Class VCalendarPanel

  • All Implemented Interfaces:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Focusable, SubPartAware, Iterable<>

    public class VCalendarPanel
    extends FocusableFlexTable
    implements,,,,,,, SubPartAware
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static interface  VCalendarPanel.FocusChangeListener
      FocusChangeListener is notified when the panel changes its _focused_ value.
      class  VCalendarPanel.FocusedDate
      Helper class to inform the screen reader that the user changed the selected date.
      static interface  VCalendarPanel.FocusOutListener
      Blur listener that listens to blur event from the panel
      static interface  VCalendarPanel.SubmitListener  
      static interface  VCalendarPanel.TimeChangeListener
      Dispatches an event when the panel when time is changed
      class  VCalendarPanel.VTime
      TimeSelector is a widget consisting of list boxes that modifie the Date object that is given for.
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class,,,
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class,
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected int getBackwardKey()
      The key that selects the previous day in the calendar.
      protected int getCloseKey()
      Returns the key that closes the popup window if this is a VPopopCalendar.
      Date getDate()  
      protected int getForwardKey()
      The key that selects the next day in the calendar.
      protected int getNextKey()
      The key that selects the next week in the calendar.
      protected int getPreviousKey()
      The key that selects the previous week in the calendar.
      protected int getResetKey()
      Returns the reset key which will reset the calendar to the previous selection.
      Resolution getResolution()  
      protected int getSelectKey()
      Returns the select key which selects the value.
      VCalendarPanel.SubmitListener getSubmitListener()
      Returns the submit listener that listens to selection made from the panel getSubPartElement​(String subPart)
      Locates an element inside a component using the identifier provided in subPart.
      String getSubPartName​( subElement)
      Provides an identifier that identifies the element within the component.
      protected boolean handleNavigation​(int keycode, boolean ctrl, boolean shift)
      Handles the keyboard navigation
      protected boolean handleNavigationDayMode​(int keycode, boolean ctrl, boolean shift)
      Handle keyboard navigation what the resolution is set to DAY
      protected boolean handleNavigationMonthMode​(int keycode, boolean ctrl, boolean shift)
      Handle the keyboard navigation when the resolution is set to MONTH
      protected boolean handleNavigationYearMode​(int keycode, boolean ctrl, boolean shift)
      Handles the keyboard navigation when the resolution is set to years.
      boolean isShowISOWeekNumbers()
      Returns whether ISO 8601 week numbers should be shown in the value selector or not.
      void onBlur​( event)  
      protected void onDetach()  
      void onFocus​( event)  
      void onKeyDown​( event)  
      void onKeyPress​( event)  
      void onMouseDown​( event)  
      void onMouseOut​( event)  
      void onMouseUp​( event)  
      protected boolean onTabOut​(<?> event)
      If true should be returned if the panel will not be used after this event.
      protected boolean onValueChange()  
      void renderCalendar()
      Updates the calendar and text field with the selected dates.
      void renderCalendar​(boolean updateDate)
      For internal use only.
      void setDate​(Date currentDate)
      Sets the data of the Panel.
      void setDateTimeService​(DateTimeService dateTimeService)  
      void setFocusChangeListener​(VCalendarPanel.FocusChangeListener listener)
      The given FocusChangeListener is notified when the focused date changes by user either clicking on a new date or by using the keyboard.
      void setFocusOutListener​(VCalendarPanel.FocusOutListener listener)
      A focus out listener is triggered when the panel loosed focus.
      void setParentField​(VDateField parent)  
      void setRangeEnd​(Date newRangeEnd)
      Sets the end range for this component.
      void setRangeStart​(Date newRangeStart)
      Sets the start range for this component.
      void setResolution​(Resolution resolution)  
      void setShowISOWeekNumbers​(boolean showISOWeekNumbers)  
      void setStyleName​(String style)  
      void setStylePrimaryName​(String style)  
      void setSubmitListener​(VCalendarPanel.SubmitListener submitListener)
      The submit listener is called when the user selects a value from the calender either by clicking the day or selects it by keyboard.
      void setTimeChangeListener​(VCalendarPanel.TimeChangeListener listener)
      The time change listener is triggered when the user changes the time.
      • Methods inherited from class

        addCell, getCellCount, getFlexCellFormatter, getRowCount, insertCell, insertRow, prepareCell, prepareRow, removeAllRows, removeCell, removeCells, removeRow
      • Methods inherited from class

