Class ShortcutActionHandler

  • public class ShortcutActionHandler
    extends Object
    A helper class to implement keyboard shorcut handling. Keeps a list of owners actions and fires actions to server. User class needs to delegate keyboard events to handleKeyboardEvents function.
    Vaadin Ltd
    • Constructor Detail

      • ShortcutActionHandler

        public ShortcutActionHandler​(String pid,
                                     ApplicationConnection c)
        pid - Paintable id
        c - reference to application connections
    • Method Detail

      • updateActionMap

        public void updateActionMap​(UIDL c)
        Updates list of actions this handler listens to.
        c - UIDL snippet containing actions
      • handleKeyboardEvent

        public void handleKeyboardEvent​( event,
                                        ComponentConnector target)
      • handleKeyboardEvent

        public void handleKeyboardEvent​( event)