enterprise-app for Vaadin add-on

Hi Agus.

I think this is just a warning when the server (Tomcat?) is serializing session instances on shutting down or starting up. This is not a problem unless you want to provide session serialization between restarts. Please provide me with the entire log and a screenshot so I can help you.

hi Hi Alejandro, I’d like to know which are the libraries that i need to run the enterprise-app

The required libraries are included inside the add-on package (/dependencies/). Hope this helps.

Now you can add Enterprise App using Maven:



I will start migrating to Vaadin 7 in a couple of weeks. Regards!


This add-on is fantastic! It is exactly what my company needed to use to produce great reports for our client. Although I cannot get the scrollbars to display in a PrintViewReport. Do you know why this may be happening?


Hi Ben. It’s good to know that the add-on is useful for your company.

Scrollbars in PrintViewReport are an issue right now. I think it’s related to the fact that the “print preview” is being rendered as HTML generated by JasperReports instead of Vaadin. I was thinking about playing with CSS styles to solve it, but right now is not a priority (supporting Vaadin 7 is the main priority right now).

i have a question…
enterpriseapp.example.widgetset.Enterprise_app_exampleWidgetset.nocache.js] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.


Did you compile/recompile your widgetset?

Thanks a lot for addon. As I see into example (https://github.com/alejandro-du/enterprise-app-example) you use hibernate 3.6.2. Can you tell me is addon compatible with hibernate 4.1?

Hi Alexey. I’m afraid I’ve never tried it with Hibernate 4+, so I don’t think it would work “out-of-the-box”. Shouldn’t be too difficult to migrate though.

heyyy, do you have a link for the actual add-on? The old one doesn’t work and i’m interested to see how it looks, maybe it helps me in my
:slight_smile: Thanksie


Yes, here you go:

Notice that I’m not currently supporting this add-on anymore and it doesn’t completely work with Vaadin 7 or later. I’m developing individual add-ons to address each of the features of the old enterprise-app add-on. So far, I’ve published the
Crud UI add-on
which works with Vaadin 7.