Mobile User Interface Components
- NavigationView
- Toolbar
- NavigationManager
- NavigationButton
- Popover
- SwipeView
- Switch
- VerticalComponentGroup
- HorizontalButtonGroup
- TabBarView
- EmailField
- NumberField
- UrlField
TouchKit introduces a number of components special to mobile user interfaces to give better user interaction and to utilize the special features in mobile devices.
- NavigationView
A view with a navigation bar ( NavigationBar for navigating back and forth in a NavigationManager.
- Toolbar
A horizontal layout especially for buttons. A sub-component of TabBarView or NavigationView.
- NavigationManager
A component container that enables slide animations between the components while the server request is being made for the purpose of latency compensation. The components are typically NavigationViews or SwipeViews.
- NavigationButton
A special button for initiating view change in a NavigationManager on the client-side, for the purpose of latency compensation.
- Popover
A floating pop-up frame that can be positioned relative to a component.
- SwipeView
A view for navigating back and forth in a NavigationManager using horizontal swipe gestures.
- Switch
A sliding on/off toggle for boolean values.
- VerticalComponentGroup
A vertical layout for grouping components.
- HorizontalButtonGroup
A horizontal layout for grouping especially buttons.
- TabBarView
A tabbed view with a content area on the top and a Toolbar for navigating between sub-views on the bottom.
- EmailField,NumberField, and[classname]UrlField
Text fields for inputting specifically email addresses, numbers, and URLs, respectively, with a specific virtual keyboard.
The components are detailed in the following subsections.
The NavigationView is a layout component that consists of a navigation bar and a content area. The content area is scrollable, so there is no need to use an inner panel component. In addition, there can be an optional toolbar component at the bottom of the view. A NavigationView is often used inside a NavigationManager to get view change animations.
NavigationView has a full size by default. The content area is expanding, so that it takes all the space left over from the navigation bar and toolbar.
Navigation Bar
The navigation bar at the top of NavigationView is a separate NavigationBar component. It has two component slots, with one on the left and one on the right. The caption is displayed in the middle. The NavigationBar component can be used independently as well.
When the NavigationBar is used for navigation and you set the previous component with setPreviousComponent(), the left slot is automatically filled with a button. This is done automatically if you use the NavigationView inside a NavigationManager.
You can get access to the navigation bar component with getNavigationBar() to use its manipulator methods directly, but NavigationView also offers some shorthand methods: setLeftComponent(), setRightComponent(), and a setter and a getter for the caption.
A slot for an optional toolbar is located at the bottom of the NavigationView. The toolbar can be any component, but a Toolbar component made for this purpose is included in TouchKit. It is described in Toolbar. You could also use a HorizontalLayout or CssLayout.
You usually fill the tool bar with Button components with an icon and no textual caption. You set the toolbar with setToolbar().
Styling with CSS
.v-touchkit-navview { }
.v-touchkit-navview-wrapper {}
.v-touchkit-navview-toolbar {}
.v-touchkit-navview .v-touchkit-navview-notoolbar {}
The root element has the v-touchkit-navview class. The content area is wrapped inside a v-touchkit-navview-wrapper element. If the view has a toolbar, the toolbar slot has the v-touchkit-navview-toolbar style, but if not, the top-level element has the v-touchkit-navview-notoolbar style.
The Toolbar is a horizontal layout component intended for containing Button components. The toolbar has by default 100% horizontal width and a fixed height. The components are spread evenly in the horizontal direction. Toolbar is used in a TabBarView, as described in TabBarView.
For a description of the inherited features, please refer to "VerticalLayout and HorizontalLayout".
The NavigationManager is a visual effect component that gives sliding animation when switching between views. You can register three components: the currently displayed component, the previous one on the left, and the next component on the right. You can set these components with setCurrentComponent(), setPreviousComponent(), and setNextComponent(), respectively.
The NavigationManager component is illustrated in NavigationManager with Three NavigationViews.
The navigation manager is important for responsiveness, because the previous and next components are cached and the slide animation started before server is contacted to load the new next or previous views.
You give the initial view as a parameter for the constructor. Typically, you use a navigation manager as the UI content or inside a TabBarView.
public class MyUI extends UI {
protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
NavigationManager manager =
new NavigationManager(new MainView());
Changing Views
Switching between the views (components) is normally done with predefined navigation targets to enhance responsiveness. Clicking a NavigationButton or a button in a navigation bar starts navigation automatically without a server roundtrip. Swipe gestures are supported with the SwipeView component.
