Interface | Description |
BootstrapHandler.PageBuilder |
Interface for objects capable of building the bootstrap page.
BootstrapListener |
This event listener is notified when the bootstrap HTML is about to be
generated and sent to the client.
Command |
A generic command interface meant to be used for passing lambdas around.
DependencyFilter | |
ErrorHandler |
Application errors handler.
ErrorHandlingCommand |
Defines the interface to handle exceptions thrown during the execution of a
ErrorRouteRegistry |
Interface class for RouteRegistries that can be used to request for error
navigation views for Exceptions.
FallibleCommand | Deprecated
this command is an internal command and is not supposed to be
used in application code
InputStreamFactory |
Creates input stream instances that provides the actual data of a
StreamResource . |
PageConfigurator | Deprecated
Deprecated due to multiple issues on feature design, like this
won't work together with the
PreserveOnRefresh annotation. |
RequestHandler |
Handler for producing a response to HTTP requests.
RouteRegistry |
The RouteRegistry interface class that gives the out facing usage needs for a
route registry implementation.
ServiceDestroyListener |
Listener that gets notified when the
VaadinService to which it has
been registered is destroyed. |
SessionDestroyListener |
A listener that gets notified when a Vaadin service session is no longer
SessionExpiredHandler |
A specialized RequestHandler which is capable of sending session expiration
messages to the user.
SessionInitListener |
Event listener that can be registered to a
VaadinService to get an
event when a new Vaadin service session is initialized for that service. |
StaticFileHandler |
Handler for static files.
StreamRegistration |
Stream registration result.
StreamResourceWriter |
Output stream consumer.
StreamVariable |
StreamVariable is a special kind of variable whose value is streamed to an
OutputStream provided by the StreamVariable.getOutputStream() method. |
StreamVariable.StreamingEndEvent |
Event passed to
StreamVariable.streamingFinished(StreamingEndEvent) method the
contents have been streamed to StreamVariable successfully. |
StreamVariable.StreamingErrorEvent |
Event passed to
StreamVariable.streamingFailed(StreamingErrorEvent) method when
the streaming ended before the end of the input. |
StreamVariable.StreamingEvent |
Streaming event interface.
StreamVariable.StreamingProgressEvent |
Event passed to
StreamVariable.onProgress(StreamingProgressEvent) method during
the streaming progresses. |
StreamVariable.StreamingStartEvent |
Event passed to
StreamVariable.streamingStarted(StreamingStartEvent) method
before the streaming of the content to StreamVariable starts. |
SystemMessagesProvider |
Gives out system messages based on Locale.
UIInitListener |
Event listener that can be registered for receiving an event when a
UI is initialized. |
VaadinConfig |
Configuration in which
VaadinService is running. |
VaadinContext |
Context in which
VaadinService is running. |
VaadinRequest |
A generic request to the server, wrapping a more specific request type, e.g.
VaadinResponse |
A generic response from the server, wrapping a more specific response type,
VaadinServiceInitListener |
Listener for
VaadinService initialization events. |
WrappedSession |
A generic session, wrapping a more specific session implementation, e.g.
Class | Description |
AbstractDeploymentConfiguration |
An abstract base class for DeploymentConfiguration implementations.
AbstractStreamResource |
Abstract stream resource class.
Attributes |
Attributes class represents a set of attributes. |
BootstrapHandler |
Request handler which handles bootstrapping of the application, i.e.
BootstrapHandler.BootstrapContext |
Provides context information for the bootstrap process.
BootstrapHandler.BootstrapPageBuilder |
Builds bootstrap pages.
BootstrapHandler.BootstrapUriResolver |
The URI resolver used in the bootstrap process.
BootstrapPageResponse |
This represents the state of a bootstrap page being generated.
Constants |
Constants used by the server side framework.
CustomizedSystemMessages |
Contains the system messages used to notify the user about various critical
situations that can occur.
DefaultDeploymentConfiguration |
The default implementation of
DeploymentConfiguration based on a base
class for resolving system properties and a set of init parameters. |
DefaultErrorHandler |
The default implementation of
ErrorHandler . |
DefaultSystemMessagesProvider |
System messages provider using the built-in default system messages.
DependencyFilter.FilterContext |
Provides context information for the dependency filter operation.
DeploymentConfigurationFactory |
DeploymentConfiguration filled with all parameters specified
by the framework users. |
DevModeHandler |
Handles getting resources from
webpack-dev-server . |
ErrorEvent |
An error thrown by the framework and handled by an
ErrorHandler . |
FrontendVaadinServlet |
This servlet handles static resources and webjars.
FutureAccess |
Encapsulates a
Command submitted using
VaadinSession.access(Command) . |
HandlerHelper |
Contains helper methods for
VaadinServlet and generally for handling
VaadinRequests . |
InitialPageSettings | Deprecated
BootstrapPageResponse instance passed via
BootstrapListener instead, or acquire the UI via
BootstrapListener for certain modifications and
configuration. |
InitParameters |
Constants for all servlet init parameters.
