I’m currently writing my bachelor thesis and have to compare some java frameworks. Unfortunately there are only a few objective posts out there and if you find something interesting it’s written about a version from 2008 or something like that.
So here is me question:
Does anyone has experience with this frameworks: Spring Framework (espacially Web), Eclipse RAP, Wicket, JSF and of course Vaadin and can say something about their strengths and weaknesses?
I know that most of you will prefer vaadin, but i hope you can help me a little bit … Also I know, that this post is a little bit off topic, but I believe there are other people out there, which don’t know which framework to use and so much I have seen this community is open and helpful to new users.
You didn’t mention it, but I hope that you are aware of our
comparison page . It is of course somewhat subjective, but hopefully gives you a starting point. We at Vaadin believe that the listed aspects are important for web developers – if something is not, we want to know what is, so your thesis would be interesting.
The comparison, as well as our self-evaluation of our current position, is always open to discussion.
Yeah I’ve seen that page, but there are listed features and something like that, I hoped to get informations what is the strength and weakness of each framework like:
“Framework A is very good in scaleability, but isn’t good in client side events” or something like that.