        addClickHandler, addDoubleClickHandler, addDragEndHandler, addDragEnterHandler, addDragHandler, addDragLeaveHandler, addDragOverHandler, addDragStartHandler, addDropHandler, addTableListener, checkCellBounds, checkRowBounds, clear, clear, clearCell, createCell, getBodyElement, getCellForEvent, getCellFormatter, getCellPadding, getCellSpacing, getColumnFormatter, getDOMCellCount, getDOMCellCount, getDOMCellCount, getDOMRowCount, getDOMRowCount, getDOMRowCount, getEventTargetCell, getHTML, getRowFormatter, getText, getWidget, insertCells, internalClearCell, internalClearCell, isCellPresent, iterator, onEnsureDebugId, prepareColumn, remove, removeTableListener, setBorderWidth, setCellFormatter, setCellPadding, setCellSpacing, setColumnFormatter, setHTML, setHTML, setRowFormatter, setText, setWidget, setWidget
      • Methods inherited from class

        add, add, adopt, doAttachChildren, doDetachChildren, orphan, remove
      • Methods inherited from class

        addAttachHandler, addBitlessDomHandler, addDomHandler, addHandler, asWidget, asWidgetOrNull, createHandlerManager, delegateEvent, fireEvent, getHandlerCount, getLayoutData, getParent, isAttached, isOrWasAttached, onAttach, onBrowserEvent, onLoad, onUnload, removeFromParent, setLayoutData, sinkEvents, unsinkEvents
      • Methods inherited from class

        addStyleDependentName, addStyleName, ensureDebugId, ensureDebugId, ensureDebugId, getAbsoluteLeft, getAbsoluteTop, getElement, getOffsetHeight, getOffsetWidth, getStyleElement, getStyleName, getStyleName, getStylePrimaryName, getStylePrimaryName, getTitle, isVisible, isVisible, removeStyleDependentName, removeStyleName, resolvePotentialElement, setElement, setElement, setHeight, setPixelSize, setSize, setStyleDependentName, setStyleName, setStyleName, setStyleName, setStylePrimaryName, setTitle, setVisible, setVisible, setWidth, sinkBitlessEvent, toString
      • Methods inherited from interface

    • Constructor Detail

      • VCalendarPanel

        public VCalendarPanel()
    • Method Detail

      • setParentField

        public void setParentField​(VDateField parent)
      • onValueChange

        protected boolean onValueChange()
      • getResolution

        public Resolution getResolution()
      • setResolution

        public void setResolution​(Resolution resolution)
      • setStyleName

        public void setStyleName​(String style)
        setStyleName in class
      • setStylePrimaryName

        public void setStylePrimaryName​(String style)
        setStylePrimaryName in class
      • setDateTimeService

        public void setDateTimeService​(DateTimeService dateTimeService)
      • isShowISOWeekNumbers

        public boolean isShowISOWeekNumbers()
        Returns whether ISO 8601 week numbers should be shown in the value selector or not. ISO 8601 defines that a week always starts with a Monday so the week numbers are only shown if this is the case.
        true if week number should be shown, false otherwise
      • setShowISOWeekNumbers

        public void setShowISOWeekNumbers​(boolean showISOWeekNumbers)
      • renderCalendar

        public void renderCalendar()
        Updates the calendar and text field with the selected dates.
      • renderCalendar

        public void renderCalendar​(boolean updateDate)
        For internal use only. May be removed or replaced in the future. Updates the calendar and text field with the selected dates.
        updateDate - The value false prevents setting the selected date of the calendar based on focusedDate. That can be used when only the resolution of the calendar is changed and no date has been selected.
      • onKeyDown

        public void onKeyDown​( event)
        Specified by:
        onKeyDown in interface
      • onKeyPress

        public void onKeyPress​( event)
        Specified by:
        onKeyPress in interface
      • handleNavigationYearMode

        protected boolean handleNavigationYearMode​(int keycode,
                                                   boolean ctrl,
                                                   boolean shift)
        Handles the keyboard navigation when the resolution is set to years.
        keycode - The keycode to process
        ctrl - Is ctrl pressed?
        shift - is shift pressed
        Returns true if the keycode was processed, else false
      • handleNavigationMonthMode

        protected boolean handleNavigationMonthMode​(int keycode,
                                                    boolean ctrl,
                                                    boolean shift)
        Handle the keyboard navigation when the resolution is set to MONTH
        keycode - The keycode to handle
        ctrl - Was the ctrl key pressed?
        shift - Was the shift key pressed?
      • handleNavigationDayMode

        protected boolean handleNavigationDayMode​(int keycode,
                                                  boolean ctrl,
                                                  boolean shift)
        Handle keyboard navigation what the resolution is set to DAY
        keycode - The keycode to handle
        ctrl - Was the ctrl key pressed?
        shift - Was the shift key pressed?
        Return true if the key press was handled by the method, else return false.
      • handleNavigation

        protected boolean handleNavigation​(int keycode,
                                           boolean ctrl,
                                           boolean shift)
        Handles the keyboard navigation
        keycode - The key code that was pressed
        ctrl - Was the ctrl key pressed
        shift - Was the shift key pressed
        Return true if key press was handled by the component, else return false
      • getResetKey

