Eclipse Juno

Should the Vaadin Eclipse plugin work with the latest release of Eclipse (Juno)?

I have tried to install it on my Mac and it just seems to hang.

For me with Ubuntu 12.04 it works fine under Juno

Could it be that it just takes a long time to download some Vaadin and GWT JARs the first time (or when you use a Vaadin version not in cache)?

For me as well it works fine on Ubuntu, and I have the impression it works on my colleagues’ Macs as well.

I also use mac and have the same problem when I try to create vaadin-projects in eclipse… I just upgraded to Eclipse Juno and tried to create a vaadin project and now Eclipse tells me this:

"Vaadin libraries installation failed
Failed to add Vaadin jar to project
Failed to download validation-api-1.0.0.GA.jar from

If I type that url into a browser I get a 404.

(correction: that’s for vaadin7, vaadin 6 seems to work fine)

I am working with Juno, too.
I installed the plugin from the software site,
as it was recommended on
It works, but it is completly outdated. The Version there is still 2.0.1, 201105170102,
and i never got updates.

There is a newer Version at,
(V, but i can’t install it.
If i follow the installation instructions, i just get error messages about files not found,
no archive or something else. :frowning:


If you use Vaadin 7, the experimental version of the Eclipse plug-in works much better. Install it from the experimental update site at

I can use V wth Juno (Ubuntu 12.04), but the designer tab in the editor is not available.

Edit: And yes, I have opened the file in Vaadin Editor and not Java Editor.

Didn’t get the visual editor using experimental version either.

Tried again today, and now it seems to work, plugin version is
