Wait-Cursor in Grid

Is it possible to show a Wait-Cursor / Loading-Indicator while scrolling in a Lazyloading-Grid?

I believe that the loading indicator is displayed by default when the client-side is awaiting response from the server. The delay period of this indicator is configurable, and so is its style (https://vaadin.com/docs/v14/flow/advanced/tutorial-loading-indicator.html).

If a wait cursor is also needed, then perhaps one way of achieving this would be to adjust the cursor based on the state of the loading indicator. The following CSS styling exemplifies this approach:

.v-loading-indicator[style*="display: block"]
 ~ * {
	cursor: wait !important;

.v-loading-indicator.first[style*="display: block"]
  ~ * {
	cursor: wait !important;

.v-loading-indicator.second[style*="display: block"]
  ~ * {
	cursor: wait !important;

.v-loading-indicator.third[style*="display: block"]
 ~ * {
	cursor: wait !important;