Interface Transferable

    • Method Detail

      • getData

        Object getData​(String dataFlavor)
        Returns the data from Transferable by its data flavor (aka data type). Data types can be any string keys, but MIME types like "text/plain" are commonly used.

        Note, implementations of Transferable often provide a better typed API for accessing data.

        dataFlavor - the data flavor to be returned from Transferable
        the data stored in the Transferable or null if Transferable contains no data for given data flavour
      • setData

        void setData​(String dataFlavor,
                     Object value)
        Stores data of given data flavor to Transferable. Possibly existing value of the same data flavor will be replaced.
        dataFlavor - the data flavor
        value - the new value of the data flavor
      • getDataFlavors

        Collection<String> getDataFlavors()
        a collection of data flavors ( data types ) available in this Transferable
      • getSourceComponent

        Component getSourceComponent()
        the component that created the Transferable or null if the source component is unknown