SideNav + View

Hi there,

My questions is probably very trivial but I fail to find an answer to my issue.
I have a MainLayout extending from AppLayout that so far contains only a SideNav.

Following the tutorial’s code ```java
SideNav nav = new SideNav();

SideNavItem dashboardLink = new SideNavItem(“Dashboard”, DashboardView.class, VaadinIcon.DASHBOARD.create());
SideNavItem inboxLink = new SideNavItem(“Inbox”, InboxView.class, VaadinIcon.ENVELOPE.create());
SideNavItem calendarLink = new SideNavItem(“Calendar”, CalendarView.class, VaadinIcon.CALENDAR.create());
SideNavItem settingsLink = new SideNavItem(“Settings”, SettingsView.class, VaadinIcon.COG.create());
SideNavItem vaadinLink = new SideNavItem(“Vaadin website”, “”, VaadinIcon.VAADIN_H.create());

nav.addItem(dashboardLink, inboxLink, calendarLink, settingsLink, vaadinLink);```
I realised that every link will open the respective view but the SideNav will disappear every time as a new view is opening.
Do I need to include the SideNav for every view that is linked? Cause I was looking for some kind of target property to refer to the Main View on the right when clicking the items in the SideNav.
Am I missing something or approaching this the wrong way?
I simply want to have a permanent SideNav on the left and changing content in the Main View…

I think you may be looking to use a host layout–if you add your sidenav to a “root” layout, then children that reference that layout via the @Route’s layout property will inherit that

Here’s an example

So instead of an AppLayout I’d use HorizontalLayout in my case to have SideNave left and MainView right, if I understand you correctly. Or what do you mean with “root” layout?

The actual layout class doesn’t really matter. If you want to preserve the “chrome” (side-nav, search bars, etc.), add all of them to a “root” layout and then, in the route annotation, specify that

It can be anything as long as it implements RouterLayout

Alright, thank you. Will have a go at it and see if I can figure.

Awesome–lmk if you have any questions

Right, so in the end I made it work with this structure:

class RootLayout : HorizontalLayout(), RouterLayout {
    init {

@Route(value = "navigation")
class SideNavBar : AppLayout() {

    init {

This shows the SideNav constantly and loads any other views into the body of RootLayout. Seems to work.

Wait that seems strange please take a look here - your Applayout is a Routerlayout and no route. All other route should define that layout as their “parent”

“Example: Render CompanyComponent inside MainLayout:”

I forgot to show the last class kotlin @Route(value = "form", layout = RootLayout::class) class Something : Div() { init { add(Text("Whatever")) add(Button("Click me")) } }
This does render into the body of RootLayout.

Nevermind I guess, I deduced it to ```kotlin
@Route(value = “”)
class MainLayout : AppLayout() {
init {

@Route(value = “login”, layout = MainLayout::class)
class LoginScreen : Div() {
init {
Now the content of the layout also fit which didn’t really work before.