AbstractClickEventHandler |
AbstractComponentConnector |
AbstractComponentContainerConnector |
Client side connector for subclasses of AbstractComponentConnector.
AbstractConnector |
An abstract implementation of Connector.
AbstractFieldConnector |
AbstractHasComponentsConnector |
AbstractLayoutConnector |
AbstractSingleComponentContainerConnector |
Client side connector for subclasses of AbstractSingleComponentConnector.
Action |
CalendarEntry |
ClickEventHandler |
ConnectorFocusAndBlurHandler |
FocusableFlexTable |
Adds keyboard focus to FlexPanel .
FocusableFlowPanel |
FocusableScrollPanel |
A scrollhandlers similar to ScrollPanel .
FocusElementPanel |
A panel that contains an always visible 0x0 size element that holds the focus
FocusUtil |
A helper class used to make it easier for Widget s to implement
Focusable .
FontIcon |
A font-based icon implementation.
Icon |
An abstract representation of an icon.
ImageIcon |
A image based implementation of Icon .
JavaScriptComponentConnector |
JavaScriptWidget |
LayoutClickEventHandler |
LegacyConnector |
MediaBaseConnector |
ShortcutActionHandler |
A helper class to implement keyboard shorcut handling.
SimpleFocusablePanel |
Compared to FocusPanel in GWT this panel does not support eg.
TouchScrollDelegate |
Provides one finger touch scrolling for elements with once scrollable
elements inside.
TouchScrollDelegate.TouchScrollHandler |
A helper class for making a widget scrollable.
TreeAction |
This class is used for "row actions" in VTree and ITable
UnknownComponentConnector |
UnknownExtensionConnector |
Connector used as a placeholder for extensions that are not present in the
VAbsoluteLayout |
VAbstractSplitPanel |
VAbstractSplitPanel.SplitterMoveHandler.SplitterMoveEvent |
VAccordion |
VAudio |
VBrowserFrame |
VButton |
VCalendar |
Client side implementation for Calendar
VCalendarPanel |
VCheckBox |
VColorPicker |
Client side implementation for ColorPicker.
VColorPickerArea |
Client side implementation for ColorPickerArea.
VContextMenu |
VCssLayout |
VCCSlayout is a layout which supports configuring it's children with CSS
VCustomComponent |
VCustomField |
VCustomLayout |
Custom Layout implements complex layout defined with HTML template.
VDateField |
VDateFieldCalendar |
A client side implementation for InlineDateField
VDragAndDropWrapper |
Must have features pending:
drop details: locations + sizes in document hierarchy up to wrapper
VDragAndDropWrapperIE |
VEmbedded |
VFilterSelect |
Client side implementation of the Select component.
VFlash |
VForm |
VFormLayout |
Two col Layout that places caption on left col and field on right col
VGridLayout |
VHorizontalLayout |
Represents a layout where the children is ordered vertically
VImage |
VLabel |
VLazyExecutor |
VLink |
VListSelect |
VMediaBase |
VMenuBar |
VMenuBar.CustomMenuItem |
A class to hold information on menu items
VNativeButton |
VNativeSelect |
VNotification |
VOptionGroup |
VOptionGroupBase |
VOverlay |
VPanel |
VPasswordField |
This class represents a password field.
VPopupCalendar |
Represents a date selection component with a text field and a popup date
VPopupView |
VProgressBar |
Widget for showing the current progress of a long running task.
VProgressIndicator |
VRichTextArea |
This class implements a basic client side rich text editor component.
VScrollTable |
VScrollTable is a FlowPanel having two widgets in it: * TableHead component *
TableHead contains table's header and widgets + logic for resizing,
reordering and hiding columns.
VSlider |
VSplitPanelHorizontal |
VSplitPanelVertical |
VTabsheet |
VTabsheet.Tab |
Representation of a single "tab" shown in the TabBar
VTabsheet.TabCaption |
VTabsheetBase |
VTabsheetPanel |
A panel that displays all of its child widgets in a 'deck', where only one
can be visible at a time.
VTextArea |
This class represents a multiline textfield (textarea).
VTextField |
This class represents a basic text input field with one row.
VTextualDate |
VTree |
VTreeTable |
VTreeTable.PendingNavigationEvent |
For internal use only.
VTwinColSelect |
VUnknownComponent |
VUpload |
Note, we are not using GWT FormPanel as we want to listen submitcomplete
events even though the upload component is already detached.
VVerticalLayout |
Represents a layout where the children is ordered vertically
VVideo |
VWindow |
"Sub window" component.