Class DateTimeService

  • public class DateTimeService
    extends Object
    This class provides date/time parsing services to all components on the client side.
    Vaadin Ltd.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DateTimeService

        public DateTimeService()
        Creates a new date time service with the application default locale.
    • Method Detail

      • getLocale

        public String getLocale()
      • getMonth

        public String getMonth​(int month)
      • getShortMonth

        public String getShortMonth​(int month)
      • getDay

        public String getDay​(int day)
      • getShortDay

        public String getShortDay​(int day)
      • getFirstDayOfWeek

        public int getFirstDayOfWeek()
      • isTwelveHourClock

        public boolean isTwelveHourClock()
      • getClockDelimeter

        public String getClockDelimeter()
      • getAmPmStrings

        public String[] getAmPmStrings()
      • getStartWeekDay

        public int getStartWeekDay​(Date date)
      • setMilliseconds

        public static void setMilliseconds​(Date date,
                                           int ms)
      • getMilliseconds

        public static int getMilliseconds​(Date date)
      • getNumberOfDaysInMonth

        public static int getNumberOfDaysInMonth​(Date date)
      • isLeapYear

        public static boolean isLeapYear​(Date date)
      • isSameDay

        public static boolean isSameDay​(Date d1,
                                        Date d2)
      • isInRange

        public static boolean isInRange​(Date date,
                                        Date rangeStart,
                                        Date rangeEnd,
                                        Resolution resolution)
      • getISOWeekNumber

        public static int getISOWeekNumber​(Date date)
        Returns the ISO-8601 week number of the given date.
        date - The date for which the week number should be resolved
        The ISO-8601 week number for date
      • formatDate

        public String formatDate​(Date date,
                                 String formatStr)
        Check if format contains the month name. If it does we manually convert it to the month name since DateTimeFormat.format always uses the current locale and will replace the month name wrong if current locale is different from the locale set for the DateField. MMMM is converted into long month name, MMM is converted into short month name. '' are added around the name to avoid that DateTimeFormat parses the month name as a pattern.
        date - The date to convert
        formatStr - The format string that might contain MMM or MMMM
        dateTimeService - Reference to the Vaadin DateTimeService
      • parseDate

        public Date parseDate​(String dateString,
                              String formatString,
                              boolean lenient)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        Parses the given date string using the given format string and the locale set in this DateTimeService instance.
        dateString - Date string e.g. "1 February 2010"
        formatString - Format string e.g. "d MMMM yyyy"
        lenient - true to use lenient parsing, false to use strict parsing
        A Date object representing the dateString. Never returns null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the parsing fails