CustomField with Image display and upload option

I am new to Vaadin and so far I am loving developing with it. I have hit a road-block with a requirement where I want to use and editable Image Field as part of a FieldGroup.

  1. I get a byte array of an image from the database (stored as a blob) and I convert it to StreamResource using:

StreamSource imagesource = new ImageSource(bytes); StreamResource resource = new StreamResource(imagesource, "Uploaded File"); 2. I need to display this image with an upload button where user can choose to upload a new image. This uploaded new image now replaces the image displayed in step 1.

I was thinking in terms of a CustomField creation with an Image and Upload option but I cannot seem to move further on this one.

Would be of great help if I can get my hands on a similar example or pointers in the right direction.

Thanks for the help!


I haven’t tried it myself, but the
EasyUploads add-on
contains an UploadField, which you may be able to use for this purpose. See its usage
here to upload images to the field

There’s also an experimental
example here
about how to wrap an Image and Upload to a CustomField, although it is more complex and has some issues.

Thanks Marko, I really appreciate your response. Easyuploads UploadField seems to create more complications for me.

I think I was looking for the example you have pointed to, will give it a shot tonight and update on the progress.