Hello everyone.
I’m working on a Vaadin app (with Vaadin 7.10), and I have faced a serious problem.
I writing a view with a VerticalSplitPanel and a Grid. The grid gets its elements from a BeanItemContainer, and when you select one of these elements, it’s info is shown in the superior part of the split panel. I have already done this a couple of times without problem.
Now, when I populate the grid with more than 5 elements, only the last 5 elements (ie: those who are at the bottom of the grid) are properly recognized by the grid. If you select one of the “last-5” everything is OK, and info is shown. If you select any other, the grid says that you have selected a null row, even if it is shown.
But this is not the weirdest thing. If I click any of the headers of the grid, to sort it, suddenly, everything works fine and nice.
Here is the relevant code:
BeanItemContainer container;
private void generateGrid() {
Grid grid = new Grid();
container = new BeanItemContainer<>(A.class);
GeneratedPropertyContainer gpc = new GeneratedPropertyContainer(container);
grid.setColumns("name", "opc");
.setRenderer(new ComponentRenderer());
listado.addSelectionListener(ev -> {
Object itemId = listado.getSelectedRow();
if(itemId != null)
//Do something
//Do something else
private void generateColumns(GeneratedPropertyContainer gpc) {
gpc.addGeneratedProperty("opc", new PropertyValueGenerator<HorizontalLayout>() {
public HorizontalLayout getValue(Item item, Object itemId, Object propertyId) {
HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout();
Button bEdit = new Button("edit");
bEdit.addClickListener(ev -> {
//do something
return hl;
public Class<HorizontalLayout> getType() {
return HorizontalLayout.class;
private void loadContent() {
//Load them from a DB
I have tracked the error and I have the suspect that RPC calls twice to get grid’s rows, but it only calls for the last 5 the second time.
Any help?