Class VTextualDate

  • All Implemented Interfaces:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Focusable, HandlesAriaCaption, HandlesAriaInvalid, HandlesAriaRequired, Field, SubPartAware, Iterable<>
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class VTextualDate
    extends VDateField
    implements Field,, Focusable, SubPartAware, HandlesAriaCaption, HandlesAriaInvalid, HandlesAriaRequired,
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class,
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void bindAriaCaption​( captionElement)
      Called to bind the provided caption (label in HTML speak) element to the main input element of the Widget.
      void buildDate()
      Updates the text field according to the current date (provided by VDateField.getDate()).
      void focus()
      Sets focus to this widget.
      protected String getFormatString() getSubPartElement​(String subPart)
      Locates an element inside a component using the identifier provided in subPart.
      String getSubPartName​( subElement)
      Provides an identifier that identifies the element within the component.
      protected String getText()  
      void onChange​( event)  
      void onKeyDown​( event)  
      void setAriaInvalid​(boolean invalid)
      Called to set the element, typically an input element, as invalid.
      void setAriaRequired​(boolean required)
      Called to set the element, typically an input element, as required.
      void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)  
      protected void setPrompting​(boolean prompting)  
      protected void setText​(String text)  
      protected void updateStyleNames()  
      • Methods inherited from class

        add, clear, insert, insert
      • Methods inherited from class

        add, add, adjustIndex, checkIndexBoundsForAccess, checkIndexBoundsForInsertion, getChildren, getWidget, getWidgetCount, getWidgetIndex, getWidgetIndex, insert, insert, iterator, remove, remove
      • Methods inherited from class

        add, adopt, doAttachChildren, doDetachChildren, orphan, remove
      • Methods inherited from class

        addAttachHandler, addBitlessDomHandler, addDomHandler, addHandler, asWidget, asWidgetOrNull, createHandlerManager, delegateEvent, fireEvent, getHandlerCount, getLayoutData, getParent, isAttached, isOrWasAttached, onAttach, onBrowserEvent, onDetach, onLoad, onUnload, removeFromParent, setLayoutData, sinkEvents, unsinkEvents
      • Methods inherited from class

        addStyleDependentName, addStyleName, ensureDebugId, ensureDebugId, ensureDebugId, getAbsoluteLeft, getAbsoluteTop, getElement, getOffsetHeight, getOffsetWidth, getStyleElement, getStyleName, getStyleName, getStylePrimaryName, getStylePrimaryName, getTitle, isVisible, isVisible, onEnsureDebugId, removeStyleDependentName, removeStyleName, resolvePotentialElement, setElement, setElement, setHeight, setPixelSize, setSize, setStyleDependentName, setStyleName, setStyleName, setStyleName, setStyleName, setStylePrimaryName, setStylePrimaryName, setTitle, setVisible, setVisible, setWidth, sinkBitlessEvent, toString
      • Methods inherited from interface

        getWidget, getWidgetCount, getWidgetIndex, remove
      • Methods inherited from interface

      • Methods inherited from interface

    • Field Detail

      • text

        public final text
        For internal use only. May be removed or replaced in the future.
      • formatStr

        public String formatStr
        For internal use only. May be removed or replaced in the future.
      • lenient

        public boolean lenient
        For internal use only. May be removed or replaced in the future.

        public static final String ATTR_INPUTPROMPT
        For internal use only. May be removed or replaced in the future.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • inputPrompt

        public String inputPrompt
        For internal use only. May be removed or replaced in the future.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VTextualDate

        public VTextualDate()
    • Method Detail

      • updateStyleNames

        protected void updateStyleNames()
      • getFormatString

        protected String getFormatString()
      • bindAriaCaption

        public void bindAriaCaption​( captionElement)
        Description copied from interface: HandlesAriaCaption
        Called to bind the provided caption (label in HTML speak) element to the main input element of the Widget. Binding should be removed from the main input field when captionElement is null.
        Specified by:
        bindAriaCaption in interface HandlesAriaCaption
        captionElement - Element of the caption
      • setAriaRequired

        public void setAriaRequired​(boolean required)
        Description copied from interface: HandlesAriaRequired
        Called to set the element, typically an input element, as required.
        Specified by:
        setAriaRequired in interface HandlesAriaRequired
        required - boolean true when the element needs to be set as required
      • setAriaInvalid

        public void setAriaInvalid​(boolean invalid)
        Description copied from interface: HandlesAriaInvalid
        Called to set the element, typically an input element, as invalid.
        Specified by:
        setAriaInvalid in interface HandlesAriaInvalid
        invalid - boolean, true when the element should be marked invalid, false otherwise
      • buildDate

        public void buildDate()
        Updates the text field according to the current date (provided by VDateField.getDate()). Takes care of updating text, enabling and disabling the field, setting/removing readonly status and updating readonly styles.

        For internal use only. May be removed or replaced in the future.

        TODO: Split part of this into a method that only updates the text as this is what usually is needed except for updateFromUIDL.

      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Specified by:
        setEnabled in interface
        setEnabled in class VDateField
      • setPrompting

        protected void setPrompting​(boolean prompting)
      • onChange

        public void onChange​( event)
        Specified by:
        onChange in interface
      • focus

        public void focus()
        Description copied from interface: Focusable
        Sets focus to this widget.
        Specified by:
        focus in interface Focusable
      • getText

        protected String getText()
      • setText

        protected void setText​(String text)
      • getSubPartElement

        public getSubPartElement​(String subPart)
        Description copied from interface: SubPartAware
        Locates an element inside a component using the identifier provided in subPart. The subPart identifier is component specific and may be any string of characters, numbers, space characters and brackets.
        Specified by:
        getSubPartElement in interface SubPartAware
        subPart - The identifier for the element inside the component
        The element identified by subPart or null if the element could not be found.
      • getSubPartName

        public String getSubPartName​( subElement)
        Description copied from interface: SubPartAware
        Provides an identifier that identifies the element within the component. The subElement is a part of the component and must never be null.

        Note! getSubPartElement(getSubPartName(element)) == element is not always true. A component can choose to provide a more generic identifier for any given element if the results of all interactions with subElement are the same as interactions with the element identified by the return value. For example a button can return an identifier for the root element even though a DIV inside the button was passed as subElement because interactions with the DIV and the root button element produce the same result.

        Specified by:
        getSubPartName in interface SubPartAware
        subElement - The element the identifier string should uniquely identify
        An identifier that uniquely identifies subElement or null if no identifier could be provided.
      • onKeyDown

        public void onKeyDown​( event)
        Specified by:
        onKeyDown in interface