Vaadin 8 release date

is there any release dat of Vaadin 8? In official roadmap here it is mentioned, but when we can expect that? End of 2015, 2016?
Will be there a lot of changes between V7 and V8?

I’m asking because we are currently migrating “bigger” application from V6 to V7 and it means a lot of refactoring for us, so I would like to know if we will have to spend so much time again when upgrading to V8 in future.



The info on the roadmap page is all that we have to share right now. Rest assured there will be big announcements in the blog when we have something more tanglible to tell you. We currently only have vague ideas about what V8 will be about, but the general feeling right now is that there wouldn’t be any big changes of the kind that would make migration difficult.

It seems the ideas have become a little bit less vague, since now the roadmap mentions “next generation data binding”.
I’d really like to know a little bit more about this.


There will be more about this in practice soon, but overall the plan is to simplify data binding for Vaadin all users.

First, make it easy to just use simply List and beans in basic components. And secondly also to easily bind components like Grid and ComboBox to large lazy-loaded datasets from various sources like Spring Data, JPA, REST/JSON, and so on.

And for charts? That would make my life a lot easier :slight_smile:

Is your question about data binding within the product Vaadin Charts? We do not have plans to alter it. Please describe a bit closer what the issues are with the data binding within Vaadin Charts and I’ll take a look at it.

I actually have no issues in itself. More that “next generation data binding” sounds really cool. And I am creating an app that will use a lot of dynamic connections between data and Vaadin Charts so it sounds like there could get something awesome out of a next generation thingy :slight_smile:

Great to hear! We have to wait a bit to know what exactly “next gen” is and then see how we can incorporate it with other products as well, like Vaadin Charts.

As cool as “next gen data binding” sounds, I’m not sure that’s really the biggest issue with Vaadin now, overall data binding works pretty well (although I’d like to hear more about the improvements and how they justify a major version increase.

What I’d consider more important is fixing stuff that’s already supposed to work now:

  • fixing basic Grid resize issues (i.e. refresh Grid on resize)
  • fixing issues with Responsive extension to enable true component-based responsiveness without hacks (currently in some cases you need to set an arbitrary relative size on the CssLayout and then override it with !important in CSS, because for layouts with undefined sizes, Vaadin won’t recalculate the size and trigger the Responsive breakpoints)
  • making proper use of Java Generics.
  • making proper use of Java 8 (requires Java 8 dependency)

AFAIK these are some of the things the data binding overhaul is about. Vaadin 7
cannot migrate to Java 8 due to our compatibility policy (and obviously could not have been Java 8 only when 7.0.0 was released), so that in itself would be grounds for a jump in major version.

Just to continue with the parts that Johannes didn’t mention, these are things for which there’s no reason to wait for 8.0.0, they could probably just as well be fixed in 7.6.5.

I’m not entirely sure what you mean with the problem with Responsive, is there a ticket at
that describes this problem more thoroughly?

Personally, I can’t wait for the 7.6.5 release, because the bug with the escalator that leaves blank lines in the Grid affected me and may have been fixed considering the closed tickets.

from my attention, the focus of vaadin team within last 6 months more on Vaadin Element with the result was 1.0 beta of vaadin-datepaker, vaadin-upload, vaadin-icon, vaadin-combobox as well as release 1.0 of vaadin grid.

in my opinion, maybe the next of vaadin will merge the vaadin framework with vaadin-element,
so current com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox that using old gwt clientside will be replace with vaadin-combobox element. so some issue on com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox will be solved. so the user of vaadin will automatically got the benefit of new comboxbox component that more light, new design, resposive layout, mobile friendly.

but I am not sure it will be on vaadin 7.7 or jump to vaadin 8. only insidier know this

I am not an Oracle, just my own opinion. the way Vaadin develop Vaadin 7 is totally diffrent may cosindering their own experience. now less publication and maybe give more surprise to vaadin customer.

Here you go:

Thanks for digging up that defect Jouni!
The original thread where I reported the problem for which you created that defect is!/thread/8417250

To clear up things a bit, here is behind the scenes take on this. No promises as things are still moving around :)

Framework 8 will be iterative release where we improve mobile support, data APIs and jump to latest Java and browser version. We are targeting for having the first pre-release around summer. Should be very easy migration from 7.

We have also put a lot of work in building the best possible bridge between web components and Java. Core Elements is building the foundational parts of that and we want to release pieces early on for those who find them useful. Hopefully by the end of the year we are ready to release preview of the technologies that will eventually power Framework 9. We aim to have a good balance between server-side Java development model, utilization of web components, improving performance and maintaining compatibility.

Framework 7 and 8 will be maintained and developed for a long time to come. When we get Framework 9 done, we’ll try to make the transition from Framework 8 to 9 be a smooth one for the ones who need the features brought by 9. Also, many of these features will probably be backported to 8 later on.

Feel free to ask - we would like to be as transparent as possible without giving promises on timelines that we might not end up being able to keeprealizingwe we

Framework 8 will be iterative release where we improve mobile support.
Does this mean that TouchKit fuctionalities are included to the Vaadin 8 “core”?

Parts of the TouchKit functionality will be in core 8.0. Eventually we should have all of the mobile functionality in free core.

Sounds great!

I would be nice to have fields for numbers and masked input fields in Vaadin. Currently it does not feel very good to use a TextField. allow users to enter characters where you expect in number fields.