Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A registration object for both configuring and removing the registered
keyboard shortcut.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
UI.addAfterNavigationListener(AfterNavigationListener listener)
Add a listener that will be informed when new components have been
attached and all navigation tasks have resolved.
default Registration |
AttachNotifier.addAttachListener(ComponentEventListener<AttachEvent> listener)
Adds a attach listener to this component.
Registration |
UI.addBeforeEnterListener(BeforeEnterListener listener)
Add a listener that will be informed when a new set of components are
going to be attached.
Registration |
UI.addBeforeLeaveListener(BeforeLeaveListener listener)
Add a listener that will be informed when old components are detached.
default Registration |
BlurNotifier.addBlurListener(ComponentEventListener<BlurNotifier.BlurEvent<T>> listener)
Add a listener to blur DOM events.
default Registration |
ClickNotifier.addClickListener(ComponentEventListener<ClickEvent<T>> listener)
Adds a click listener to this component.
default Registration |
CompositionNotifier.addCompositionEndListener(ComponentEventListener<CompositionEndEvent> listener)
Adds a
compositionend listener to this component. |
default Registration |
CompositionNotifier.addCompositionStartListener(ComponentEventListener<CompositionStartEvent> listener)
Adds a
compositionstart listener to this component. |
default Registration |
CompositionNotifier.addCompositionUpdateListener(ComponentEventListener<CompositionUpdateEvent> listener)
Adds a
compositionupdate listener to this component. |
default Registration |
DetachNotifier.addDetachListener(ComponentEventListener<DetachEvent> listener)
Adds a detach listener to this component.
default Registration |
FocusNotifier.addFocusListener(ComponentEventListener<FocusNotifier.FocusEvent<T>> listener)
Add a listener to focus DOM events.
default Registration |
InputNotifier.addInputListener(ComponentEventListener<InputEvent> listener)
Adds an input listener to this component.
default Registration |
KeyNotifier.addKeyDownListener(ComponentEventListener<KeyDownEvent> listener)
Adds a
keydown listener to this component. |
default Registration |
KeyNotifier.addKeyDownListener(Key key,
ComponentEventListener<KeyDownEvent> listener,
KeyModifier... modifiers)
Adds a
keydown listener to this component, which will trigger
only if the keys involved in the event match the key and
modifiers parameters. |
default Registration |
KeyNotifier.addKeyPressListener(ComponentEventListener<KeyPressEvent> listener)
Adds a
keypress listener to this component. |
default Registration |
KeyNotifier.addKeyPressListener(Key key,
ComponentEventListener<KeyPressEvent> listener,
KeyModifier... modifiers)
Adds a
keypress listener to this component, which will trigger
only if the keys involved in the event match the key and
modifiers parameters. |
default Registration |
KeyNotifier.addKeyUpListener(ComponentEventListener<KeyUpEvent> listener)
Adds a
keyup listener to this component. |
default Registration |
KeyNotifier.addKeyUpListener(Key key,
ComponentEventListener<KeyUpEvent> listener,
KeyModifier... modifiers)
Adds a
keyup listener to this component, which will trigger only
if the keys involved in the event match the key and
modifiers parameters. |
<T extends ComponentEvent<?>> |
ComponentEventBus.addListener(Class<T> eventType,
ComponentEventListener<T> listener)
Adds a listener for the given event type.
protected <T extends ComponentEvent<?>> |
Component.addListener(Class<T> eventType,
ComponentEventListener<T> listener)
Adds a listener for an event of the given type.
