TwinCol Select component - select all button

Hi ,

can we add select all button in twincol select component , curretnly component contains only two button right arrow and left arrow ,

but i want another two buttons like select all (see attched image) , when i click right all arrow it should select all va;lues from right and place it on left like vice versa .

how i should do this ??


You would need to create your own component or extension in order to add that functionality. I’ve created an add-on called
which has the select all buttons. It also allows you to filter the content. Downside is, that it is not a drop-in replacement for the TwinColSelect.

Thanks Kim , will look into FilterTableTwinColSelect

Hi Kim ,

i was trying with your plug in FilterableTwinColSelect , but am facing following error even after adding dependecies

vaadin-addons org.vaadin.addons filterabletwincolselect 1.0.1

osgi.wiring.package; (

can you please let me know is their ahy thig i am missing ?

Sorry Kim , it was my mistake in configaration , working now :slight_smile: , Thanks .

Hi Kim ,

Thanks for your support . But to match my requiremnet i have modified some parts in your add-on , Like - allowing only one filter , alignment and some filter chnages etc …

Can you please let me know your used source control system (ex- github) so that i can check in the code.