Updating of MessageList

If I want to detect changing in my MessageList(well, when I get message from another user, my MessageList should be updated), what I should do ? I explored 2 ways: 1) Add addAttachListener; 2) Use CollaborationMessageList; Which one of the two ways is correct ? Now, I using Flux for messageList checking

The second option. AttachListener won’t notify you about changes

Does CollaborationMessageList include updating of message ?

Updating of MessageList

Yes, like described in the docs https://vaadin.com/docs/latest/tools/collaboration/components/collaboration-message-list


I thank, that this list is upgraded MessageList and it can’t work with realtime updates

How can I execute getting of messages from another user ?

It’s all done by the components internally, you should read up about collaboration kit here https://vaadin.com/docs/latest/tools/collaboration

thx again