OpenLayers Questions

thx for this great add-on.

played something with Layers, Marker, Popup, … and OpenStreetMap - works great :slight_smile:

see example: result of first steps with OpenLayers + OSM to visualize GPS tracking data

is there anywhere an example how to add a KML Layer on OSM using your add-on ?

also tried to use other Maps like Google or VirtualEarth - but then nothing happens, no map appears. any ideas what could be wrong ?

BTW: we’re integrating OpenLayers into OpenSource project (BusinessApps with Vaadin and OSGi)


Would you like to handle you KML file on the server side or just display it on the client? I have built one server side KML file editor that might help you. The demo server appears to be down atm, but the project sources are hosted by google:

If you wish to use e.g. google map background layers, you must somehow ensure the google maps javascirpts are injected on host page. One option is to add it via widget set xml file (GWT modules can inject javascripts). See this example:


Hi Matti,

thx… I’ll take a look at the google maps js injection

at the moment I’ll stay with OpenStreetMap and if all works well, I’ll try out the other maps

for the KML file: I already have built my own KML services providing kml files dynamically. (I’m using this from mobile BlackBerry devices to add KML on top of BlackBerry Map)

so - I’m thinking of adding KML on top of OpenStreetMap, something like
addKML(URI kmlFile)

another question:
normaly you can switch between different OpenStreetMap maps like the CycleMap, Mapnik, Osmarender. is this possible with your add-on ?

thx again for a great add-on - I’ll blog in detail about this as soon as my tracking example is running (will be open sourced)



The “client parsed KML” should be relatively easy feature to add. WKT layer is quite similar ( VectorLayer, populated on the client side). Would you fill an issue about this to the google code project page? Otherwise I’ll most probably forget this issue.

The same goes for different OSM representations. Adding those should be even simpler.

Thanks in advance!


Issue 39

issue 40

BTW: at the moment you’re using Mapnik as default, I think ?

thx for great plugin - will blog in detail later

Hi Matti,

Thanks for all your quick response. Your rocking!!!

Need some advice. I have my KMZ/KML files containing many places(say x,y,z) and images with lat/long - while displaying “x” information want to display “x” place in Google earth client. Just want to display that particular “x” place kml file in google earth client, not on top of any (Gmap/openstreetlayer by keeping any placemark or vector in tht place).
i.e. just display it on the client. Do we have any examples for vaadin using some wrappers(or in Please give it as soon as possible. Im in need of it since its very urgent.

Please do not post the same question in multiple threads - see the forum guidelines.

A colleague of mine has been working on a Vaadin 7 version using a newer version of OpenLayers, but IIRC he is out of the office this week.


In case you just one OpenStreetMap as a base map for your app, I’d suggest to got with
V-Leaflet add-on
. It has built in support for OpenStreetMap base map. The class name is LOpenStreetMapLayer IIRC.

Another option is to use OpenLayers, the previously defacto OS slippy map implementation. Leaflet has though been more popular choise by most GIS fanatics lately. Links to V7 compatible OpenLayers (3) library:


Hi Matti,
Thanx for great addon V-Leaflet it works well.

I am using vaadin 7.1.10 version. And if I wish to use an OSM Map can i use OpenLayers3 wrapper addon with this version? I have tried with OpenLayers3 wrapper addon but getting Error as - Widgetset does not contain implementation for org.vaadin.addon.vol3.OLMap. Check its component connector’s @Connect mapping.

Plz help.

Thanx in advance!!!

If you have Leaflet in use, stay with that.

OpenLayer3 is probably built agains more modern Vaadin version, but I’d guess it should work with 7.1 as well. Check widgetset compilation log for more details.


Thank u Matti !!!