Uses of Class
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client
Methods in com.vaadin.client that return UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description UIDL
UIDL. getChildByTagName(String tagName)
Returns the child UIDL by its name.UIDL
UIDL. getChildUIDL(int i)
Gets the UIDL for the child at the given index.Methods in com.vaadin.client with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description ComponentConnector
ApplicationConnection. getPaintable(UIDL uidl)
Deprecated.static boolean
Util. isCached(UIDL uidl)
ApplicationConnection. updateComponent( component, UIDL uidl, boolean manageCaption)
Deprecated.As of 7.0, no longer serves any purposevoid
Paintable. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Deprecated.Constructors in com.vaadin.client with parameters of type UIDL Constructor Description VUIDLBrowser(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Deprecated. -
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
VScrollTable. addAndRemoveRows(UIDL partialRowAdditions)
Inserts rows in the table body or removes them from the table body based on the commands in the UIDL.void
VTreeTable. addAndRemoveRows(UIDL partialRowAdditions)
VScrollTable.VScrollTableBody.VScrollTableRow. addCell(UIDL rowUidl, w, char align, String style, boolean sorted, String description)
VScrollTable.VScrollTableBody.VScrollTableRow. addCell(UIDL rowUidl, String text, char align, String style, boolean textIsHTML, boolean sorted)
VScrollTable.VScrollTableBody.VScrollTableRow. addCell(UIDL rowUidl, String text, char align, String style, boolean textIsHTML, boolean sorted, String description)
VTreeTable.VTreeTableScrollBody.VTreeTableRow. addCell(UIDL rowUidl, w, char align, String style, boolean isSorted, String description)
VTreeTable.VTreeTableScrollBody.VTreeTableRow. addCell(UIDL rowUidl, String text, char align, String style, boolean textIsHTML, boolean isSorted, String description)
protected void
VScrollTable.VScrollTableBody.VScrollTableGeneratedRow. addCellsFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, char[] aligns, int col, int visibleColumnIndex)
protected void
VScrollTable.VScrollTableBody.VScrollTableRow. addCellsFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, char[] aligns, int col, int visibleColumnIndex)
protected void
VTreeTable.VTreeTableScrollBody.VTreeTableGeneratedRow. addCellsFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, char[] aligns, int col, int visibleColumnIndex)
protected boolean
VTreeTable.VTreeTableScrollBody.VTreeTableRow. addTreeSpacer(UIDL rowUidl)
protected String
VScrollTable. buildCaptionHtmlSnippet(UIDL uidl)
Helper function to build html snippet for column or row headersprotected String
VTreeTable. buildCaptionHtmlSnippet(UIDL uidl)
Icons rendered into first actual column in TreeTable, not to row header cellString
VMenuBar. buildItemHTML(UIDL item)
Build the HTML content for a menu item.void
VListSelect. buildOptions(UIDL uidl)
VNativeSelect. buildOptions(UIDL uidl)
VOptionGroup. buildOptions(UIDL uidl)
abstract void
VOptionGroupBase. buildOptions(UIDL uidl)
For internal use only.void
VTwinColSelect. buildOptions(UIDL uidl)
VEmbedded. createFlashEmbed(UIDL uidl)
Creates the Object and Embed tags for the Flash plugin so it works cross-browser.protected VScrollTable.VScrollTableBody.VScrollTableRow
VScrollTable.VScrollTableBody. createRow(UIDL uidl, char[] aligns2)
protected VScrollTable.VScrollTableBody.VScrollTableRow
VTreeTable.VTreeTableScrollBody. createRow(UIDL uidl, char[] aligns2)
static Map<String,String>
VEmbedded. getParameters(UIDL uidl)
Returns a map (name -> value) of all parameters in the UIDL.String
VEmbedded. getSrc(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Helper to return translated src-attribute from embedded's UIDLvoid
VScrollTable. initializeRows(UIDL uidl, UIDL rowData)
For internal use only.protected List<VScrollTable.VScrollTableBody.VScrollTableRow>
VScrollTable.VScrollTableBody. insertAndReindexRows(UIDL rowData, int firstIndex, int rows)
protected List<VScrollTable.VScrollTableBody.VScrollTableRow>
VScrollTable.VScrollTableBody. insertRows(UIDL rowData, int firstIndex, int rows)
Inserts rows as provided in the rowData starting at firstIndex.protected List<VScrollTable.VScrollTableBody.VScrollTableRow>
VTreeTable.VTreeTableScrollBody. insertRowsAnimated(UIDL rowData, int firstIndex, int rows)
protected void
VScrollTable.VScrollTableBody. insertRowsDeleteBelow(UIDL rowData, int firstIndex, int rows)
static boolean
AbstractComponentConnector. isRealUpdate(UIDL uidl)
VScrollTable.VScrollTableBody. renderInitialRows(UIDL rowData, int firstIndex, int rows)
VScrollTable.VScrollTableBody. renderRows(UIDL rowData, int firstIndex, int rows)
VScrollTable. selectSelectedRows(UIDL uidl)
For internal use only.void
VScrollTable. setCacheRateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl)
For internal use only.static void
VNotification. showNotification(ApplicationConnection client, UIDL notification)
ShortcutActionHandler. updateActionMap(UIDL c)
Updates list of actions this handler listens to.void
VScrollTable. updateActionMap(UIDL mainUidl)
For internal use only.void
VScrollTable. updateBody(UIDL uidl, int firstRow, int reqRows)
For internal use only.void
VTwinColSelect. updateCaptions(UIDL uidl)
For internal use only.void
VScrollTable.TableFooter. updateCellsFromUIDL(UIDL uidl)
Updates the cells contents when updateUIDL request is receivedvoid
VScrollTable.TableHead. updateCellsFromUIDL(UIDL uidl)
VScrollTable. updateColumnProperties(UIDL uidl)
For internal use only.void
VScrollTable. updateDragMode(UIDL uidl)
For internal use only.void
VTree. updateDropHandler(UIDL childUidl)
For internal use only.void
VScrollTable. updateFirstVisibleAndScrollIfNeeded(UIDL uidl)
For internal use only.void
LegacyConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
VMenuBar.CustomMenuItem. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
VScrollTable. updatePageLength(UIDL uidl)
For internal use only.void
VScrollTable. updateRowsInBody(UIDL partialRowUpdates)
For internal use only.void
VScrollTable. updateSelectionProperties(UIDL uidl, AbstractComponentState state, boolean readOnly)
For internal use only.void
VScrollTable. updateSortingProperties(UIDL uidl)
For internal use only.void
VFilterSelect.SuggestionPopup. updateStyleNames(UIDL uidl, AbstractComponentState componentState)
Updates style names in suggestion popup to help theme building.void
VScrollTable. updateTotalRows(UIDL uidl)
For internal use only.void
VTreeTable. updateTotalRows(UIDL uidl)
Constructors in com.vaadin.client.ui with parameters of type UIDL Constructor Description FilterSelectSuggestion(UIDL uidl)
ConstructorVScrollTableGeneratedRow(UIDL uidl, char[] aligns)
VScrollTableRow(UIDL uidl, char[] aligns)
VTreeTableGeneratedRow(UIDL uidl, char[] aligns)
VTreeTableRow(UIDL uidl, char[] aligns2)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.calendar
