@Retention(value=RUNTIME) @Target(value=TYPE) @Inherited @Documented @Repeatable(value=JavaScript.Container.class) public @interface JavaScript
class. For adding
multiple JavaScript files for a single component, you can use this annotation
multiple times.
It is guaranteed that dependencies will be loaded only once. The files loaded
will be in the same order as the annotations were on the class. However,
loading order is only guaranteed on a class level; Annotations from different
classes may appear in different order, grouped by the annotated class. Also,
files identified by @JavaScript
will be loaded after
and before
NOTE: Currently all frontend resources are bundled together into one big
bundle. This means, that JavaScript files loaded by one class will be present
on a view constructed by another class. For example, if there are two classes
annotated with @Route("")
, and another class
annotated with @Route("route-a")
, the javascript.js
will be
run on the root route as well.
External JavaScript dependencies (e.g. "http://example.com/some.js") are
added in the same way as Page.addJavaScript(String)
and the result is
just adding a classic javscript
element to the page. Other paths used
in the value()
method are considered as relative to
directory and they are added to the page as a JavaScript
module (a javscript
element with type="module"
). In this case
a JavaScript
annotation behaves exactly as a JsModule
It's not possible to execute a function defined in JavaScript module via
because the function is private there (unless it's explicitly exposed). The
JavaScript where the function is defined should be either external or it
should be added using Page.addJavaScript(String)
: in this case all
declared functions become available in the global scope.Page.addJavaScript(String)
public abstract String value
in the browser.
Relative URLs are interpreted as relative to the configured
directory location.
In NPM mode this URL identifies a file which will be bundled, so the file should be available to be able to bundle it. External URLs (e.g. absolute URL which has a schema like "http://") are not bundled but included into the page as standalone scripts (the same way as in compatibility mode, see below). It's applicable also for "context://" and "base://" schemas.
In compatibility mode the URL represents a standalone script which will
be added to the page. You can prefix the URL with context://
make it relative to the context path or use an absolute URL to refer to
files outside the frontend directory.
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