatoryParameter(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
RouteParameters parameters)
Verify whether the navigationTarget has mandatory parameter and complies
with the given parameter values.
boolean |
RouteTarget.containsTarget(Class<? extends Component> target)
Check if navigation target is present in current target.
static String |
HasUrlParameterFormat.excludeTemplate(String urlTemplate,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Gets the url base from a given url containing the url parameter template
HasUrlParameterFormat.PARAMETER_NAME if it's
implementing HasUrlParameter . |
List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> |
ConfiguredRoutes.getParentLayouts(String path,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
ConfiguredRoutes.getNavigationRouteTarget(String) instead. |
List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> |
AbstractRouteRegistry.getRouteLayouts(String path,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
instead use
AbstractRouteRegistry.getNavigationRouteTarget(String) and
retrieve the list of route layouts from the
RouteTarget contained in the
NavigationRouteTarget . |
protected List<String> |
ConfiguredRoutes.getRoutePaths(Class<? extends Component> routeTarget)
Collect all routes for which given routeTarget is registered.
protected List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> |
NavigationStateRenderer.getRouterLayoutTypes(Class<? extends Component> targetType,
Router router) |
List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> |
ErrorStateRenderer.getRouterLayoutTypes(Class<? extends Component> targetType,
Router router)
Gets the router layout types to show for the given route target type,
starting from the parent layout immediately wrapping the route target
protected abstract List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> |
AbstractNavigationStateRenderer.getRouterLayoutTypes(Class<? extends Component> routeTargetType,
Router router)
Gets the router layout types to show for the given route target type,
starting from the parent layout immediately wrapping the route target
RouteTarget |
ConfiguredRoutes.getRouteTarget(Class<? extends Component> target,
RouteParameters parameters)
Gets the
RouteTarget instance matching the given target component
and route parameters. |
RouteTarget |
AbstractRouteRegistry.getRouteTarget(Class<? extends Component> target,
RouteParameters parameters) |
String |
ConfiguredRoutes.getTargetRoute(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Get the route template String for the given navigation target class.
String |
ConfiguredRoutes.getTargetUrl(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Get the url path String for the given navigation target class.
Optional<String> |
AbstractRouteRegistry.getTargetUrl(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget) |
String |
ConfiguredRoutes.getTargetUrl(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
RouteParameters parameters)
Get the url path String for the given navigation target class and
Optional<String> |
AbstractRouteRegistry.getTargetUrl(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
RouteParameters parameters) |
String |
ConfiguredRoutes.getTemplate(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Get the route template String for the given navigation target class.
Optional<String> |
AbstractRouteRegistry.getTemplate(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget) |
String |
ConfiguredRoutes.getTemplate(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
Set<RouteParameterFormatOption> format)
Get the route template String for the given navigation target class and
using the specified parameters format.
static String |
HasUrlParameterFormat.getTemplate(String urlBase,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Gets the template for the given url base by appending the parameter
according to the given navigationTarget if it's implementing
HasUrlParameter |
boolean |
ConfiguredRoutes.hasRouteTarget(Class<? extends Component> target)
Check it the given route target has been registered to the configuration.
void |
ConfigureRoutes.removeRoute(Class<? extends Component> target)
Remove the target completely from the configuration.
void |
AbstractRouteRegistry.removeRoute(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget) |
void |
ConfigureRoutes.removeRoute(String template,
Class<? extends Component> targetRoute)
Remove navigation target for given template.
void |
AbstractRouteRegistry.removeRoute(String path,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget) |
void |
ConfigureRoutes.setErrorRoute(Class<? extends Exception> exception,
Class<? extends Component> errorTarget)
Set a error route to the configuration.
void |
ConfigureRoutes.setRoute(String template,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Set a new
RouteTarget for the given template. |
void |
ConfigureRoutes.setRoute(String template,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> parentChain)
Set a new
RouteTarget for the given template. |
void |
AbstractRouteRegistry.setRoute(String path,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> parentChain) |
void |
ConfigureRoutes.setTargetRoute(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
String path)
Put a new target route for Class-to-path mapping.
Constructor and Description |
ErrorTargetEntry(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
Class<? extends Exception> handledExceptionType)
Creates a new new entry with the given navigation target type and
exception type.
RouteTarget(Class<? extends Component> target)
Create a new Route target holder with the given target registered and
empty parent layouts.
RouteTarget(Class<? extends Component> target,
List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> parents)
Create a new Route target holder with the given target registered.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Class<? extends Component> |
Returns the already configured navigation target component class which
caused the exception.
