Interface | Description |
AttachNotifier |
Mixin interface for components that support adding attach listeners.
BlurNotifier<T extends Component> |
Mixin interface to handle blur events on components.
ClickNotifier<T extends Component> |
Mixin interface for components that support adding click listeners to the
their root elements.
ComponentEventListener<T extends ComponentEvent<?>> |
Generic listener for component events.
CompositionNotifier |
Mixin interface for components that support adding composition listeners to
the their root elements.
DetachNotifier |
Mixin interface for components that support adding detach listeners.
Focusable<T extends Component> |
Represents a component that can gain and lose focus.
FocusNotifier<T extends Component> |
Mixin interface to handle focus events on components.
HasComponents |
A component to which the user can add and remove child components.
HasElement |
Marker interface for any class which is based on an
Element . |
HasEnabled |
A generic interface for components and other user interface objects that may
be enabled or disabled.
HasHelper |
Mixin interface for field components that have helper text as property and
slots for inserting components.
HasLabel |
A component that supports label definition.
HasOrderedComponents<T extends Component> |
A component which the children components are ordered, so the index of each
child matters for the layout.
HasSize |
Any component implementing this interface supports setting the size of the
component using
HasSize.setWidth(String) and HasSize.setHeight(String) . |
HasStyle |
Component which has class attribute and inline styles. |
HasText |
A component that supports text content.
HasTheme |
Component which has theme attribute. |
HasValidation |
A component that supports input validation.
HasValue<E extends HasValue.ValueChangeEvent<V>,V> |
A generic interface for field components and other user interface objects
that have a user-editable value.
HasValue.ValueChangeEvent<V> |
An event fired when the value of a
HasValue changes. |
HasValue.ValueChangeListener<E extends HasValue.ValueChangeEvent<?>> |
A listener for value change events.
HasValueAndElement<E extends HasValue.ValueChangeEvent<V>,V> |
A component that has a value.
InputNotifier |
Mixin interface for components that support adding input listeners to the
their root elements.
ItemLabelGenerator<T> |
ItemLabelGenerator can be used to customize the string shown to the
user for an item. |
JsonSerializable |
Base interface for classes that are serializable to and from
JsonObject . |
Key |
An interface to represent keyboard keys.
KeyNotifier |
Mixin interface for components that support adding key event listeners to the
their root elements.
PollNotifier |
The interface for adding and removing
PollEvent listeners. |
PropertyDescriptor<S,G> |
Describes a component property that has its value stored in some form in the
component's element, typically an element property or attribute.
PushConfiguration |
Provides method for configuring the push channel.
ReconnectDialogConfiguration |
Provides methods for configuring the reconnect dialog.
ShortcutEventListener |
Listener for shortcut events.
WebComponentExporterFactory<C extends Component> |
Exports a
Component as a web component. |
Class | Description |
AbstractCompositeField<C extends Component,S extends AbstractCompositeField<C,S,T>,T> |
An abstract field class that is backed by a composite component.
AbstractField<C extends AbstractField<C,T>,T> |
An abstract implementation of a field, or a
Component allowing user
input. |
AbstractField.ComponentValueChangeEvent<C extends Component,V> |
Value change event fired by components.
AbstractSinglePropertyField<C extends AbstractField<C,T>,T> |
Abstract field that is based on a single element property.
AttachEvent |
Event fired after a
Component is attached to the UI. |
BlurNotifier.BlurEvent<C extends Component> |
Represents the DOM event "blur".
ClickEvent<C extends Component> |
Event fired when a component is clicked.
Component | |
ComponentEvent<T extends Component> |
An event whose source is a
Component . |
ComponentEventBus |
An event bus for
Component s. |
ComponentEventBusUtil |
Static helpers and caching functionality for
ComponentEventBus . |
ComponentUtil |
Utility methods for
Component . |
Composite<T extends Component> |
A composite encapsulates a
Component tree to allow creation of new
components by composing existing components. |
CompositionEndEvent |
The event when a composition is ended.
CompositionStartEvent |
The event when a composition is started.
CompositionUpdateEvent |
The event when a composition is updated.
DetachEvent |
Event fired before a
Component is detached from the UI. |
FocusNotifier.FocusEvent<C extends Component> |
Represents the DOM event "focus".
Html |
A component which encapsulates a given HTML fragment with a single root
HtmlComponent |
Base class for a
Component that represents a single built-in HTML
element. |
HtmlContainer |
Base class for a
Component that represents a single built-in HTML
element that can contain child components or text. |
InputEvent |
Event fired when the component has received any type of input (e.g.
KeyDownEvent |
The event when a key is pressed.
KeyEventListener<E extends KeyboardEvent> |
A conditional event listener for
KeyboardEvent s. |
KeyPressEvent |
The event when a key is pressed.
KeyUpEvent |
The event when a key is released.
PollEvent |
An event that is fired whenever a client polls the server for asynchronous UI
PropertyDescriptors |
Factory methods for creating
PropertyDescriptor instances. |
ShortcutEvent |
Event when shortcut is detected.
ShortcutRegistration |
A registration object for both configuring and removing the registered
keyboard shortcut.
Shortcuts |
Collections of methods for configuring more complex Shortcut interactions.
Text |
A component which encapsulates the given text in a text node.
UI |
The topmost component in any component hierarchy.
WebComponentExporter<C extends Component> |
Exports a
Component as a web component. |
WebComponentExporter.WebComponentConfigurationFactory |
WebComponentConfiguration instances from either
WebComponentExporter classes or instances. |
WebComponentExporterFactory.DefaultWebComponentExporterFactory<C extends Component> |
Default factory implementation which uses an exporter class to
instantiate it using its default constructor.
Enum | Description |
Direction |
Specifies the direction of the text and other content inside of an element.
KeyLocation |
Possible keyboard key locations.
KeyModifier |
Modifier keys.
Unit |
Enum of supported units in Css sizes.
Exception | Description |
UIDetachedException |
Exception thrown if the UI has been detached when it should not be.
Annotation Type | Description |
ClientCallable |
Publishes the annotated method so it can be invoked from the client side
using the notation
this.$server.method() . |
DebounceSettings |
Debounce settings for declaratively defined client-side event handlers.
DomEvent |
Maps a DOM event to a
ComponentEvent . |
EventData |
Maps data from a DOM event to a
ComponentEvent . |
NotSupported |
Methods annotated with
NotSupported are mapped to the original
webcomponent implementation, but not supported at Java level. |
Synchronize |
Annotates getters for which properties should be synchronized to the server.
Tag |
Defines the tag to use for the root element for a component created using the
Component constructor. |
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