<T extends ComponentEvent<?>> |
ComponentEventBus.addListener(Class<T> eventType,
ComponentEventListener<T> listener,
Consumer<DomListenerRegistration> domListenerConsumer)
Adds a listener for the given event type, and customizes the
corresponding DOM event listener with the given consumer.
static <T extends ComponentEvent<?>> |
ComponentUtil.addListener(Component component,
Class<T> eventType,
ComponentEventListener<T> listener)
Adds a listener for an event of the given type to the
component . |
static <T extends ComponentEvent<?>> |
ComponentUtil.addListener(Component component,
Class<T> eventType,
ComponentEventListener<T> listener,
Consumer<DomListenerRegistration> domListenerConsumer)
Adds a listener for an event of the given type to the
component ,
and customizes the corresponding DOM event listener with the given
consumer. |
default Registration |
PollNotifier.addPollListener(ComponentEventListener<PollEvent> listener)
Add a poll listener.
Registration |
AbstractField.addValueChangeListener(HasValue.ValueChangeListener<? super AbstractField.ComponentValueChangeEvent<C,T>> listener) |
Registration |
AbstractCompositeField.addValueChangeListener(HasValue.ValueChangeListener<? super AbstractField.ComponentValueChangeEvent<S,T>> listener) |
Registration |
HasValue.addValueChangeListener(HasValue.ValueChangeListener<? super E> listener)
Adds a value change listener.
static Registration |
Shortcuts.setShortcutListenOnElement(String elementLocatorJs,
Component listenOnComponent)
Setup an element, that is only accessible on the browser (not server
side), to listen for shortcut events on and delegate to the given
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
Accordion.addOpenedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<Accordion.OpenedChangeEvent> listener)
Registers a listener to be notified whenever a panel is opened or closed.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
Chart.addChartAddSeriesListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartAddSeriesEvent> listener)
Adds a chart add series listener, which will be notified after a new
series is added to the chart
Registration |
Chart.addChartAfterPrintListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartAfterPrintEvent> listener)
Adds a chart after print listener, which will be notified after the chart
is printed using the print menu
Registration |
Chart.addChartBeforePrintListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartBeforePrintEvent> listener)
Adds a chart before print listener, which will be notified before the
chart is printed using the print menu
Registration |
Chart.addChartClickListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartClickEvent> listener)
Adds chart click listener, which will be notified of clicks on the chart
Registration |
Chart.addChartDrillupAllListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartDrillupAllEvent> listener)
Adds chart drillupall listener, which will be notified after all the
series have been drilled up in a chart with multiple drilldown series.
Registration |
Chart.addChartDrillupListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartDrillupEvent> listener)
Adds chart drillup listener, which will be notified of clicks on the
'Back to previous series' button.
Registration |
Chart.addChartLoadListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartLoadEvent> listener)
Adds a chart load listener, which will be notified after a chart is
Registration |
Chart.addChartRedrawListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartRedrawEvent> listener)
Adds a chart redraw listener, which will be notified after a chart is
Registration |
Chart.addChartSelectionListener(ComponentEventListener<ChartSelectionEvent> listener)
Adds a chart selection listener
Registration |
Chart.addCheckBoxClickListener(ComponentEventListener<SeriesCheckboxClickEvent> listener)
Adds checkbox click listener, which will be notified when user has
clicked a checkbox in the legend
Registration |
Chart.addDrilldownListener(ComponentEventListener<DrilldownEvent> listener)
Sets the Chart drilldown handler that's responsible for returning the
drilldown series for each drilldown callback when doing async drilldown
Registration |
Chart.addPointClickListener(ComponentEventListener<PointClickEvent> listener)
Adds a point click listener, which will be notified of clicks on the
points, bars or columns in the chart
Registration |
Chart.addPointLegendItemClickListener(ComponentEventListener<PointLegendItemClickEvent> listener)
Adds a point legend item click listener, which will be notified of clicks
on the legend's items corresponding to a Point
Registration |
Chart.addPointMouseOutListener(ComponentEventListener<PointMouseOutEvent> listener)
Adds a point mouse out listener, which will be notified when the mouse
exits the neighborhood of a data point
Registration |
Chart.addPointMouseOverListener(ComponentEventListener<PointMouseOverEvent> listener)
Adds a point mouse over listener, which will be notified when the mouse
enters the neighborhood of a data point
Registration |
Chart.addPointRemoveListener(ComponentEventListener<PointRemoveEvent> listener)
Adds a point remove listener, which will be notified when a data point is
Registration |
Chart.addPointSelectListener(ComponentEventListener<PointSelectEvent> listener)
Adds a point select listener, which will be notified when a data point is
Registration |
Chart.addPointUnselectListener(ComponentEventListener<PointUnselectEvent> listener)
Adds a point unselect listener, which will be notified when a data point
is unselected.
