Interface | Description |
PushConnection |
Represents a bidirectional ("push") connection between a single UI and its
PushConnectionFactory |
Factory that produces instances of
PushConnection . |
Class | Description |
AtmospherePushConnection |
PushConnection implementation using the Atmosphere push support
that is by default included in Vaadin. |
AtmospherePushConnection.FragmentedMessage |
Represents a message that can arrive as multiple fragments.
FaviconHandler |
Handles the favicon request explicitly and return 404 for it.
HeartbeatHandler |
Handles heartbeat requests.
JSR356WebsocketInitializer |
Initializer class for JSR 356 websockets.
JSR356WebsocketInitializer.FakeServletConfig |
"ServletConfig" which only provides information from a
ServletRegistration and its ServletContext . |
LongPollingCacheFilter |
PerRequestBroadcastFilter implementation that handles
AtmospherePushConnection.PushMessage s
to ensure that a message is preserved in the BroadcasterCache until
the client has received it. |
MetadataWriter |
Serializes miscellaneous metadata to JSON.
PushAtmosphereHandler |
Handles Atmosphere requests and forwards them to logical methods in
PushHandler . |
PushHandler |
Handles incoming push connections and messages and dispatches them to the
UI / AtmospherePushConnection . |
PushRequestHandler |
Handles requests to open a push (bidirectional) communication channel between
the client and the server.
PwaHandler |
Handles serving of PWA resources.
ReturnChannelHandler |
RPC handler for return channel messages.
ServerRpcHandler |
Handles a client-to-server message containing serialized RPC invocations.
ServerRpcHandler.RpcRequest |
A data transfer object representing an RPC request sent by the client
SessionRequestHandler |
Handles a request by passing it to each registered
RequestHandler in
the session in turn until one produces a response. |
StreamReceiverHandler |
StreamReceiver instances registered in VaadinSession . |
StreamRequestHandler | |
StreamResourceHandler |
StreamResource instances registered in VaadinSession . |
UidlRequestHandler |
Processes a UIDL request from the client.
UidlWriter |
Serializes pending server-side changes to UI state to JSON.
UidlWriter.ResolveContext |
Provides context information for the resolve operations.
WebComponentBootstrapHandler |
Bootstrap handler for WebComponent requests.
WebComponentProvider |
Request handler that supplies the script/html of the web component matching
the given tag.
Enum | Description |
AtmospherePushConnection.State |
Exception | Description |
ServerRpcHandler.InvalidUIDLSecurityKeyException |
Exception thrown then the security key sent by the client does not match
the expected one.
ServerRpcHandler.ResynchronizationRequiredException |
Exception thrown then the client side resynchronization is required.
StreamReceiverHandler.UploadInterruptedException |
An UploadInterruptedException will be thrown by an ongoing upload if
StreamVariable.isInterrupted() returns true . |
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