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.calendar with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
CalendarConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.combobox
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.combobox with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
ComboBoxConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.customlayout
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.customlayout with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
CustomLayoutConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.datefield
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.datefield with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
AbstractDateFieldConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
DateFieldConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
InlineDateFieldConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
TextualDateConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.dd
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.dd with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description protected boolean
VAcceptAll. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration)
protected abstract boolean
VAcceptCriterion. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration)
VAcceptCriterion. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration, VAcceptCallback callback)
Checks if current drag event has valid drop target and target accepts the transferable.protected boolean
VAnd. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration)
protected boolean
VContainsDataFlavor. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration)
protected boolean
VDragSourceIs. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration)
protected boolean
VIsOverId. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration)
protected boolean
VItemIdIs. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration)
protected boolean
VLazyInitItemIdentifiers. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration)
VLazyInitItemIdentifiers. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration, VAcceptCallback callback)
protected boolean
VNot. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration)
VNot. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration, VAcceptCallback callback)
protected boolean
VOr. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration)
VOr. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration, VAcceptCallback callback)
protected boolean
VOverTreeNode. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration)
protected boolean
VServerAccept. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration)
VServerAccept. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration, VAcceptCallback callback)
protected boolean
VSourceIsTarget. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration)
protected boolean
VTargetDetailIs. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration)
protected boolean
VTargetInSubtree. accept(VDragEvent drag, UIDL configuration)
VDragEventServerCallback. handleResponse(boolean accepted, UIDL response)
VAcceptCriterion. needsServerSideCheck(VDragEvent drag, UIDL criterioUIDL)
VLazyInitItemIdentifiers. needsServerSideCheck(VDragEvent drag, UIDL criterioUIDL)
VNot. needsServerSideCheck(VDragEvent drag, UIDL criterioUIDL)
VOr. needsServerSideCheck(VDragEvent drag, UIDL criterioUIDL)
VServerAccept. needsServerSideCheck(VDragEvent drag, UIDL criterioUIDL)
VAbstractDropHandler. updateAcceptRules(UIDL uidl)
Implementor/user ofVAbstractDropHandler
must pass the UIDL painted byAcceptCriterion
to this method. -
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.draganddropwrapper
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.draganddropwrapper with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
DragAndDropWrapperConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.embedded
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.embedded with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
EmbeddedConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.form
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.form with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
FormConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.menubar
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.menubar with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
MenuBarConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
This method must be implemented to update the client-side component from UIDL data received from server. -
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.optiongroup
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.optiongroup with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
OptionGroupBaseConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
OptionGroupConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.panel
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.panel with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
PanelConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.richtextarea
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.richtextarea with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
RichTextAreaConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.table
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.table with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
TableConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.textfield
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.textfield with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
TextFieldConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.tree
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.tree with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
TreeConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
TreeConnector. updateNodeFromUIDL(VTree.TreeNode treeNode, UIDL uidl, int level)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.treetable
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.treetable with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
TreeTableConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.twincolselect
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.twincolselect with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
TwinColSelectConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.ui
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.ui with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
UIConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.upload
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.upload with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
UploadConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)
Uses of UIDL in com.vaadin.client.ui.window
Methods in com.vaadin.client.ui.window with parameters of type UIDL Modifier and Type Method Description void
WindowConnector. updateFromUIDL(UIDL uidl, ApplicationConnection client)