Cant start Vaadin UI Designer after installing plugin


I follow this installing designer in this tutorial.

I installed it and stuck in this step which is When you open Vaadin Designer for the first time.

I downloaded basic project from this page as suggested and open with intellij + installed plugin.

How can i open Vaadin Designer for the first time? Which button i should click or smth? I never get my prompt page to verify or enter my subscruption.I dont know how to start my UIDesigner.

I have tried to uninstall designer plugin and delete ~/.vaadin directory but still dont now how to start UI Designer.

Any help or suggestion are welcome.

M1, JDK 22, Intellij 2024.1, VaadinDesigner 4.6.25

freezing in montreal

I dont read it carefully.

I get Intellij 2024.1 but plugin says compatible until 20.23.36 :cry:

I realiazed after i see lot of error in idea.log

2024-04-06 19:30:53,692 [ 219845] SEVERE - #c.i.o.o.e.ConfigurableWrapper - IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1  Build #IU-241.14494.240
2024-04-06 19:30:53,692 [ 219845] SEVERE - #c.i.o.o.e.ConfigurableWrapper - JDK: 17.0.10; VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM; Vendor: JetBrains s.r.o.
2024-04-06 19:30:53,692 [ 219845] SEVERE - #c.i.o.o.e.ConfigurableWrapper - OS: Mac OS X
2024-04-06 19:30:53,692 [ 219845] SEVERE - #c.i.o.o.e.ConfigurableWrapper - Plugin to blame: Vaadin Designer version: 4.6.25
2024-04-06 19:30:53,693 [ 219846] SEVERE - #c.i.o.o.e.ConfigurableWrapper - No display name specified in plugin descriptor XML file for configurable com.vaadin.designer2.intellij.settings.ProjectSettingsConfigurable;
specify it using 'displayName' or 'key' attribute to avoid necessity to load the configurable class when Settings dialog is opened [Plugin: com.vaadin.designer2.intellij]
com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: No display name specified in plugin descriptor XML file for configurable com.vaadin.designer2.intellij.settings.ProjectSettingsConfigurable;
specify it using 'displayName' or 'key' attribute to avoid necessity to load the configurable class when Settings dialog is opened [Plugin: com.vaadin.designer2.intellij]
	at com.intellij.openapi.options.ex.ConfigurableWrapper.getDisplayName(
	at com.intellij.openapi.options.ex.Weighted.lambda$static$0(
	at java.base/java.util.TimSort.binarySort(
	at java.base/java.util.TimSort.sort(
	at java.base/java.util.Arrays.sort(
	at java.base/java.util.ArrayList.sort(

I create a new issue in git. Just to make them aware about it.

I try to downgrade and reinstall once again designerUI.

it is getting warmer here in Montreal…

So I downgraded my intellij and installed the plugin.

I need to add this

sudo ln -s /opt/homebrew/opt/node@20/bin/node /usr/local/bin/

then vaadin plugin can find my node installed by homebrew.

UI designer is opened but in browser not as a window in intellij

Still try to find it out how to make it run as intelliJ plugin.

any suggestion is still welcome.

Hello, I have released a new Vaadin Designer 4.6.26. While JetBrains is approving it, feel free to use EAP version

Regarding opening in the browser, have you tried to disable appropriate setting? It could be found at File->Settings->Vaadin Designer->Browser settings->Enable Chrome editor.

Hi @stepan.zolotarev thank you for your respond.

I prefer to stick with designerUI plugin version 4.6.25 assuming people have used it with high change to success :slight_smile:

I always get message Please wait loading view and it never opens the UI editor.

I have jetty server run in background, stated in idea.log

2024-04-18 16:17:24,140 [1300813] INFO - org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - Started @1301074ms
2024-04-18 16:17:24,140 [1300813] INFO - com.vaadin.designer2.server.EditorApplicationServer - Remote preview available on Designer running on http://localhost:51192.
2024-04-18 16:17:24,160 [1300833] INFO - - Starting node process: /usr/local/bin/node ./dist/server.js --rootPath=/Users/slawalata/Projects/java/vaadin/designer-tutorial-ex01/node_modules --port=55647 --hostPid=17403

I try to click both http://localhost:51192 and but it return 404.

If i use browser mode, it will show a black white sheet eventhough i have put several component on it like screen shot

I find this error message in browser:

Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module ‘http://localhost:55647/files/transformed/lit-element/index.js’ does not provide an export named ‘customElement’ (at 0daf?mode=edit&editor:1:33)

I am not successfully running designerui in my machine until now.

Mac M1, Sonoma 14.4, openjdk 21

many thanks.

After struggling with this issue, I found a workaround that worked for me. Open the file-view.ts file located in the /frontend/generated/jar-resources/src/views/ folder. Surprisingly, this file opens with the components loaded. After doing this, I was also able to load the original source file in the designer (both chrome and intellij)