Registration |
Chart.addPointUpdateListener(ComponentEventListener<PointUpdateEvent> listener)
Adds a point update listener, which will be notified when a data point is
Registration |
Chart.addSeriesAfterAnimateListener(ComponentEventListener<SeriesAfterAnimateEvent> listener)
Adds a series after animate listener, which will be notified after a
series is animated
Registration |
Chart.addSeriesClickListener(ComponentEventListener<SeriesClickEvent> listener)
Adds a series click listener, which will be notified of clicks on the
series in the chart
Registration |
Chart.addSeriesHideListener(ComponentEventListener<SeriesHideEvent> listener)
Adds a series hide listener, which will be notified when a series is
Registration |
Chart.addSeriesLegendItemClickListener(ComponentEventListener<SeriesLegendItemClickEvent> listener)
Adds a series legend item click listener, which will be notified of
clicks on the legend's items corresponding to a Series
Registration |
Chart.addSeriesMouseOutListener(ComponentEventListener<SeriesMouseOutEvent> listener)
Adds a point mouse out listener, which will be notified when the mouse
exits the neighborhood of a series
Registration |
Chart.addSeriesMouseOverListener(ComponentEventListener<SeriesMouseOverEvent> listener)
Adds a point mouse out listener, which will be notified when the mouse
enters the neighborhood of a series
Registration |
Chart.addSeriesShowListener(ComponentEventListener<SeriesShowEvent> listener)
Adds a series show listener, which will be notified when a series is
Registration |
Chart.addXAxesExtremesSetListener(ComponentEventListener<XAxesExtremesSetEvent> listener)
Adds a x axes extremes set listener, which will be notified when an x
axis extremes are set
Registration |
Chart.addYAxesExtremesSetListener(ComponentEventListener<YAxesExtremesSetEvent> listener)
Adds a y axes extremes set listener, which will be notified when an y
axis extremes are set
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinCheckbox.addChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinCheckbox.ChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
change events fired by the webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinCheckbox.addCheckedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinCheckbox.CheckedChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
checked-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinCheckbox.addIndeterminateChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinCheckbox.IndeterminateChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
indeterminate-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinCheckboxGroup.addInvalidChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinCheckboxGroup.InvalidChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
invalid-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
Registration |
CheckboxGroup.addSelectionListener(MultiSelectionListener<CheckboxGroup<T>,T> listener) |
Registration |
CheckboxGroup.addValidationStatusChangeListener(ValidationStatusChangeListener<Set<T>> listener) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
ComboBox.addCustomValueSetListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinComboBox.CustomValueSetEvent<ComboBox<T>>> listener)
Adds a listener for the event which is fired when user inputs a string
value that does not match any existing items and commits it eg.