Navigation can also be done programmatically with the navigateTo() method. If breadcrumbs are enabled, the current view is also pushed to the breadcrumb stack. To navigate back, you can call navigateBack(), which is also called implicitly if a button is clicked in a NavigationView. Also, if navigation is done to the "previous" component, navigateBack() is done implicitly.
When navigation occurs, the current component is moved as the previous or next component, according to the direction of the navigation.
Handling View Changes
While you can put any components in the manager, some special features are enabled when using the NavigationView. When a view becomes visible, the onBecomingVisible() method in the view is called. You can override it, just remember to call the superclass method.
protected void onBecomingVisible() {
Otherwise, you can handle navigation changes in the manager with a NavigationListener. The direction property tells whether the navigation was done forward or backward in the breadcrumb stack, that is, whether navigation was done with navigateTo() or navigateBack. The current component, accessible with getCurrentComponent(), refers to the navigation target component.
manager.addNavigationListener(new NavigationListener() {
public void navigate(NavigationEvent event) {
if (event.getDirection() ==
NavigationEvent.Direction.BACK) {
// Do something"You came back to " +
Tracking Breadcrumbs
NavigationManager also handles breadcrumb tracking. The navigateTo() pushes the current view on the top of the breadcrumb stack and navigateBack() can be called to return to the previous breadcrumb level.
Notice that calling navigateTo() with the "previous" component is equivalent to calling navigateBack().
The NavigationButton is a special version of the regular Button component, designed for navigation inside a NavigationManager (see NavigationManager). Clicking a navigation button will automatically navigate to the defined target view. The view change animation does not need to make a server request first, but starts immediately after clicking the button. If you leave the target view empty, an empty placeholder view is shown in the animation. The view is filled after it gets the content from the server.
A navigation button does not have a particular border by default, because multiple navigation buttons are typically used inside a VerticalComponentGroup to create menus, as illustrated in NavigationButtons Inside a Vertical Component Group.
A navigation button has a caption and can have a description and an icon. If not given explicitly, the caption is taken from the caption of the navigation view if it is initialized before the button. The icon is positioned left of the caption, and the description is aligned on the right side of the button.
You can give the target view either in the constructor or with setTargetView(), or create it later by handling the button click.
// Button caption comes from the view caption
box.addComponent(new NavigationButton(new PopoverView()));
// Give button caption explicitly
box.addComponent(new NavigationButton("Decorated Popover",
new DecoratedPopoverView()));
If the target view is not created or initialized before the button is clicked, it does not yet have a caption during the animation. The default is to use the button caption as a temporary target view caption, but you can set it explicitly with setTargetViewCaption(). The temporary caption is shown during the slide animation and until the content for the view has been received from the server. It is then replaced with the proper caption of the view, and you normally want to have it the same. The temporary caption is also used as the caption of button if it is not given explicitly.
final NavigationButton navButton = new NavigationButton();
navButton.setTargetViewCaption("Text Input Fields");
new NavigationButtonClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(NavigationButtonClickEvent event) {
.navigateTo(new FieldView());
Creating views dynamically this way is recommended to reduce the memory footprint.
Notice that the automatic navigation will only work if the button is inside a NavigationManager (in a view managed by it). If you just want to use the button as a visual element, you can use it like a regular Button and handle the click events with a ClickListener.
Styling with CSS
.v-touchkit-navbutton { }
.v-touchkit-navbutton-desc { }
.v-icon { }
The component has an overall v-touchkit-navbutton style. If the component description is set with setDescription(), it is shown in a separate <span> element with the v-touchkit-navbutton-desc style. The description has an alternative emphasis style, as well as a stronger capsule-like pill style with rounded corners, which you can enable with addStyleName().
The default style of the navigation button is designed for placing the buttons inside a VerticalComponentGroup. It has a different style when it is in a HorizontalButtonGroup and when in the left or right slot of the NavigationBar.
Popover is much like a regular Vaadin sub-window, useful for quickly displaying some options or a small form related to an action. Unlike regular sub-windows, it does not support dragging or resizing by the user. As sub-windows usually require a rather large screen size, the Popover is most useful for tablet devices. When used on smaller devices, such as phones, the Popover automatically fills the entire screen.

