Jain I18N Add-On

I am new to Vaadin and i need to do a application with mutli language.
I found a Add-On in Vaadin

However, i have no idea on it at all. Can anyone give me a tutorial on it?

Thx a lot

Ok! not easy with all the add-ons!
I give you a good, more simple and straight solution.
Go to
select ‘Vaadin 7 Cookbook’ and download the samples of the book.

The chapter 08_05_vaadin-spring-internationalization will become your robust solution.

JainI18N is a very simple to library to use and achieve internationalization in your project.
Demo and Reference implementation is available at
Demo and Refrence Implementation

Example :

public class ApplicationUI extends I18NUI {

    protected void initialize (WrappedRequest request)  {
            //Your UI Code Goes here


Thanks alot! This is the solution that I have been looking for quite a while, very handy.

Good Morning

Let me see if this time I find someone being a good Samaritan to help me in this project of internationalizing my app. I wen t to the suggested [b]
www.packtpub.com/support and the page does not exist

Please help and a new suggestion

Hi Jorge,

Book of Vaadin has an example for internationalization
using resource bundles. There’s a link to GitHub sources as well.

Hope this helps,