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinComboBox.addCustomValueSetListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinComboBox.CustomValueSetEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
custom-value-set events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinComboBox.addFilterChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinComboBox.FilterChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
filter-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinComboBox.addInvalidChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinComboBox.InvalidChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
invalid-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinComboBox.addOpenedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinComboBox.OpenedChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
opened-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinComboBox.addSelectedItemChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinComboBox.SelectedItemChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
selected-item-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
Registration |
ComboBox.addValidationStatusChangeListener(ValidationStatusChangeListener<T> listener) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
ConfirmDialog.addCancelListener(ComponentEventListener<ConfirmDialog.CancelEvent> listener)
Adds `cancel` event listener
Registration |
ConfirmDialog.addConfirmListener(ComponentEventListener<ConfirmDialog.ConfirmEvent> listener)
Adds `confirm` event listener
Registration |
ConfirmDialog.addRejectListener(ComponentEventListener<ConfirmDialog.RejectEvent> listener)
Adds `reject` event listener
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
ContextMenuBase.addOpenedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinContextMenu.OpenedChangeEvent<C>> listener)
Adds a listener for the
opened-changed events fired by the web
component. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinContextMenu.addOpenedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinContextMenu.OpenedChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
opened-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
Crud.addCancelListener(ComponentEventListener<Crud.CancelEvent<E>> listener)
Registers a listener to be notified when the user cancels a new item
creation or existing item modification in progress.
Registration |
Crud.addDeleteListener(ComponentEventListener<Crud.DeleteEvent<E>> listener)
Registers a listener to be notified when the user tries to delete an
existing item.
Registration |
Crud.addEditListener(ComponentEventListener<Crud.EditEvent<E>> listener)
Registers a listener to be notified when the user starts to edit an
existing item.
Registration |
Crud.addNewListener(ComponentEventListener<Crud.NewEvent<E>> listener)
Registers a listener to be notified when the user starts to create a new
Registration |
Crud.addSaveListener(ComponentEventListener<Crud.SaveEvent<E>> listener)
Registers a listener to be notified when the user tries to save a new
item or modifications to an existing item.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
DateTimePicker.addValidationStatusChangeListener(ValidationStatusChangeListener<LocalDateTime> listener) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
Details.addOpenedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<Details.OpenedChangeEvent> listener)
Adds a listener to get notified when the opened state of the component
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
Dialog.addAttachListener(ComponentEventListener<AttachEvent> listener)
Adds a attach listener to this component.
Registration |
Dialog.addDetachListener(ComponentEventListener<DetachEvent> listener)
Adds a detach listener to this component.
Registration |
Dialog.addDialogCloseActionListener(ComponentEventListener<Dialog.DialogCloseActionEvent> listener)
Add a listener that controls whether the dialog should be closed or not.
Registration |
Dialog.addOpenedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinDialog.OpenedChangeEvent<Dialog>> listener)
Add a lister for event fired by the
opened-changed events. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinDialog.addOpenedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinDialog.OpenedChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
opened-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
Registration |
Dialog.addResizeListener(ComponentEventListener<Dialog.DialogResizeEvent> listener)
Adds a listener that is called after user finishes resizing the overlay.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Registration |
DragSource.addDragEndListener(ComponentEventListener<DragEndEvent<T>> listener)
Attaches dragend listener for the current drag source.The listener is
triggered when dragend event happens on the client side.
default Registration |
DragSource.addDragStartListener(ComponentEventListener<DragStartEvent<T>> listener)
Attaches dragstart listener for the current drag source.
default Registration |
DropTarget.addDropListener(ComponentEventListener<DropEvent<T>> listener)
Attaches drop listener for the component this maps to.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
Grid.addCellFocusListener(ComponentEventListener<CellFocusEvent<T>> listener)
Adds a listener to the grid that will be notified, when a cell has been
Registration |
Grid.addColumnReorderListener(ComponentEventListener<ColumnReorderEvent<T>> listener)
Adds a column reorder listener to this component.
Registration |
Grid.addColumnResizeListener(ComponentEventListener<ColumnResizeEvent<T>> listener)
Adds a column resize listener to this component.
Registration |
Grid.addDataGenerator(DataGenerator<T> dataGenerator) |
Registration |
Grid.addDragEndListener(ComponentEventListener<GridDragEndEvent<T>> listener)
Adds a drag end listener to this component.
Registration |
Grid.addDragStartListener(ComponentEventListener<GridDragStartEvent<T>> listener)
Adds a drag start listener to this component.
Registration |
Grid.addDropListener(ComponentEventListener<GridDropEvent<T>> listener)
Adds a drop listener to this component.
