LoRaWAN Join Server

Greetings from DK !

Thought I wanted to share some output from my Bachelors thesis which showcases a nice use case for Vaadin, in my opinion at least.
I created something called a LoRaWAN Join Server. It has to do with the derivation of session keys for devices in a network to encrypt and integrity check data with. These keys are derived from long lived root keys (up to 15 years), which need to be stored in a quite secure manner. For this, I used Key Stores from Bouncy Castle in such a way that owners of devices have direct ownership to the devices via passwords.
I used Vaadin flow as the UI framework, since it fits right into the use case. Everything critical/sensitive happens server-side in a secure environment and no need to expose a management REST API if one doesn’t need to (even though it is exposed by default as-is :sweat_smile:).
There is of course plenty of flaws and the solution is definitely not secure enough at the moment.
Anyways, go check it out if it sparks some interest! :slight_smile:

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Hi! Interesting. I didn’t test in practice and honestly I had to google about LoRaWAN Join Server. :smile:
The Docker setup looks simple enough to run everything.

Do you have some screenshots? Sounds like Vaadin is indeed a perfect tool for service UI like this.