It is customary to use a NavigationView to have border decorations and caption. In the following, we subclass Popover to create the content.
class DetailsPopover extends Popover {
public DetailsPopover() {
// Have some details to display
VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
NavigationView c = new NavigationView(layout);
A Popover can be opened relative to a component by calling showRelativeTo(). In the following example, we open the popover when a table item is clicked.
Table table = new Table("Planets", planetData());
table.addItemClickListener(new ItemClickListener() {
public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) {
DetailsPopover popover = new DetailsPopover();
// Show it relative to the navigation bar of
// the current NavigationView.
You can also add the Popover to the UI with addWindow().
A popover is shown in a tablet device as illustrated Popover in a Tablet Device. In this example, we have a CssLayout with some buttons as the popover content.

Closing a Popover
When closable is enabled in a Popover, as it is by default, it can be closed by clicking anywhere outside the popup area. This may not be enough if the popover fills the entire screen, in which case the user gets stuck. The popover can be closed programmatically by calling close(). You can, for example, add a MouseEvents.ClickListener to the popover to allow closing it by clicking anywhere inside it.
If the popover has editable fields, you may want to have a close button in the navigation bar of the NavigationView. In the following example, we add a close button to the right slot of the navigation bar (you need to include the icon in your theme).
class DetailsPopover extends Popover
implements Button.ClickListener {
public DetailsPopover(Table table, Object itemId) {
Layout layout = new FormLayout();
... create the content ...
// Decorate with navigation view
NavigationView content = new NavigationView(layout);
// Have a close button
Button close = new Button(null, this);
close.setIcon(new ThemeResource("close64.png"));
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
Styling with CSS
.v-touchkit-popover .v-touchkit-fullscreen { }
.v-touchkit-popover .v-touchkit-relative { }
.v-touchkit-popover .v-touchkit-plain { }
The component has an overall v-touchkit-popover style. If full-screen, it also has the v-touchkit-fullscreen style, if positioned relatively it has v-touchkit-relative, and if not, the v-touchkit-plain style.
The SwipeView is a wrapper that allows navigating between views by swiping them horizontally left or right. The component works together with a NavigationManager (see SwipeView) to change between the views when swiped, and to animate the change. A SwipeView should be an immediate child of the NavigationManager, but can contain a NavigationView to provide button navigation as well.
Let us have a selection of photographs to browse. We extend NavigationManager that creates the slide effect and create actual image views dynamically. In the constructor, we create the two first ones.
class SlideShow extends NavigationManager
implements NavigationListener {
String imageNames[] = {"Mercury.jpg", "Venus.jpg",
"Earth.jpg", "Mars.jpg", "Jupiter.jpg",
"Saturn.jpg", "Uranus.jpg", "Neptune.jpg"};
int pos = 0;
public SlideShow() {
// Set up the initial views
The individual views have a SwipeView and the top.
SwipeView createView(int pos) {
SwipeView view = new SwipeView();
// Use an inner layout to center the image
VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
Image image = new Image(null, new ThemeResource(
"planets/" + imageNames[pos]));
return view;
When the view is swiped to either direction, we need to set the next image in that direction dynamically in the NavigationManager.
public void navigate(NavigationEvent event) {
switch (event.getDirection()) {
if (++pos < imageNames.length-1)
case BACK:
if (--pos > 0)
The Switch component is a two-state selector that can be toggled either by tapping or sliding and looks like the switch button in Apple iOS. It extends CheckBox and has therefore Boolean value type. The caption is managed by the containing layout.
VerticalComponentGroup group =
new VerticalComponentGroup();
Switch myswitch = new Switch("To be or not to be?");
As with other field components, you can handle value changes with a ValueChangeListener. Use setImmediate(true) to get them immediately when toggled.
The result is shown in Switch.

The VerticalComponentGroup is a layout component for grouping components in a vertical stack with a border. Component captions are placed left of the components, and the components are aligned right. The component group is typically used for forms or with NavigationButton to create navigation menus.
VerticalComponentGroup group =
new VerticalComponentGroup("TouchKit Components");
// Navigation to sub-views
group.addComponent(new NavigationButton(
new PopoverView()));
group.addComponent(new NavigationButton(
new DecoratedPopoverView()));
The result is shown in VerticalComponentGroup.

The HorizontalButtonGroup is intended for grouping buttons inside the slots of a VerticalComponentGroup with a special button group style.
VerticalComponentGroup vertical =
new VerticalComponentGroup();
vertical.addComponent(new TextField("Name"));
HorizontalButtonGroup buttons =
new HorizontalButtonGroup();
buttons.addComponent(new Button("OK"));
buttons.addComponent(new Button("Cancel"));
The result is shown in HorizontalButtonGroup
You can also make single buttons prettier by wrapping them in the component. Also the Upload component has a button, and you can give it the v-button style to make it look like a button would in the group
, as is done in "Uploading Content" .
Despite the name, and the fact that the button group is intended for buttons, you can, in fact, put any components inside it. Whether the result is meaningful, depends on the component.
The TabBarView is a layout component that consist of a tab bar at the bottom of the screen and a content area. Each tab has a content component which is displayed when the tab is selected.

TabBarView implements ComponentContainer, but uses its own specialized API for monipulating tabs. To add a new tab, you need to call addTab() with the content component. It creates the tab and returns a Tab object for managing it. You should set at least the caption and icon for a tab.
TabBarView bar = new TabBarView();
// Create some Vaadin component to use as content
Label content = new Label("Really simple content");
// Create a tab for it
Tab tab = bar.addTab(label);
// Set tab name and/or icon
tab.setCaption("tab name");
tab.setIcon(new ThemeResource(...));
A tab can be removed with removeTab(). Note that the ComponentContainer methods addComponent() and removeComponent() will throw an UnsupportedOperationException if used.
Changing Tab Selection
Current tab selection can be accessed with getSelectedTab() and set with setSelectedTab(). Changing tab selection either by the user or programmatically causes a SelectedTabChangeEvent, which you can handle with a SelectedTabChangeListener.
Tab selectedTab = bar.getSelectedTab();
The EmailField is just like the regular TextField, except that it has automatic capitalization and correction turned off. Mobile devices also recognize the field as an email field and can offer a virtual keyboard for the purpose, so that it includes the at ( @) and period ( .) characters, and possibly a shorthand for .com.

The NumberField is just like the regular TextField, except that it is marked as a numeric input field for mobile devices, so that they will show a numeric virtual keyboard rather than the default alphanumeric.

The UrlField is just like the regular TextField, except that it is marked as a URL input field for mobile devices, so that they will show a URL input virtual keyboard rather than the default alphanumeric. It has convenience methods getUrl() and setUrl(URL url) for converting input value from and to