Registration |
Grid.addItemClickListener(ComponentEventListener<ItemClickEvent<T>> listener)
Adds an item click listener to this component.
Registration |
Grid.addItemDoubleClickListener(ComponentEventListener<ItemDoubleClickEvent<T>> listener)
Adds an item double click listener to this component.
Registration |
GridMultiSelectionModel.addMultiSelectionListener(MultiSelectionListener<Grid<T>,T> listener)
Adds a selection listener that will be called when the selection is
changed either by the user or programmatically.
Registration |
AbstractGridMultiSelectionModel.addMultiSelectionListener(MultiSelectionListener<Grid<T>,T> listener) |
Registration |
GridNoneSelectionModel.addSelectionListener(SelectionListener<Grid<T>,T> listener) |
Registration |
Grid.addSelectionListener(SelectionListener<Grid<T>,T> listener)
Adds a selection listener to the current selection model.
Registration |
AbstractGridSingleSelectionModel.addSelectionListener(SelectionListener<Grid<T>,T> listener) |
Registration |
AbstractGridMultiSelectionModel.addSelectionListener(SelectionListener<Grid<T>,T> listener) |
Registration |
GridSingleSelectionModel.addSingleSelectionListener(SingleSelectionListener<Grid<T>,T> listener)
Adds a selection listener that will be called when the selection is
changed either by the user or programmatically.
Registration |
AbstractGridSingleSelectionModel.addSingleSelectionListener(SingleSelectionListener<Grid<T>,T> listener) |
Registration |
Grid.addSortListener(ComponentEventListener<SortEvent<Grid<T>,GridSortOrder<T>>> listener) |
Registration |
Grid.addValueProvider(String property,
ValueProvider<T,?> valueProvider)
Adds a ValueProvider to this Grid that is not tied to a Column.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
GridContextMenu.addGridContextMenuOpenedListener(ComponentEventListener<GridContextMenu.GridContextMenuOpenedEvent<T>> listener)
Adds a listener for the
opened-changed events fired by the web
component. |
Registration |
GridMenuItem.addMenuItemClickListener(ComponentEventListener<GridContextMenu.GridContextMenuItemClickEvent<T>> clickListener)
Adds the given click listener for this menu item.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
EditorImpl.addCancelListener(EditorCancelListener<T> listener) |
Registration |
Editor.addCancelListener(EditorCancelListener<T> listener)
Adds an editor cancel
listener . |
Registration |
EditorImpl.addCloseListener(EditorCloseListener<T> listener) |
Registration |
Editor.addCloseListener(EditorCloseListener<T> listener)
Adds an editor close
listener . |
Registration |
EditorImpl.addOpenListener(EditorOpenListener<T> listener) |
Registration |
Editor.addOpenListener(EditorOpenListener<T> listener)
Adds an editor open
listener . |
Registration |
EditorImpl.addSaveListener(EditorSaveListener<T> listener) |
Registration |
Editor.addSaveListener(EditorSaveListener<T> listener)
Adds an editor save
listener . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
GridPro.addCellEditStartedListener(ComponentEventListener<GridPro.CellEditStartedEvent<E>> listener)
Registers a listener to be notified when the user starts to edit an
existing item.
Registration |
GridPro.addItemPropertyChangedListener(ComponentEventListener<GridPro.ItemPropertyChangedEvent<E>> listener)
Registers a listener to be notified when the user has edited an existing
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
NativeDetails.addToggleListener(ComponentEventListener<NativeDetails.ToggleEvent> listener)
Adds a listener for
toggle events fired by the details, which are
dispatched to the details element whenever its state changes between open
and closed. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
UIInternals.addAfterNavigationListener(AfterNavigationListener listener)
Add a listener that will be informed when new components have been
attached and all navigation tasks have resolved.
Registration |
UIInternals.addBeforeEnterListener(BeforeEnterListener listener)
Add a listener that will be informed when a new set of components are
going to be attached.