        protected int getResetKey()
        Returns the reset key which will reset the calendar to the previous selection. By default this is backspace but it can be overriden to change the key to whatever you want.
      • getSelectKey

        protected int getSelectKey()
        Returns the select key which selects the value. By default this is the enter key but it can be changed to whatever you like by overriding this method.
      • getCloseKey

        protected int getCloseKey()
        Returns the key that closes the popup window if this is a VPopopCalendar. Else this does nothing. By default this is the Escape key but you can change the key to whatever you want by overriding this method.
      • getForwardKey

        protected int getForwardKey()
        The key that selects the next day in the calendar. By default this is the right arrow key but by overriding this method it can be changed to whatever you like.
      • getBackwardKey

        protected int getBackwardKey()
        The key that selects the previous day in the calendar. By default this is the left arrow key but by overriding this method it can be changed to whatever you like.
      • getNextKey

        protected int getNextKey()
        The key that selects the next week in the calendar. By default this is the down arrow key but by overriding this method it can be changed to whatever you like.
      • getPreviousKey

        protected int getPreviousKey()
        The key that selects the previous week in the calendar. By default this is the up arrow key but by overriding this method it can be changed to whatever you like.
      • onMouseOut

        public void onMouseOut​( event)
        Specified by:
        onMouseOut in interface
      • onMouseDown

        public void onMouseDown​( event)
        Specified by:
        onMouseDown in interface
      • onMouseUp

        public void onMouseUp​( event)
        Specified by:
        onMouseUp in interface
      • setDate

        public void setDate​(Date currentDate)
        Sets the data of the Panel.
        currentDate - The date to set
      • getDate

        public Date getDate()
      • onTabOut

        protected boolean onTabOut​(<?> event)
        If true should be returned if the panel will not be used after this event.
        event -
      • setFocusOutListener

        public void setFocusOutListener​(VCalendarPanel.FocusOutListener listener)
        A focus out listener is triggered when the panel loosed focus. This can happen either after a user clicks outside the panel or tabs out.
        listener - The listener to trigger
      • setSubmitListener

        public void setSubmitListener​(VCalendarPanel.SubmitListener submitListener)
        The submit listener is called when the user selects a value from the calender either by clicking the day or selects it by keyboard.
        submitListener - The listener to trigger
      • setFocusChangeListener

        public void setFocusChangeListener​(VCalendarPanel.FocusChangeListener listener)
        The given FocusChangeListener is notified when the focused date changes by user either clicking on a new date or by using the keyboard.
        listener - The FocusChangeListener to be notified
      • setTimeChangeListener

        public void setTimeChangeListener​(VCalendarPanel.TimeChangeListener listener)
        The time change listener is triggered when the user changes the time.
        listener -
      • getSubmitListener

        public VCalendarPanel.SubmitListener getSubmitListener()
        Returns the submit listener that listens to selection made from the panel
        The listener or NULL if no listener has been set
      • onBlur

        public void onBlur​( event)
        Specified by:
        onBlur in interface
      • onFocus

        public void onFocus​( event)
        Specified by:
        onFocus in interface
      • getSubPartName

        public String getSubPartName​( subElement)
        Description copied from interface: SubPartAware
        Provides an identifier that identifies the element within the component. The subElement is a part of the component and must never be null.

        Note! getSubPartElement(getSubPartName(element)) == element is not always true. A component can choose to provide a more generic identifier for any given element if the results of all interactions with subElement are the same as interactions with the element identified by the return value. For example a button can return an identifier for the root element even though a DIV inside the button was passed as subElement because interactions with the DIV and the root button element produce the same result.

        Specified by:
        getSubPartName in interface SubPartAware
        subElement - The element the identifier string should uniquely identify
        An identifier that uniquely identifies subElement or null if no identifier could be provided.
      • getSubPartElement

        public getSubPartElement​(String subPart)
        Description copied from interface: SubPartAware
        Locates an element inside a component using the identifier provided in subPart. The subPart identifier is component specific and may be any string of characters, numbers, space characters and brackets.
        Specified by:
        getSubPartElement in interface SubPartAware
        subPart - The identifier for the element inside the component
        The element identified by subPart or null if the element could not be found.
      • onDetach

        protected void onDetach()
        onDetach in class
      • setRangeStart

        public void setRangeStart​(Date newRangeStart)
        Sets the start range for this component. The start range is inclusive, and it depends on the current resolution, what is considered inside the range.
        startDate - - the allowed range's start date
      • setRangeEnd

        public void setRangeEnd​(Date newRangeEnd)
        Sets the end range for this component. The end range is inclusive, and it depends on the current resolution, what is considered inside the range.
        endDate - - the allowed range's end date