Optional<Class<? extends Component>> |
SessionRouteRegistry.getNavigationTarget(String url) |
Optional<Class<? extends Component>> |
RouteRegistry.getNavigationTarget(String url)
Gets the optional navigation target class for a given path.
Optional<Class<? extends Component>> |
SessionRouteRegistry.getNavigationTarget(String url,
List<String> segments) |
Optional<Class<? extends Component>> |
RouteRegistry.getNavigationTarget(String url,
List<String> segments)
Gets the optional navigation target class for a given Location matching
with path segments.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> |
SessionRouteRegistry.getRouteLayouts(String path,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
instead use
SessionRouteRegistry.getNavigationRouteTarget(String) and
retrieve the list of route layouts from the
RouteTarget contained in the
NavigationRouteTarget . |
List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> |
RouteRegistry.getRouteLayouts(String path,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
instead use
RouteRegistry.getNavigationRouteTarget(String) and
retrieve the list of route layouts from the
RouteTarget contained in the
NavigationRouteTarget . |
RouteTarget |
SessionRouteRegistry.getRouteTarget(Class<? extends Component> target,
RouteParameters parameters) |
RouteTarget |
RouteRegistry.getRouteTarget(Class<? extends Component> target,
RouteParameters parameters)
Gets the
RouteTarget instance matching the given target component
and route parameters. |
Optional<String> |
SessionRouteRegistry.getTargetUrl(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget) |
Optional<String> |
RouteRegistry.getTargetUrl(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Get the url string for given navigation target.
Optional<String> |
SessionRouteRegistry.getTargetUrl(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
RouteParameters parameters) |
Optional<String> |
RouteRegistry.getTargetUrl(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
RouteParameters parameters)
Get the url string for given navigation target.
Optional<String> |
SessionRouteRegistry.getTemplate(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget) |
Optional<String> |
RouteRegistry.getTemplate(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Get the main template for given navigation target.
void |
RouteRegistry.removeRoute(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Remove the given navigation target route registration.
void |
RouteRegistry.removeRoute(String path,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Remove navigationTarget for the path.
void |
RouteRegistry.setRoute(String path,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> parentChain)
Register a navigation target with specified path and given parent layout
Constructor and Description |
AmbiguousRouteConfigurationException(String message,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Constructs a new invalid route configuration exception with the specified
detail message and the existing navigation target component which already
presents in the configuration with the route path.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Set<Class<? extends Component>> |
AbstractRouteRegistryInitializer.validateRouteClasses(Stream<Class<?>> routeClasses)
Validate the potential route classes stream and return them as a set.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ApplicationRouteRegistry.setErrorNavigationTargets(Set<Class<? extends Component>> errorNavigationTargets)
Set error handler navigation targets.
void |
ApplicationRouteRegistry.setRoute(String path,
Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget,
List<Class<? extends RouterLayout>> parentChain) |
boolean |
NavigationTargetFilter.testNavigationTarget(Class<? extends Component> navigationTarget)
Tests whether the given navigation target class should be included.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
PropertyConfigurationImpl<C extends Component,P extends Serializable>
For internal use only.
class |
WebComponentBinding<C extends Component>
Represents a single instance of a exported web component instance embedded
onto a host page.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T extends Component> |
WebComponentConfigurationRegistry.getConfigurationsByComponentType(Class<T> componentClass)
Get an unmodifiable set containing all registered web component
configurations for a specific
Component type. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Optional<WebComponentConfiguration<? extends Component>> |
WebComponentConfigurationRegistry.getConfiguration(String tag)
Get a web component configuration for given custom element tag if one is
Set<WebComponentConfiguration<? extends Component>> |
Get an unmodifiable set containing all registered web component
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
WebComponentExporterTagExtractor.apply(WebComponentExporterFactory<? extends Component> factory) |
static String |
WebComponentGenerator.generateModule(WebComponentConfiguration<? extends Component> webComponentConfiguration,
String frontendURI,
boolean compatibilityMode,
String themeName)
Generate web component html/JS for given tag and class.
static String |
WebComponentGenerator.generateModule(WebComponentExporterFactory<? extends Component> factory,
String frontendURI,
boolean compatibilityMode,
String themeName)
Generate web component html/JS for given exporter factory.
boolean |
WebComponentConfigurationRegistry.setConfigurations(Set<WebComponentConfiguration<? extends Component>> configurations)
Registers all available web component configurations to the registry.
boolean |
OSGiWebComponentConfigurationRegistry.setConfigurations(Set<WebComponentConfiguration<? extends Component>> configurations) |
protected void |
WebComponentConfigurationRegistry.updateRegistry(Set<WebComponentConfiguration<? extends Component>> configurations)
Internal method for updating registry.
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