Registration |
UIInternals.addBeforeLeaveListener(BeforeLeaveListener listener)
Add a listener that will be informed when old components are detached.
Registration |
UIInternals.addHeartbeatListener(HeartbeatListener listener) |
Registration |
AbstractFieldSupport.addValueChangeListener(HasValue.ValueChangeListener<? super AbstractField.ComponentValueChangeEvent<C,T>> listener)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
MultiSelectListBox.addSelectionListener(MultiSelectionListener<MultiSelectListBox<T>,T> listener) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
AbstractLogin.addForgotPasswordListener(ComponentEventListener<AbstractLogin.ForgotPasswordEvent> listener)
Adds `forgotPassword` event listener.
Registration |
AbstractLogin.addLoginListener(ComponentEventListener<AbstractLogin.LoginEvent> listener)
Adds `login` event listener
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
MessageInput.addSubmitListener(ComponentEventListener<MessageInput.SubmitEvent> listener)
Adds a listener that is called when the user submits the value of the
input field, which can be obtained with
MessageInput.SubmitEvent.getValue() . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
Notification.addAttachListener(ComponentEventListener<AttachEvent> listener)
Adds a attach listener to this component.
Registration |
Notification.addDetachListener(ComponentEventListener<DetachEvent> listener)
Adds a detach listener to this component.
Registration |
Notification.addOpenedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinNotification.OpenedChangeEvent<Notification>> listener) |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinNotification.addOpenedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinNotification.OpenedChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
opened-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
Page.addBrowserWindowResizeListener(BrowserWindowResizeListener resizeListener)
Adds a new
BrowserWindowResizeListener to this UI. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinRadioButton.addCheckedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinRadioButton.CheckedChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
checked-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup.addInvalidChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinRadioGroup.InvalidChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
invalid-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
Registration |
RadioButtonGroup.addValidationStatusChangeListener(ValidationStatusChangeListener<T> listener) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinRichTextEditor.addChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinRichTextEditor.ChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
change events fired by the webcomponent. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
Select.addValidationStatusChangeListener(ValidationStatusChangeListener<T> listener) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinSelect.addInvalidChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinSelect.InvalidChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
invalid-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinSelect.addOpenedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinSelect.OpenedChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
opened-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Registration |
HasClientValidation.addClientValidatedEventListener(ComponentEventListener<HasClientValidation.ClientValidatedEvent> listener)
Adds a listener for the
validated event fired by the web
component whenever it is validated on the client-side. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinSplitLayout.addIronResizeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinSplitLayout.IronResizeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
iron-resize events fired by the webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinSplitLayout.addSplitterDragendListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinSplitLayout.SplitterDragendEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
splitter-dragend events fired by the
webcomponent. |
Registration |
SplitLayout.addSplitterDragendListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinSplitLayout.SplitterDragendEvent<SplitLayout>> listener)
Adds a listener for the
splitter-dragend event, which is fired
when the user has stopped resizing the splitter with drag and drop. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
Tabs.addSelectedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<Tabs.SelectedChangeEvent> listener)
Adds a listener for
Tabs.SelectedChangeEvent . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinTimePicker.addInvalidChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinTimePicker.InvalidChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
invalid-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
Registration |
TimePicker.addInvalidChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinTimePicker.InvalidChangeEvent<TimePicker>> listener) |
Registration |
TimePicker.addValidationStatusChangeListener(ValidationStatusChangeListener<LocalTime> listener) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
TreeGrid.addCollapseListener(ComponentEventListener<CollapseEvent<T,TreeGrid<T>>> listener)
Adds a CollapseEvent listener to this TreeGrid.
Registration |
TreeGrid.addExpandListener(ComponentEventListener<ExpandEvent<T,TreeGrid<T>>> listener)
Adds an ExpandEvent listener to this TreeGrid.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
Upload.addAllFinishedListener(ComponentEventListener<AllFinishedEvent> listener)
Add listener that is informed on all uploads finished.
