as I have seen there are wrappers provided for the Polymer Paper & Iron Elements that can be used either in a plain GWT application or - if using Vaadin - in client side development (besides the wrappers to use Vaadin-Components as Web-Components).
(source: )
My question is:
Are there any plans to also support the other way around? Using Polymer Element Wrappers from Vaadin server-side somehow? Or is this actually already existing somewhere and I just missed it?
Why I ask:
This would be great for people that want to stick to the material design guidelines. (Do not misunderstand me, I love the Valo Theme, but sometimes you have to stick to requirements, and it’s a bit tedious to customize the valo theme so that it follows the md spec.)
Official plan is that Vaadin Framework 9 will use the new web component implementations, and offer a similar Java server API for them as you have now. There’s also plans (still unconfirmed) that we would build the server side APIs in some 8.x version also.
The current target for the first FW9 release is at the end of next year.
Is there alternatively a plan to provide an addon in the manner of the shown datepicker that will contain at least the most common (existing) vaadin components in the mean time? Basically just a collection of wrappers.
That’s exactly what is being considered for 8.x. It would of course be less work to do them quick’n’dirty, like the date-picker add-on, without framework-level quality control and maintenance/support promises.
It’s pretty much about prioritization, do we have the time to do it for 8.x as well as 9.0, if we want to have 9.0 released in the next 12 months.
From the existing web components we have – grid, combo box, date picker, upload, split layout and context menu – which of those would be the most interesting for you, i.e. how would you prioritize them?