Refresh Grid-Rows when underlying Object updated

I’ve got the task to build something similar then excel and I’ve created an example code to explain my problem.
My custom wants to edit a Grid inline and after a value change on the input the distributions should get refreshed on the hole grid.
The example shows that it mainly works but the problem is that after
focus ist lost on the TextField
and the curos jumps on a tab to the browser-address-line or somewere else. Withou refreshAll the distributed column will net get refreshed in the UI.

Code you can find at:
github gist

Is there any trick how to solve this?
I’m using Vaadin-8.3.0

Thanks and best regards

Have you looked at the GridFastNavigation add-on yet?


Hi Olli,
I’ve not testes this addon but I guess it’s not solving my issue with the required refreshAll() in order to repaint the new calculated properties.
The focus and tabbing within the grid is enough but will refreshAll the hole grid is repainted and the focus is lost.

If you are just editing single item, you could use refreshItem instead. Or is your case such, that editing this item will cause data on other rows change also, and thus whole Grid needs to be updated?

RefreshItem(item) will refresh an item equals to your item.
So you have to create a equals method that will return true if you update your item. (with an Id on your article for example)