Interface SubPartAware

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description getSubPartElement​(String subPart)
      Locates an element inside a component using the identifier provided in subPart.
      String getSubPartName​( subElement)
      Provides an identifier that identifies the element within the component.
    • Method Detail

      • getSubPartElement getSubPartElement​(String subPart)
        Locates an element inside a component using the identifier provided in subPart. The subPart identifier is component specific and may be any string of characters, numbers, space characters and brackets.
        subPart - The identifier for the element inside the component
        The element identified by subPart or null if the element could not be found.
      • getSubPartName

        String getSubPartName​( subElement)
        Provides an identifier that identifies the element within the component. The subElement is a part of the component and must never be null.

        Note! getSubPartElement(getSubPartName(element)) == element is not always true. A component can choose to provide a more generic identifier for any given element if the results of all interactions with subElement are the same as interactions with the element identified by the return value. For example a button can return an identifier for the root element even though a DIV inside the button was passed as subElement because interactions with the DIV and the root button element produce the same result.

        subElement - The element the identifier string should uniquely identify
        An identifier that uniquely identifies subElement or null if no identifier could be provided.