Registration |
Upload.addFailedListener(ComponentEventListener<FailedEvent> listener)
Add a succeeded listener that is informed on upload failure.
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinUploadFile.addFileAbortListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUploadFile.FileAbortEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
file-abort events fired by the webcomponent. |
Registration |
Upload.addFileRejectedListener(ComponentEventListener<FileRejectedEvent> listener)
Adds a listener for
file-reject events fired when a file cannot
be added due to some constrains:
setMaxFileSize, setMaxFiles, setAcceptedFileTypes |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.addFileRejectListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.FileRejectEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
file-reject events fired by the webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinUploadFile.addFileRemoveListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUploadFile.FileRemoveEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
file-remove events fired by the webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinUploadFile.addFileRetryListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUploadFile.FileRetryEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
file-retry events fired by the webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.addFilesChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.FilesChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
files-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinUploadFile.addFileStartListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUploadFile.FileStartEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
file-start events fired by the webcomponent. |
Registration |
Upload.addFinishedListener(ComponentEventListener<FinishedEvent> listener)
Add a succeeded listener that is informed on upload finished.
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.addMaxFilesReachedChangeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.MaxFilesReachedChangeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
max-files-reached-changed events fired by the
webcomponent. |
Registration |
Upload.addProgressListener(ComponentEventListener<ProgressUpdateEvent> listener)
Add a progress listener that is informed on upload progress.
Registration |
Upload.addStartedListener(ComponentEventListener<StartedEvent> listener)
Add a succeeded listener that is informed on upload start.
Registration |
Upload.addSucceededListener(ComponentEventListener<SucceededEvent> listener)
Add a succeeded listener that is informed on upload succeeded.
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.addUploadAbortListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadAbortEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
upload-abort events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.addUploadBeforeListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadBeforeEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
upload-before events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.addUploadErrorListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadErrorEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
upload-error events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.addUploadProgressListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadProgressEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
upload-progress events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.addUploadRequestListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadRequestEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
upload-request events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.addUploadResponseListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadResponseEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
upload-response events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.addUploadRetryListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadRetryEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
upload-retry events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.addUploadStartListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadStartEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
upload-start events fired by the
webcomponent. |
protected Registration |
GeneratedVaadinUpload.addUploadSuccessListener(ComponentEventListener<GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadSuccessEvent<R>> listener)
Adds a listener for
upload-success events fired by the
webcomponent. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected <T> Registration |
Binder.addListener(Class<T> eventType,
SerializableConsumer<T> method)
Adds a listener to the binder.
Registration |
Binder.addStatusChangeListener(StatusChangeListener listener)
Adds status change listener to the binder.
default Registration |
HasValidator.addValidationStatusChangeListener(ValidationStatusChangeListener<V> listener)
Enables the implementing components to notify changes in their validation
status to the observers.
Registration |
Binder.addValueChangeListener(HasValue.ValueChangeListener<? super HasValue.ValueChangeEvent<?>> listener)
Adds field value change listener to all the fields in the binder.
Registration |
ReadOnlyHasValue.addValueChangeListener(HasValue.ValueChangeListener<? super HasValue.ValueChangeEvent<V>> listener) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
SortEvent.SortNotifier.addSortListener(ComponentEventListener<SortEvent<T,S>> listener)
Adds a sort order change listener that gets notified when the sort
order changes.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
HasDataGenerators.addDataGenerator(DataGenerator<T> generator)
Adds the given data generator.
Registration |
CompositeDataGenerator.addDataGenerator(DataGenerator<T> generator) |
Registration |
DataProviderWrapper.addDataProviderListener(DataProviderListener<T> listener) |
Registration |
DataProvider.addDataProviderListener(DataProviderListener<T> listener)
Adds a data provider listener.
