@Tag(value="vaadin-context-menu") @NpmPackage(value="@vaadin/vaadin-context-menu", version="4.6.1") @JsModule(value="@vaadin/vaadin-context-menu/src/vaadin-context-menu.js") public abstract class GeneratedVaadinContextMenu<R extends GeneratedVaadinContextMenu<R>> extends Component implements HasStyle, ClickNotifier<R>
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
<vaadin-context-menu> <template> <vaadin-list-box> <vaadin-item>First menu item</vaadin-item> <vaadin-item>Second menu item</vaadin-item> </vaadin-list-box> </template> </vaadin-context-menu>
is a gesture event (a custom event fired by
Polymer), which is dispatched after either contextmenu
and long touch
events. This enables support for both mouse and touch environments in a
uniform way.
opens the menu overlay on the
event by default.
By default, the <vaadin-context-menu>
element listens for the menu
opening event on itself. In order to have a context menu on your content,
wrap your content with the <vaadin-context-menu>
element, and add a
template element with a menu. Example:
<vaadin-context-menu> <template> <vaadin-list-box> <vaadin-item>First menu item</vaadin-item> <vaadin-item>Second menu item</vaadin-item> </vaadin-list-box> </template>
<p>This paragraph has the context menu provided in the above template.</p> <p>Another paragraph with the context menu.</p> </vaadin-context-menu>
In case if you do not want to wrap the page content, you can listen for
events on an element outside the <vaadin-context-menu>
by setting the
<vaadin-context-menu id="customListener"> <template> <vaadin-list-box> ... </vaadin-list-box> </template> </vaadin-context-menu>
<div id="menuListener">The element that listens for the context menu.</div>
<script> const contextMenu = document.querySelector('vaadin-context-menu#customListener'); contextMenu.listenOn = document.querySelector('#menuListener'); </script>
By default, the listener element and all its descendants open the context
menu. You can filter the menu targets to a smaller set of elements inside the
listener element by setting the selector
In the following example, only the elements matching .has-menu
open the context menu:
<vaadin-context-menu selector=".has-menu"> <template> <vaadin-list-box> ... </vaadin-list-box> </template>
<p class="has-menu">This paragraph opens the context menu</p> <p>This paragraph does not open the context menu</p> </vaadin-context-menu>
You can bind to the following properties in the menu template:
is the menu opening event target, which is the element
that the user has called the context menu fordetail
is the menu opening event detailIn the following example, the menu item text is composed with the contents of the element that opened the menu:
<vaadin-context-menu selector="li"> <template> <vaadin-list-box> <vaadin-item>The menu target: [[target.textContent]]</vaadin-item> </vaadin-list-box> </template>
<ul> <li>Foo</li> <li>Bar</li> <li>Baz</li> </ul> </vaadin-context-menu>
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
GeneratedVaadinContextMenu.OpenedChangeEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinContextMenu<R>> |
Constructor and Description |
GeneratedVaadinContextMenu() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Registration |
addOpenedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinContextMenu.OpenedChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
opened-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected void |
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
protected String |
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
protected elemental.json.JsonObject |
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
protected String |
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
protected String |
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
protected boolean |
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
protected void |
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
protected void |
setCloseOn(String closeOn)
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
protected void |
setListenOn(elemental.json.JsonObject listenOn)
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
protected void |
setOpenOn(String openOn)
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
protected void |
setSelector(String selector)
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
addListener, fireEvent, from, get, getChildren, getElement, getEventBus, getId, getLocale, getParent, getTranslation, getTranslation, getTranslation, getTranslation, getUI, hasListener, isAttached, isTemplateMapped, isVisible, onAttach, onDetach, onEnabledStateChanged, set, setElement, setId, setVisible
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
addClassName, addClassNames, getClassName, getClassNames, getStyle, hasClassName, removeClassName, removeClassNames, setClassName, setClassName
addClickListener, addClickShortcut
protected String getSelectorString()
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
CSS selector that can be used to target any child element of the context
menu to listen for openOn
This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
property from the webcomponentprotected void setSelector(String selector)
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
CSS selector that can be used to target any child element of the context
menu to listen for openOn
- the String value to set@Synchronize(property="opened", value="opened-changed") protected boolean isOpenedBoolean()
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
True if the overlay is currently displayed.
This property is synchronized automatically from client side when a 'opened-changed' event happens.
property from the webcomponentprotected String getOpenOnString()
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Event name to listen for opening the context menu.
This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
property from the webcomponentprotected void setOpenOn(String openOn)
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Event name to listen for opening the context menu.
- the String value to setprotected elemental.json.JsonObject getListenOnJsonObject()
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
The target element that's listened to for context menu opening events. By
default the vaadin-context-menu listens to the target's
This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
property from the webcomponentprotected void setListenOn(elemental.json.JsonObject listenOn)
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
The target element that's listened to for context menu opening events. By
default the vaadin-context-menu listens to the target's
- the JsonObject value to setprotected String getCloseOnString()
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Event name to listen for closing the context menu.
This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.
property from the webcomponentprotected void setCloseOn(String closeOn)
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Event name to listen for closing the context menu.
- the String value to setprotected void close()
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Closes the overlay.
protected void open()
Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
Opens the overlay.
protected Registration addOpenedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinContextMenu.OpenedChangeEvent<R>> listener)
events fired by the
- the listenerRegistration
for removing the event listenerCopyright © 2025. All rights reserved.