Vaadin Designer now available from Labs

Hi Gordon,

One more question: what IE version do you have on your Windows 7?



I had IE 9 installed. After upgrading to IE 11, Vaadin Designer started to work. However, I did have to press the “Preview” then “Edit” button to get rid of the “Changing theme, please wait…” message.

The UI designer is a great idea! Speeds things up considerably and helps troubleshoot layout issues. Having built many UIs and used many UI designers, I have lots of suggestions, probably more than you are ready for.

Quick note: I had the same initial problem as others here when creating a new form it hangs on setting the theme but you can easily get around it by just setting the theme again in the drop down.

Feature request:

  • Refresh toolbar button (visual designers always hang at some point)
  • Some way to add your own templates to the pallete, save current form as template, etc.
  • A CSS viewer, or even a designer, would be a big help since you could apply your styles immediately to the current form and its preview.
  • A way to import add-on components into the pallete
  • Support for advanced HTML 5
  • Basic formatting of the generated Java code (not a big deal but nice)
  • Control over more properties like spacing value, margin value, font (I know these are usually in the CSS)
  • Import or convert from existing Vaadin Java code (retro-fit existing project)
  • Support for dynamic layouts. Often there is a need for something like the following. You want to show an editor window to the user with fields for basic properties but have a button or check box to show advanced properties, which adds more fields to the form. The form needs to redo its layout to support this, or the form has to be closed and re-opened

.Thanks for the designer!

Hi Gordon,

I test it before with IE8 and didn’t work too. It’s good it’s working with IE11.

You may update it to the last release from Friday. See if the Preview/Edit problem still persists.

Hi Ken,

Good to hear you’re using the current designer and it looks you’re really interested in this new one.

Some of your requests are really cool and you’ll definitely take them into account while some are already there or on the way. Add-ons for instance should just work. They’re added automatically to the pallete when the jar is added to the project. There is still some work to be done about them I think.

Thank you!

Hi everyone!

First of all let me tell you that the renewal of the designer is one of the best news in 2015 for me.
Unfortunately I seem to have a very similar problem as Gordon has. The exception is the same while envirionment and problem is slightly different :wink:
(Failed to create comet support class: class org.atmosphere.container.JettyServlet30AsyncSupportWithWebSocket, error: null)

Main problem is, that the Pallette remains empty while it says “searching for components”.

Problem solved

I’ve had the problem in a maven Project. When you create a fresh “Vaadin Project” everything is fine with the designer.
If you want to use the designer in older Projects Just open your ,project-File and add the Vaadin Widgetset nature to the last Section:


P.S.: Have fun in Munich, Marc. A colleague of mine will be there and will see you “life on stage” :wink:

Hi everyone,

As you can notice, the Designer is still a little rough around the edges, especially in some environments, but it’s improving every day. Keep reporting in problems as you find them, and do our best to fix them!

That’s a great list; some of it is definitely coming - maybe even most of it :slight_smile:
Would you like to elaborate a little on “Support for advanced HTML 5”? Sounds interesting, but could mean a number of things…

You will still be able to use the old one, though it will be marked as ‘deprecated’ or a separate install to avoid confusion.

Best Regards,

(currently travelling between GWT.create and GWT.create)

Hi everyone,

I am trying to use the new Vaadin Designer.
Everything seems to be working well, but when I create a new Vaadin Design, Palette components shows a message “A palette is not available”. Does anyone know what could be the problem?

I am using Eclipse Luna, and version 7.4.0.beta1.


  Vaadin Designer Generate your components code from *.html file so -> try to open it.

just gussing i’m n’t sure !
[*.html ]
… the html file have the same name of your class.

I am wondering if we can drag and drop a POJO or a table directly and design the form using it so that the field names are automatically aligned and some other data related aspects codes are created dynamically. Is it something that I am dreaming of or it is already there but I don’t know yet!

Thanks for your response Mohammed, but the problem is that I can’t create anything because my Palette (components to drag and drop) is empty. The html file is empty too, because I did not build any design (I can not without the palette).

Hi Sofia,

Can you please send us more details like screenshoots, workspace log file after creating a new desing, OS and default browser version.

Also make sure the design editor page is active, and Design tab in the bottom of the editor is selected. If for instance you select a java file or open the html with the html or text editor there will be nothing in the palette. The palette will display components you can drag in the editor only when the editor is active. Normally this whould happen by default when you create a new Design file.

Thank you,

Hi all!

The designer does not seem to like GridLayout. In fact all content I add to a GrigLayout in the designer does not appear in the HTML sourcecode and so it is lost. It does not matter if the GridLayout is the root component or placed in a vertical layout first.
I assume that I have found a bug… Is this a known issue or is it a new one?

In addition the designer seems to have some issues with german umlauts… The HTML view is ok and entering umlauts there is no problem aswell, whilst the designer creates cryptic characters…

In addition it would be nice to hear (or read ;-)), if you already thought about i18n for designed or even descriptive uis.


Hey Marc,

awesome work!

Though it seems that the phenomenal new Grid component of 7.4 is not shown in the components list. I managed to include it with inserting

<v-grid> </v-grid> but it doesn’t seem like there are many useful properties to set.

But I’m just playing around :wink:


Hi Bogdan,

Thanks for your reply!

OS: Mac OS Yosemite
Browser: Safari 8.0
Eclipse: Luna 4.4
Vaadin: 7.4.beta2

I am using Maven to create a new project, where I choose vaadin-archetype-application 7.4.0.
When I create this new project, in the main package I select New > Vaadin Design. Then this opens “design view” but the palette, where it should appear components to drag, shows the message “searching for components” and after “a palette is not available”.

I placed an image attachment.



Same problem as Sofia had.
OS: Windows 7
Browser: Chrome 40.0.2214.94 m
Eclipse Luna 4.4
Vaadin: 7.4.betta3
vaadin-archetype-appliaction 7.4.0 was used as well.

Blank HTML along with blank palett.

@Sofia and to myself.

Look at above Christoph Wilhelms post.

Adding com.vaadin.integration.eclipse.widgetsetNature to the .project solved the problem for me.

Thanks a lot Valery, this method also worked for me. =)

Hmm, Liferay Developer Studio on OS X, I cannot even install the designer. The detail message is:

@Dave Nebinger

At the bottom:
“NOTE: Make sure you use Eclipse Luna and Vaadin 7.4 (beta) for your project”
Mine is Version: Luna M6 Release (4.4.0M6)