Interface | Description |
TemplateDataAnalyzer.InjectableFieldCunsumer |
Three argument consumer.
TemplateParser |
Template content parser.
Class | Description |
AbstractTemplate<M extends TemplateModel> | |
BundleParser |
Parse statistics data provided by webpack.
DefaultTemplateParser |
Default template parser implementation.
IdCollector |
Collects information of
@Id mapped fields in a template class. |
IdMapper |
Creates or maps Element instances to fields mapped using
@Id . |
InjectablePolymerElementInitializer |
Initialize a polymer template element with data.
NpmTemplateParser |
Npm template parser implementation.
PolymerTemplate<M extends TemplateModel> |
Component for an HTML element declared as a polymer component.
TemplateDataAnalyzer |
Template data analyzer which produces immutable data required for template
initializer using provided template class and a parser.
TemplateDataAnalyzer.ParserData |
Immutable parser data which may be stored in cache.
TemplateInitializer |
Template initialization related logic (parse template, create sub-templates,
inject elements by id).
TemplateParser.TemplateData |
Wrapper for the parsing result.
Annotation Type | Description |
EventHandler |
Publishes the annotated method so it can be invoked from the client side as
template event handlers.
Id |
Defines the id of an element to map to inside a
PolymerTemplate . |
ModelItem |
Allows to receive Model class item from the client side instead of a index of
an element in dom-repeat Polymer template section, or string representation.
RepeatIndex |
Allows to receive index of an element in dom-repeat Polymer template section.
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