InlineTargets |
Data holder class for collected
Inline annotations to be added to the
initial page. |
PropertyDeploymentConfiguration |
The property handling implementation of
DeploymentConfiguration based
on a base class for resolving system properties and a set of init parameters. |
PwaConfiguration |
Holds the configuration from the
PWA annotation. |
PwaIcon |
Implementation of icons used in PWA resources.
PwaRegistry |
Registry for PWA data.
ServiceContextUriResolver |
A URI resolver which resolves paths for loading through VaadinService
resource methods.
ServiceDestroyEvent |
Event fired to
ServiceDestroyListener when a VaadinService is
being destroyed. |
ServiceInitEvent |
Event fired to
VaadinServiceInitListener when a VaadinService
is being initialized. |
ServletHelper | Deprecated
HandlerHelper instead |
SessionDestroyEvent |
Event fired when a Vaadin service session is no longer in use.
SessionInitEvent |
Event gets fired when a new Vaadin service session is initialized for a
Vaadin service.
SessionRouteRegistry |
SessionRouteRegistry is a mutable route registry that is valid in the scope
of VaadinSession.
StaticFileServer |
Handles sending of resources from the WAR root (web content) or
META-INF/resources in the case that
VaadinServlet is mapped using
"/*". |
StreamReceiver |
Represents a receiver for data upload from the client.
StreamResource |
Represents dynamically generated data.
StreamResourceRegistry |
Registry for
StreamResource instances. |
SynchronizedRequestHandler |
RequestHandler which takes care of locking and unlocking of the VaadinSession
SystemMessages |
Contains the system messages used to notify the user about various critical
situations that can occur.
SystemMessagesInfo |
Provides information available for
SystemMessagesProvider when
defining what SystemMessages to use. |
UIInitEvent |
Event fired to
UIInitListener when a UI has been initialized. |
UnsupportedBrowserHandler |
RequestHandler that presents an informative page if the browser in
use is unsupported. |
VaadinService |
An abstraction of the underlying technology, e.g.
VaadinServlet |
The main servlet, which handles all incoming requests to the application.
VaadinServletConfig |
VaadinConfig implementation for Servlets. |
VaadinServletContext |
VaadinContext that goes with VaadinServletService . |
VaadinServletRequest |
Wrapper for
HttpServletRequest . |
VaadinServletResponse |
Wrapper for
HttpServletResponse . |
VaadinServletService |
A service implementation connected to a
VaadinServlet . |
VaadinSession |
Contains everything that Vaadin needs to store for a specific user.
Version |
Provides information about the current version of the framework.
WebBrowser |
Provides information about the web browser the user is using that is directly
available in the request, for instance browser name and version and IP
WrappedHttpSession |
Wrapper for
HttpSession . |
Enum | Description |
HandlerHelper.RequestType |
Framework internal enum for tracking the type of a request.
InitialPageSettings.Position |
Append position enum.
InitialPageSettings.WrapMode |
Content wrapping mode enum.
PwaIcon.Domain |
Place where icon belongs to (header or manifest.webmanifest).
ServletHelper.RequestType |
Framework internal enum for tracking the type of a request.
VaadinSessionState |
The lifecycle state of a VaadinSession.
Exception | Description |
AmbiguousRouteConfigurationException |
Exception indicating that the application's routes already has the navigation
target with the given path.
BootstrapException |
A Vaadin internal runtime exception thrown when the writing of the bootstrap
page in
BootstrapHandler fails for some reason. |
ExecutionFailedException |
Thrown by
FallibleCommand if it's unable to complete its execution. |
InvalidApplicationConfigurationException |
Exception indicating that the application's routes have been configured
InvalidCustomElementNameException |
Exception indicating that the custom-element name is invalid.
InvalidI18NConfigurationException |
Exception indicating that the application's I18N localization has been
configured incorrectly.
InvalidRouteConfigurationException |
Exception indicating that the application's routes have been configured
InvalidRouteLayoutConfigurationException |
Exception indicating that Route layouts configuration has problems.
NoInputStreamException |
Exception for when there is no
InputStream available. |
NoOutputStreamException |
Exception for when there is no
OutputStream available. |
ServiceException |
Thrown for problems which occur in the
VaadinService layer. |
SessionExpiredException |
Exception indicating that the session has expired.
UploadException |
Upload exception class.
VaadinConfigurationException |
Exception thrown for failures in the generation of a deployment configuration
Annotation Type | Description |
Defines application PWA properties.
VaadinServletConfiguration | Deprecated
Leftover from Vaadin Framework 8 where the developer typically
defines their own servlet class.
VaadinServletConfiguration.InitParameterName |
Defines the init parameter name for methods in
VaadinServletConfiguration . |
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