Interface AcceptCriterion

    • Method Detail

      • isClientSideVerifiable

        boolean isClientSideVerifiable()
        Returns whether the criteria can be checked on the client or whether a server request is needed to check the criteria. This requirement may depend on the state of the criterion (e.g. logical operations between criteria), so this cannot be based on a marker interface.
      • paintResponse

        void paintResponse​(PaintTarget target)
                    throws PaintException
        This needs to be implemented iff criterion does some lazy server side initialization. The UIDL painted in this method will be passed to client side drop handler implementation. Implementation can assume that accept(DragAndDropEvent) is called before this method.
        target -
      • accept

        boolean accept​(DragAndDropEvent dragEvent)
        Validates the data in event to be appropriate for the DropHandler.drop(DragAndDropEvent) method.

        Note that even if your criterion is validated on client side, you should always validate the data on server side too.

        dragEvent -