Registration |
AbstractDataProvider.addDataProviderListener(DataProviderListener<T> listener) |
protected <E> Registration |
AbstractDataProvider.addListener(Class<E> eventType,
SerializableConsumer<E> method)
Registers a new listener with the specified activation method to listen
events generated by this component.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
NativeButtonRenderer.addItemClickListener(ClickableRenderer.ItemClickListener<SOURCE> listener) |
Registration |
ClickableRenderer.addItemClickListener(ClickableRenderer.ItemClickListener<SOURCE> listener)
Adds a click listener to the renderer.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
MultiSelect.addSelectionListener(MultiSelectionListener<C,T> listener)
Adds a selection listener that will be called when the selection is
changed either by the user or programmatically.
Registration |
SelectionModel.addSelectionListener(SelectionListener<C,T> listener)
Adds a generic listener to this selection model, accepting both single
and multiselection events.
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
A registration for configuring or removing a DOM event listener added to an
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
Element.addAttachListener(ElementAttachListener attachListener)
Adds an attach listener for this element.
Registration |
Element.addDetachListener(ElementDetachListener detachListener)
Adds a detach listener for this element.
Registration |
ElementStateProvider.addPropertyChangeListener(StateNode node,
String name,
PropertyChangeListener listener)
Adds a property change listener.
Registration |
Element.addPropertyChangeListener(String name,
PropertyChangeListener listener)
Adds a property change listener.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
ShadowRootStateProvider.addPropertyChangeListener(StateNode node,
String name,
PropertyChangeListener listener) |
Registration |
BasicElementStateProvider.addPropertyChangeListener(StateNode node,
String name,
PropertyChangeListener listener) |
Registration |
AbstractTextElementStateProvider.addPropertyChangeListener(StateNode node,
String name,
PropertyChangeListener listener) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
static interface |
A registration object for removing a task registered for execution before
the client response.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
StateNode.addAttachListener(Command attachListener)
Adds a command as an attach listener.
static Registration |
ReflectionCache.addClearAllAction(Runnable action)
Adds an action that will be run when all reflection caches are cleared.
Registration |
StateNode.addDetachListener(Command detachListener)
Adds a command as a detach listener.
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
A registration for a return channel.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
PolymerEventListenerMap.add(String methodName,
String[] eventDataExpressions)
Adds a listener for a event created from a template method.
Registration |
ElementPropertyMap.addPropertyChangeListener(String name,
PropertyChangeListener listener)
Adds a property change listener.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
RouteConfiguration.addRoutesChangeListener(RoutesChangedListener listener)
Add a listener that is notified when routes change for the registry.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
AbstractRouteRegistry.addRoutesChangeListener(RoutesChangedListener listener) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Registration |
SessionRouteRegistry.addRoutesChangeListener(RoutesChangedListener listener)
Adds the given route change listener to the registry.
Registration |
RouteRegistry.addRoutesChangeListener(RoutesChangedListener listener)
Adds the given route change listener to the registry.
Registration |
VaadinService.addServiceDestroyListener(ServiceDestroyListener listener)
Adds a service destroy listener that gets notified when this service is
Registration |
VaadinService.addSessionDestroyListener(SessionDestroyListener listener)
Adds a listener that gets notified when a Vaadin service session that has
been initialized for this service is destroyed.
Registration |
VaadinService.addSessionInitListener(SessionInitListener listener)
Adds a listener that gets notified when a new Vaadin service session is
initialized for this service.
Registration |
VaadinService.addUIInitListener(UIInitListener listener)
Adds a listener that gets notified when a new UI has been initialized.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> Registration |
Registration.addAndRemove(Collection<T> collection,
T item)
Creates a registration by adding an item to a collection immediately and
removing the item from the collection when the registration is removed.
static Registration |
Registration.combine(Registration... registrations)
Creates a registration that will remove multiple registrations.
static Registration |
Registration.once(Command command)
Creates a registration that will run a command only once.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Registration |
Registration.combine(Registration... registrations)
Creates a registration that will remove multiple registrations.
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