我正在翻译《Book of Vaadin》







Hi Ying,

I’m glad to see that you have started translating the book. We have noticed that there are many developers in China who probably would want to have Vaadin documentation in their own language, so this is nice.

We have been experimenting with the translation system for Vaadin 7. You can find the translation project at
. We’ll probably have the system available for contributors soon.

Please note that we ask you to sign the Contribution Agreement, so that we (and you as well) can use your translation. It’s explained in the project page, and is a common formality in many open source projects.

The old translation project for Vaadin 6 can be found
. You can try it out, but please don’t bother doing real translations there, as the book version is outdated. The new project requires signing the agreement before getting access rights - just to ensure that we can actually use the translations.

加油 !


Great work! 加油!


目前已完成 [第 5 章 UI 组件]
的 [5.22. Slider]

​万恶的第5章终于翻完了, 合计210页, 全书完成1/3

有没留意Marko的回复?那个Contribution Agreement挺重要的,方便的话就签下那个。

第6章翻完, 合计249页


第7章翻完, 合计260页


第8章翻完, 合计290页



第10章翻完, 合计328页


It’s nice to see that you are progressing. I activated the
translation project
at GetLocalization last week and we have the automatic translation builds going daily now. It would be great if you could move your work there, so that others could also participate. After you have sent the Contribution Agreement, please send me email so that I know about that when you request project access in GetLocalization.

How have you been doing the translations? With the PO files with some tool, I hope? It would be best to upload your existing translation immediately once the Chinese translation project is created. Some work is probably needed to handle the latest book changes.


Hi Marko:

Thanks for noticing me about the translation project.
I will sign the Contribution Agreement and send it to you.
And then, I will move my work to the translation project.

Yes, I am using a tool (PoEdit:
) to do the translations.
All the translations base on the original xml files which I cloned from the GIT reposigory:

I extract the PO files from the XML files with xml2pot tool in some linux environment, translate it to Chinese, and build the HTML document using the Ant build script.

So, Yes, the translations are in PO files, and can be upload if necessary.

Hi Ying,

Ok, excellent. I first considered using some desktop PO editor tool for the book translations (did testing with Lokalize), but installing such would have been a barrier for many translators and collaboration would have been more difficult. On the positive side, such PO tools handle fuzzy translations properly, unlike GetLocalization, which tries to use the translation memory for the same purpose, but not very well, so changed paragraphs usually have to be completely retranslated. It’s not really possible to use both GetLocalization and another PO tool, as resolving conflicts would be annoying.

If there are no other Chinese translators, you could just continue using the poedit tool and push the translations to the book repository. GetLocalization is useful for collaboration, but if you work alone, poedit might be better, as it has fuzzy support. It’s really up to you.

I added the build feature to overwrite English image files if translated ones exist under manual/translations//img. See the
project page
for details. It also mentions the Gerrit review instructions for pushing to the book repository, which you can do after I get the agreement.

第12章翻完,合计416页.全书的Part I和Part II结束了,内容大约完成了2/3