Rotating iPhone - Resizing the view

Hi Forum,

i started writing an iPhone styled webapp with vaaddin. I am using the reindeer theme as basis.
The webapp is allmost ready and only one little problem left.

When I rotate the phone the screen will not resize reliable an so the ui looks broken.
It’ll work 5 of 10 times.
I like to get this thing working ten of ten times. How to get there?

Thanks in advance,


Could you send a screenshot of the working and broken states? (just press power and home buttons at the same time to take a screenshot).

Hellio Jonas!

Everything is fine on first picture. Rotating right; second picture. I made the third screenshot after hitting reload
in the browser. and rotating to the left; fourth picture.

cheers stefan

I added a Window.ResizeListener to my Mainwindow to analyze the problem. The listener just logs a message to the server console.
The problem is that the javascript client is not sending a resize event everytime i rotate the phone.
I got a 3G S iOS 4.0 iPhone. Its better on Android Phones running the chrome Browser.
Is there something i can do at all?


Create a bug report on with simplified test-case example. To me this looks like a bug.

Allright. I will create a ticket.

The iPhone fires an “orientationchange” - Event. Think binding a listener to that event is the clue.

Do i have to bind the listener on that event on the client side(custom GWT widget) with native javascript?


IMO this should be automatically handled by TouchKit.

So the correct place might be to add the listener registration to
and to recalculate component size on orientationchange. If you do that, please add a patch to the ticket :)

Sorry, i am not using TouchKit. I built that webapp with standard vaadin widgets and a few selfmade widgets.
I just had a quick look at TK.

Has this been addressed? I am seeing the same thing in my application. Rotating the iPad, iPhone(4&4S), iPod Touch is not consistent, and the view updates only 6 out of 10 times on orientation change.


Where are you facing the issue? Do you also have your own “TouchKit” like Stefan or is in real TouchKt app?

I tried with TouchKit demo at
and I didn’t see any issues.


We are building an application using TouchKit. I’ve put another post up with images showing the problem. The forum post where I’ve shown images of the problem can be found
The mobile mail and vornitologist applications run nicely, but we are constantly running into problems with navigation. Views don’t fall into place fully ( two views split across the screen ) and the orientation changes sometimes reveal the previous view under the stack. I’ve a Pro Account, but still figuring out how to request support or talk to someone.

Badi, in short there are two options for Pro Account subscriber to get prioritized service from Vaadin.
For any concern you may have you can always get priority service by submitting a Support Request ticket to Vaadin
(In order to use Support Request service you need to have positive support time balance. Support time may be purchased separately)

Another way to get Vaadin experts to work on your problem is to use your right to prioritize bugs either via
Bugfix Service
or marking a ticket found in
Vaadin Trac
. When browsing through tickets in Vaadin Trac you will find a “Mark as priority” link in tickets which type is defect. This link is available for Pro Account users.

So I would encourage you to utilize the Pro Account features you are entitled to. :slight_smile:
Write a new ticket to Vaadin track and then prioritizing your own ticket to get it fixed asap.
( Bugfix priority service applies to defects found from Vaadin Framework or any add-on certified by Vaadin Ltd.)