Interface ComponentConnector

    • Method Detail

      • getState

        AbstractComponentState getState()
        Description copied from interface: ServerConnector
        Gets the current shared state of the connector. Note that state is considered an internal part of the connector. You should not rely on the state object outside of the connector who owns it. If you depend on the state of other connectors you should use their public API instead of their state object directly.
        Specified by:
        getState in interface ServerConnector
        state The shared state object. Can be any sub type of SharedState. Never null.
      • getWidget getWidget()
        Returns the widget for this ComponentConnector
      • isUndefinedWidth

        boolean isUndefinedWidth()
        Returns true if the width of this paintable is currently undefined. If the width is undefined, the actual width of the paintable is defined by its contents.
        true if the width is undefined, else false
      • isUndefinedHeight

        boolean isUndefinedHeight()
        Returns true if the height of this paintable is currently undefined. If the height is undefined, the actual height of the paintable is defined by its contents.
        true if the height is undefined, else false
      • isRelativeWidth

        boolean isRelativeWidth()
        Returns true if the width of this paintable is currently relative. If the width is relative, the actual width of the paintable is a percentage of the size allocated to it by its parent.
        true if the width is undefined, else false
      • isRelativeHeight

        boolean isRelativeHeight()
        Returns true if the height of this paintable is currently relative. If the height is relative, the actual height of the paintable is a percentage of the size allocated to it by its parent.
        true if the width is undefined, else false
      • isReadOnly

        boolean isReadOnly()
        This belongs in AbstractFieldConnector, see #8514
        Checks if the connector is read only.
      • delegateCaptionHandling

        boolean delegateCaptionHandling()
        Return true if parent handles caption, false if the paintable handles the caption itself.

        This should always return true and all components should let the parent handle the caption and use other attributes for internal texts in the component

        true if caption handling is delegated to the parent, false if parent should not be allowed to render caption
      • setWidgetEnabled

        void setWidgetEnabled​(boolean widgetEnabled)
        Sets the enabled state of the widget associated to this connector.
        widgetEnabled - true if the widget should be enabled, false otherwise
      • getTooltipInfo

        TooltipInfo getTooltipInfo​( element)
        Gets the tooltip info for the given element.

        When overriding this method, hasTooltip() should also be overridden to return true in all situations where this method might return a non-empty result.

        element - The element to lookup a tooltip for
        The tooltip for the element or null if no tooltip is defined for this element.
      • hasTooltip

        boolean hasTooltip()
        Check whether there might be a tooltip for this component. The framework will only add event listeners for automatically handling tooltips (using getTooltipInfo(Element)) if this method returns true.

        This is only done to optimize performance, so in cases where the status is not known, it's safer to return true so that there will be a tooltip handler even though it might not be needed in all cases.

        true if some part of the component might have a tooltip, otherwise false
      • flush

        void flush()
        Called for the active (focused) connector when a situation occurs that the focused connector might have buffered changes which need to be processed before other activity takes place.

        This is currently called when the user changes the fragment using the back/forward button in the browser and allows the focused field to submit its value to the server before the fragment change event takes place.